
第787章 CHAPTER XVI(47)

FN 160 A true Representation to the King and People of England how Matters were carried on all along in Ireland by the late King James, licensed Aug. 16. 1689; A true Account of the Present State of Ireland by a Person that with Great Difficulty left Dublin, licensed June 8.


FN 161 Hamilton's Actions of the Inniskilling Men, 1689.

FN 162 Walker's Account, 1689.

FN 163 Mackenzie's Narrative; Mac Cormack's Further Impartial Account;Story's Impartial History of the Affairs of Ireland, 1691;Apology for the Protestants of Ireland; Letter from Dublin of Feb. 25. 1689;Avaux to Lewis, April 15/25. 1689.

FN 164 Memoires de Madame de la Fayette; Madame de Sevigne to Madame de Grignan, Feb. 28. 1689.

FN 165 Burnet, ii. 17; Clarke's Life of James II., 320, 321, 322, FN 166 Maumont's Instructions.

FN 167 Dangeau, Feb. 15/25 17/27 1689; Madame de Sevigne, 18/28Feb.

20/March; Memoires de Madame de la Fayette.

FN 168 Memoirs of La Fare and Saint Simon; Note of Renaudot on English affairs 1697, in the French Archives; Madame de Sevigne, Feb 20/March 2, March 11/21, 1689; Letter of Madame de Coulanges to M. de Coulanges, July 23. 1691.

FN 169 See Saint Simon's account of the trick by which Avaux tried to pass himself off at Stockholm as a Knight of the Order of the Holy Ghost.

FN 170 This letter, written to Lewis from the harbour of Brest, is in the Archives of the French Foreign Office, but is wanting in the very rare volume printed in Downing Street.

FN 171 A full and true Account of the Landing and Reception of the late King James at Kinsale, in a letter from Bristol, licensed April 4.

1689; Leslie's Answer to King; Ireland's Lamentation; Avaux, March 13/23FN 172 Avaux, March. 13/23 1689; Life of James, ii. 327. Orig.


FN 173 Avaux, March 15/25. 1689.

FN 174 Ibid. March 25/April 4 1689.

FN 175 A full and true Account of the Landing and Reception of the late King James; Ireland's Lamentation; Light to the Blind.

FN 176 See the calculations of Petty, King, and Davenant. If the average number of inhabitants to a house was the same in Dublin as in London, the population of Dublin would have been about thirty-four thousand.

FN 177 John Damon speaks of College Green near Dublin. I have seen letters of that age directed to the College, by Dublin. There are some interesting old maps of Dublin in the British Museum.

FN 178 Clarendon to Rochester, Feb. 8. 1685/6, April 20. Aug. 12.


30. 1686.

FN 179 Clarke's Life of James II, ii. 330.; Full and true Account of the Landing and Reception, &c.; Ireland's Lamentation.

FN 180 Clarendon's Diary; Reresby's Memoirs; Narcissus Luttrell's Diary. I have followed Luttrell's version of Temple's last words.

It agrees in substance with Clarendon's, but has more of the abruptness natural on such an occasion. If anything could make so tragical an event ridiculous, it would be the lamentation of the author of the Londeriad "The wretched youth against his friend exclaims, And in despair drowns himself in the Thames."FN 181 Much light is thrown on the dispute between the English and Irish parties in James's Council, by a remarkable letter of Bishop Maloney to Bishop Tyrrel, which will be found in the Appendix to Kings State of the Protestants.

FN 182 Avaux, March 25/April 4 1689, April. But it is less from any single letter, than from the whole tendency and spirit of the correspondence of Avaux, that I have formed my notion of his objects.

FN 183 "Il faut donc, oubliant qu'il a este Roy d'Angleterre et d'Escosse, ne penser qu'a ce qui peut bonifier l'Irlande, et luy faciliter les moyens d'y subsister." Louvois to Avaux, June 3/13.


FN 184 See the despatches written by Avaux during April 1689;Light to the Blind.

FN 185 Avaux, April 6/16 1689.

FN 186 Avaux, May 8/18 1689.

FN 187 Pusignan to Avaux March 30/April 9 1689.

FN 188 This lamentable account of the Irish beer is taken from a despatch which Desgrigny wrote from Cork to Louvois, and which is in the archives of the French War Office.

FN 189 Avaux, April 13/23. 1689; April 20/30, FN 190 Avaux to Lewis, April 15/25 1689, and to Louvois, of the same date.

FN 191 Commons' Journals, August 12. 1689; Mackenzie's Narrative.

FN 192 Avaux, April 17/27. 1689. The story of these strange changes of purpose is told very disingenuously in the Life of James, ii.

330, 331, 332. Orig. Mem.

FN 193 Life of James, ii. 334, 335. Orig. Mem.

FN 194 Memoirs of Saint Simon. Some English writers ignorantly speak of Rosen as having been, at this time, a Marshal of France. He did not become so till 1703. He had long been a Marechal de Camp, which is a very different thing, and had been recently promoted to the rank of Lieutenant General.

FN 195 Avaux, April 4/14 1689, Among the MSS. in the British Museum is a curious report on the defences of Londonderry, drawn up in 1705for the Duke of Ormond by a French engineer named Thomas.

FN 196 Commons' Journals, August 12. 1689.

FN 197 The best history of these transactions will be found in the journals of the House of Commons, August 12. 1689. See also the narratives of Walker and Mackenzie.

FN 198 Mackenzie's Narrative, FN 199 Walker and Mackenzie.

FN 200 See the Character of the Protestants of Ireland 1689, and the Interest of England in the Preservation of Ireland, 1689. The former pamphlet is the work of an enemy, the latter of a zealous friend.

FN 201 There was afterwards some idle dispute about the question whether Walker was properly Governor or not. To me it seems quite clear that he was so.

FN 202 Mackenzie's Narrative; Funeral Sermon on Bishop Hopkins, 1690.

FN 203 Walker's True Account, 1689. See also The Apology for the True Account, and the Vindication of the True Account, published in the same year. I have called this man by the name by which he was known in Ireland. But his real name was Houstoun. He is frequently mentioned in the strange volume entitled Faithful Contendings Displayed.

FN 204 A View of the Danger and Folly of being publicspirited, by William Hamill, 1721FN 205 See Walker's True Account and Mackenzie's Narrative.

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