From October 1690 till May 1691, no military operation on a large scale was attempted in that kingdom. The area of the island was, during the winter and spring, not unequally divided between the contending races. The whole of Ulster, the greater part of Leinster and about one third of Munster had submitted to the English. The whole of Connaught, the greater part of Munster, and two or three counties of Leinster were held by the Irish. The tortuous boundary formed by William's garrisons ran in a north eastern direction from the bay of Castlehaven to Mallow, and then, inclining still further eastward, proceeded to Cashel. From Cashel the line went to Mullingar, from Mullingar to Longford, and from Longford to Cavan, skirted Lough Erne on the west, and met the ocean again at Ballyshannon.68On the English side of this pale there was a rude and imperfect order. Two Lords Justices, Coningsby and Porter, assisted by a Privy Council, represented King William at Dublin Castle. Judges, Sheriffs and Justices of the Peace had been appointed; and assizes were, after a long interval, held in several county towns. The colonists had meanwhile been formed into a strong militia, under the command of officers who had commissions from the Crown. The trainbands of the capital consisted of two thousand five hundred foot, two troops of horse and two troops of dragoons, all Protestants and all well armed and clad.69 On the fourth of November, the anniversary of William's birth, and on the fifth, the anniversary of his landing at Torbay, the whole of this force appeared in all the pomp of war. The vanquished and disarmed natives assisted, with suppressed grief and anger, at the triumph of the caste which they had, five months before, oppressed and plundered with impunity. The Lords Justices went in state to Saint Patrick's Cathedral; bells were rung; bonfires were lighted; hogsheads of ale and claret were set abroach in the streets; fireworks were exhibited on College Green; a great company of nobles and public functionaries feasted at the Castle;and, as the second course came up, the trumpets sounded, and Ulster King at Arms proclaimed, in Latin, French and English, William and Mary, by the grace of God, King and Queen of Great Britain, France, and Ireland.70Within the territory where the Saxon race was dominant, trade and industry had already begun to revive. The brazen counters which bore the image and superscription of James gave place to silver.
Theologico-Political Treatise P2
他是家世显赫的官二代,她是卑微的佣人女儿,青梅竹马,却是云和泥的距离,他十九岁生日派对,她替妈妈送杯醒酒茶给他,结果被他女朋友指认勾引他,他们成了互不往来的冤家,八年后,他是驻罗马外交官,她挤破脑袋考上公务员,好死不死地成了他的第一秘书,他们互相斗气,却要一起在罗马工作,一枚古旧的戒指让他们穿越时空,回到了安东尼帝国时代,她成了教皇的女儿,漂亮聪明地位崇高的祭司,未来的女教皇,两个罗马王子爱慕追求她,米兰公爵梦想娶她为妻,她是权力和爱情争夺的焦点,而他却成了王子的奴隶,拿生命娱乐权贵的角斗士,他做梦都想拿回那枚戒指回到现代,可是它却属于她——罗马教皇公主,他要如何才能接近她,拿回魔戒而开启时空之门回到现代?时空交错的穿越,身份地位转变的悬殊,尴尬的曾经关系,复杂纷乱的宫廷角逐,他们异世相恋,生死相许,能否一起回到现代?生活如若又走到了起点,他们是否可以再续前缘?威尼斯商人 吝啬鬼 死魂灵 欧也妮·葛朗台