

"Aw!" The exclamation was a tremendous sigh. "I shore am glad!"That beautiful flash left his face as he wheeled to the men.

He wrung Dale's hand long and hard, and his gaze confused the older man.

"RIGGS!" he said, and in the jerk of his frame as he whipped out the word disappeared the strange, fleeting signs of his kindlier emotion.

"Wilson killed him," replied Dale.

"Jim Wilson -- that old Texas Ranger! . . . Reckon he lent you a hand?""My friend, he saved Bo," replied Dale, with emotion. "My old cougar an' me -- we just hung 'round.""You made Wilson help you?" cut in the hard voice.

"Yes. But he killed Riggs before I come up an' I reckon he'd done well by Bo if I'd never got there.""How about the gang?"

"All snuffed out, I reckon, except Wilson."

"Somebody told me Beasley hed ran Miss Helen off the ranch.

Thet so?"

"Yes. Four of his greasers packed her down the hill -- most tore her clothes off, so Roy tells me.""Four greasers! . . . Shore it was Beasley's deal clean through?""Yes. Riggs was led. He had an itch for a bad name, you know. But Beasley made the plan. It was Nell they wanted instead of Bo."Abruptly Carmichael stalked off down the darkening path, his silver heel-plates ringing, his spurs jingling.

"Hold on, Carmichael," called Dale, taking a step.

"Oh, Tom!" cried Bo.

"Shore folks callin' won't be no use, if anythin would be,"said Roy. "Las Vegas has hed a look at red liquor.""He's been drinking! Oh, that accounts! . . . he never --never even touched me!"

For once Helen was not ready to comfort Bo. A mighty tug at her heart had sent her with flying, uneven steps toward Dale. He took another stride down the path, and another.

"Dale -- oh -- please stop!" she called, very low.

He halted as if he had run sharply into a bar across the path. When he turned Helen had come close. Twilight was deep there in the shade of the peach-trees, but she could see his face, the hungry, flaring eyes.

"I -- I haven't thanked you -- yet -- for bringing Bo home,"she whispered.

"Nell, never mind that," he said, in surprise. "If you must -- why, wait. I've got to catch up with that cowboy.""No. Let me thank you now," she whispered, and, stepping closer, she put her arms up, meaning to put them round his neck. That action must be her self-punishment for the other time she had done it. Yet it might also serve to thank him.

But, strangely, her hands got no farther than his breast, and fluttered there to catch hold of the fringe of his buckskin jacket. She felt a heave of his deep chest.

"I -- I do thank you -- with all my heart," she said, softly. "I owe you now -- for myself and her -- more than Ican ever repay."

"Nell, I'm your friend," he replied, hurriedly. "Don't talk of repayin' me. Let me go now -- after Las Vegas.""What for?" she queried, suddenly.

"I mean to line up beside him -- at the bar -- or wherever he goes," returned Dale.

"Don't tell me that. _I_ know. You're going straight to meet Beasley.""Nell, if you hold me up any longer I reckon I'll have to run -- or never get to Beasley before that cowboy."Helen locked her fingers in the fringe of his jacket --leaned closer to him, all her being responsive to a bursting gust of blood over her.

"I'll not let you go," she said.

He laughed, and put his great hands over hers. "What 're you sayin', girl? You can't stop me.""Yes, I can. Dale, I don't want you to risk your life."He stared at her, and made as if to tear her hands from their hold.

"Listen -- please -- oh -- please!" she implored. "If you go deliberately to kill Beasley -- and do it -- that will be murder. . . . It's against my religion. . . . I would be unhappy all my life.""But, child, you'll be ruined all your life if Beasley is not dealt with -- as men of his breed are always dealt with in the West," he remonstrated, and in one quick move he had freed himself from her clutching fingers.

Helen, with a move as swift, put her arms round his neck and clasped her hands tight.

"Milt, I'm finding myself," she said. "The other day, when Idid -- this -- you made an excuse for me. . . . I'm not two-faced now."She meant to keep him from killing Beasley if she sacrificed every last shred of her pride. And she stamped the look of his face on her heart of hearts to treasure always. The thrill, the beat of her pulses, almost obstructed her thought of purpose.

