

The party was a great success. The appointments were perfect; the music the best that could be had, and Maimie more beautiful than ever. In some mysterious way, known only to Aunt Frank, the rumor of Maimie's approaching engagement got about among the guests and produced an undertone of excitement to the evenings gayety. Maimie was too excited to be quite natural, but she had never appeared more brilliant and happy, and surely she had every cause. She had achieved a dizzy summit of social success that made her at once the subject of her friends' congratulations and her rivals' secret envy, and which was the more delightful it would be hard to say.

Truly, she was a fortunate girl, but still the night was long, and she was tired of it all before it was over. The room seemed empty, and often her heart gave a leap as her eyes fell upon some form that appeared more handsome and striking than others near, but only to sink again in disappointment when a second glance told her that it was only some ordinary man. Kate, too, kept aloof in a very unpleasant way, and Harry, devoting himself to Kate, had not done his duty. But in spite of everything the party had been a great success, and when it was over Maimie went straight to bed to sleep.

She knew that Ranald would be awaiting the answer to his note, but she could not bring herself to face what she knew would be an ordeal that might murder sleep for her, and sleep she must have, for she must be her best to-morrow. It would have been better for all involved had she written her answer that night; otherwise Ranald would not have been standing at her door in the early afternoon asking to see her. It was Aunt Frances who came down to the drawing-room. As Ranald stood up and bowed, she adjusted her pince-nez upon her aristocratic nose, and viewed him.

"You are wishing to see Miss St. Clair," she said, in her very chilliest tone.

"I asked to see Maimie," said Ranald, looking at her with cool, steady eyes.

"I must say, Mr. Macdonald, that after your conduct to my brother yesterday, I am surprised you should have the assurance to enter his house.""I would prefer not discussing office matters with you," said Ranald, politely, and with a suspicion of a smile. "I have come to see Maimie.""That, I am glad to say, is impossible, for she is at present out with Captain De Lacy who has just arrived from the East to--see--to--in short, on a very special errand."

For a moment Ranald stood without reply.

"She is out, you say?" he answered at length.

"She is out with Captain De Lacy." He caught the touch of triumph in her voice.

"Will she be back soon?" inquired Ranald, looking baffled.

"Of course one cannot tell in such a case," answered Miss St. Clair, "but I should think not." Miss St. Clair was enjoying herself. It did her good to see this insolent, square-jawed young man standing helpless before her.

"It is important that I should see her," said Ranald, after a few moments' thought. "I shall wait." Had Miss St. Clair known him better she would have noticed with some concern the slow fires kindling in his eyes. As it was she became indignant.

"That, Mr. Macdonald, you shall not; and allow me to say frankly that your boldness--your insolence--I may say, is beyond all bounds.""Insolence, and when?" Ranald was very quiet.

"You come to the house of your employer, whom you have insulted, and demand to see his daughter.""I have a right to see her."

"Right? What right have you, pray?"

Then Ranald stood up and looked Miss St. Clair full in the face with eyes fairly alight.

  • 金云翘传


  • 阿育王子法益坏目因缘经


  • 高上玉皇本行经髓


  • 感类篇


  • Massacres of the South

    Massacres of the South

  • 重生之学霸修炼计划


  • 重生农家好日子


  • 追心游戏:天价豪门婚约


  • 漫漫长路沁梅香


  • 世界经典童话故事全集:女人儿童的故事


    本套丛书包括《国王皇后的故事》、《王子少年的故事》、《公主千金的故事》、《官员商人的故事》、《庶民百姓的故事》、《能工巧匠的故事》、《女人儿童的故事》、《魔鬼妖怪的故事》、《动物植物的故事》和《生灵怪象的故事》等10册童话故事,其中包括安徒生、格林、豪夫和王尔德的作品,也包括了世界各国许多民间童话故事, 很具有代表性和普遍性。相信这套《世界经典童话故事全集》丛书,能够启迪儿童的心灵、陶冶儿童的情操、培养儿童的情趣、丰富儿童的知识、发展儿童的智力,成为广大父母和少年儿童们的良好读物和收藏品。
  • 宠爱无信号


  • 解读科技难题(科学探索的真相)


  • 快穿之炮灰不伤悲


    绝望的原主们:为什么全世界都在针对我,我到底做错了什么思如微笑:捶回去。本文无cp,多谢多谢! 作者新书〈当恶毒女配变得认真了〉,独女主,无cp,请各位书友支持哈,票票多多的来,什么票都收哈。 么么哒!!
  • 一觉睡醒我脱单了


  • 虐世妃舞

