
第508章 CHAPTER X(47)

FN 113 See the contemporary poems, entitled Hounslow Heath and Caesar's Ghost; Evelyn's Diary, June 2. 1686. A ballad in the Pepysian collection contains the following lines "I liked the place beyond expressing, I ne'er saw a camp so fine, Not a maid in a plain dressing, But might taste a glass of wine."FN 114 Luttrell's Diary, June 18. 1686.

FN 115 See the memoirs of Johnson, prefixed to the folio edition of his life, his Julian, and his answers to his opponents. See also Hickes's Jovian.

FN 116 Life of Johnson, prefixed to his works; Secret History of the happy Revolution, by Hugh Speke; State Trials; Citters, Nov 23/Dec 3 1686. Citters gives the best account of the trial. Ihave seen a broadside which confirms his narrative.

FN 117 See the preface to Henry Wharton's Posthumous Sermons.

FN 118 This I can attest from my own researches. There is an excellent collection in the British Museum. Birch tells us, in his Life of Tillotson, that Archbishop Wake had not been able to form even a perfect catalogue of all the tracts published in this controversy.

FN 119 Cardinal Howard spoke strongly to Burnet at Rome on this subject Burnet, i. 662. There is a curious passage to the same effect in a despatch of Barillon but I have mislaid the reference.

One of the Roman Catholic divines who engaged in this controversy, a Jesuit named Andrew Patton, whom Mr. Oliver, in his biography of the Order, pronounces to have been a man of distinguished ability, very frankly owns his deficiencies. "A. P. having been eighteen years out of his own country, pretends not yet to any perfection of the English expression or orthography."His orthography is indeed deplorable. In one of his letters wright is put for write, woed for would. He challenged Tenison to dispute with him in Latin, that they might be on equal terms. In a contemporary satire, entitled The Advice, is the following couplet "Send Pulton to be lashed at Bushy's school, That he in print no longer play the fool."Another Roman Catholic, named William Clench, wrote a treatise on the Pope's supremacy, and dedicated it to the Queen in Italian.

The following specimen of his style may suffice. "O del sagro marito fortunata consorte! O dolce alleviamento d' affari alti! Ograto ristoro di pensieri noiosi, nel cui petto latteo, lucente specchio d'illibata matronal pudicizia, nel cui seno odorato, come in porto damor, si ritira il Giacomo! O beata regia coppia!

O felice inserto tra l'invincibil leoni e le candide aquile!"Clench's English is of a piece with his Tuscan. For example, "Peter signifies an inexpugnable rock, able to evacuate all the plots of hell's divan, and naufragate all the lurid designs of empoisoned heretics."Another Roman Catholic treatise, entitled "The Church of England truly represented," begins by informing us that "the ignis fatuus of reformation, which had grown to a comet by many acts of spoil and rapine, had been ushered into England, purified of the filth which it had contracted among the lakes of the Alps."FN 120 Barillon, July 19/29 1686.

FN 121 Act Parl. Aug. 24. 1560; Dec. 15. 1567.

FN 122 Act Parl. May 8. 1685.

FN 123 Act Parl. Aug. 31 1681.

FN 124 Burnet, i. 584.

FN 125 Ibid. i. 652, 653.

FN 126 Ibid. i. 678.

FN 127 Burnet, i. 653.

FN 128 Fountainhall, Jan. 28. 1685/6.

FN 129 Ibid. Jan. 11 1685/6.

FN 130 Fountainhall, Jan. 31. and Feb. 1. 1685/6.; Burnet, i.

678,; Trials of David Mowbray and Alexander Keith, in the Collection of State Trials; Bonrepaux, Feb. 11/21FN 131 Lewis to Barillon, Feb. 18/28 1686.

FN 132 Fountainhall, Feb. 16.; Wodrow, book iii. chap. x. sec. 3.

"We require," His Majesty graciously wrote, "that you spare no legal trial by torture or otherwise."FN 133 Bonrepaux, Feb. 18/28 1686.

FN 134 Fountainhall, March 11. 1686; Adda, March 1/11FN 135 This letter is dated March 4. 1686.

FN 136 Barillon, April 19/29 1686; Burnet, i. 370.

FN 137 The words are in a letter of Johnstone of Waristoun.

FN 138 Some words of Barillon deserve to be transcribed. They would alone suffice to decide a question which ignorance and party spirit have done much to perplex. "Cette liberte accordee aux nonconformistes a faite une grande difficulte, et a ete debattue pendant plusieurs jours. Le Roy d'Angleterre avoit fort envie que les Catholiques eussent seuls la liberte de l'exercice de leur religion." April 19/29 1686.

FN 139 Barillon, April 19/29 1686 Citters, April 18/28 20/30 May 9/19FN 140 Fountainhall, May 6. 1686.

FN 141 Ibid. June 15. 1686.

FN 142 Citters, May 11/21 1686. Citters informed the States that he had his intelligence from a sure hand. I will transcribe part of his narrative. It is an amusing specimen of the pyebald dialect in which the Dutch diplomatists of that age corresponded.

"Des konigs missive, boven en behalven den Hoog Commissaris aensprake, aen het parlement afgesonden, gelyck dat altoos gebruyckelyck is, waerby Syne Majesteyt ny in genere versocht hieft de mitigatie der rigoureuse ofte sanglante wetten von het Ryck jegens het Pausdom, in het Generale Comitee des Articles (soo men het daer naemt) na ordre gestelt en gelesen synde, in 't voteren, den Hertog van Hamilton onder anderen klaer uyt seyde dat hy daertoe niet soude verstaen, dat by anders genegen was den konig in allen voorval getrouw te dienen volgens het dictamen syner conscientie: 't gene reden gaf aen de Lord Cancelier de Grave Perts te seggen dat het woort conscientie niets en beduyde, en alleen een individuum vagum was, waerop der Chevalier Locqnard dan verder gingh; wil man niet verstaen de betyckenis van het woordt conscientie, soo sal ik in fortioribus seggen dat wy meynen volgens de fondamentale wetten van het ryck."There is, in the Hind Let Loose, a curious passage to which Ishould have given no credit, but for this despatch of Citters.

"They cannot endure so much as to hear of the name of conscience.

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