"Nell, just now -- when you're overcome -- rash with feelin's -- don't say to me -- a word -- a --"He broke down huskily.

"My first friend -- my -- Oh Dale, I KNOW you love me! she whispered. And she hid her face on his breast, there to feel a tremendous tumult.

"Oh, don't you?" she cried, in low, smothered voice, as his silence drove her farther on this mad, yet glorious purpose.

"If you need to be told -- yes -- I reckon I do love you, Nell Rayner," he replied.

It seemed to Helen that he spoke from far off. She lifted her face, her heart on her lips.

"If you kill Beasley I'll never marry you," she said.

"Who's expectin' you to?" he asked, with low, hoarse laugh.

"Do you think you have to marry me to square accounts?

This's the only time you ever hurt me, Nell Rayner. . . .

I'm 'shamed you could think I'd expect you -- out of gratitude --""Oh -- you -- you are as dense as the forest where you live," she cried. And then she shut her eyes again, the better to remember that transfiguration of his face, the better to betray herself.

  • To Have and To Hold

    To Have and To Hold

  • 续眉庐丛话


  • 菩萨十住行道品


  • 海雪堂峤雅集


  • 慨古录


  • 废柴四小姐:逆天炼丹师


    第一世她杀死了最爱的人,从此在世间留恋了九千年,只为找寻他的踪迹。现世的她是被组织培养的杀手,手上不知沾满了多少鲜血,却不料被自己最尊敬的老师害死重生辉夜大陆。 世人皆传她重伤昏迷多年,错过了觉醒时期,成了不能修炼废材。 不好意思,她所拥有的灵气是魔法阵和斗气功法都可以修炼的。 没有魔法斗气成为炼药师几乎是不可能的事情? 她告诉你万物皆有可能…… 听说驯兽师这个职业非一般人能驾驭得了…… 她看了身后的为了争宠都要打起来的神兽。 听说她要嫁给那个丑陋不堪心狠手辣的魔主大人。 某魔主大人轻轻的飘了一眼过去。 众人:怕了怕了,您就是天上地下唯吾独尊绝无仅有的神颜,和女王大人绝配!
  • 天才控灵师


  • 雷霆之主


  • 了本生死经


  • 跛脚的皇帝


  • 医方论


  • 灵孽


  • 独家宠溺:暮少,请臣服


  • 我家皇妃就是那么菜


    咸鱼突然翻身,翻进了宫。什么?什么婚约,什么帝王......我不要待在这里!男人都是大猪蹄子...拖她上战场打仗,下河沟玩泥巴,去山上抓鸡,去山下吃豆腐脑...你可是帝王啊!千万不要跟我纠缠不清,不就是政治联姻吗?我嫁!我嫁!...嫁了之后呢?他一下子对她百般讨好,乖的不像话。你要吃鸡我帮你抓,你要豆腐脑我给你做,但前提是你要给我做桂花羹...... 赠之以白芍,雪夜探红梅....... “若你愿做我一个人的妃子...” 月夜,二人长相厮守,她心无旁骛。 “杀戮是无止境的,只有我能保你安好...” 上战场前,他将她搂之于怀,也许是最后的告诫。 “何为柔肠百转?何为牵肠挂肚?” 阴雨绵绵,他当着别的妃子的面,怒问虞沁。 …… 江绾到后来才明白,她爱他。傻子!他把人给了自己,她为他做一辈子的桂花羹。 不知过了多久,她才知道所有的前因后果。 她不惜为了他再上战场,犯错后,却又不惜将自己送上断头台。 即便犯下再大的错,也不会让你离开。 江绾对他,又爱,又恨。 爱他的撕心裂肺,恨他的痛彻心扉。 下雪了。“绾儿,再给我做一碗桂花羹吧。” 只为爱的女人笑,只为爱的女人敞开怀抱。
  • 观测者世界

