In this way they had entered among the mountains of the Odenwald,and were traversing one of its most lonely and thickly-woodedpasses. It is well known that the forests of Germany have alwaysbeen as much infested by robbers as its castles by spectres; and, atthis time, the former were particularly numerous, from the hordes ofdisbanded soldiers wandering about the country. It will not appearextraordinary, therefore, that the cavaliers were attacked by a gangof these stragglers, in the midst of the forest. They defendedthemselves with bravery, but were nearly overpowered, when the count'sretinue arrived to their assistance. At sight of them the robbersfled, but not until the count had received a mortal wound. He wasslowly and carefully conveyed back to the city of Wurtzburg, and afriar summoned from a neighboring convent, who was famous for hisskill in administering to both soul and body; but half of his skillwas superfluous; the moments of the unfortunate count were numbered.
With his dying breath he entreated his friend to repair instantly tothe castle of Landshort, and explain the fatal cause of his notkeeping his appointment with his bride. Though not the most ardentof lovers, he was one of the most punctilious of men, and appearedearnestly solicitous that his mission should be speedily andcourteously executed. "Unless this is done," said he, "I shall notsleep quietly in my grave!" He repeated these last words with peculiarsolemnity. A request, at a moment so impressive, admitted nohesitation. Starkenfaust endeavored to soothe him to calmness;promised faithfully to execute his wish, and gave him his hand insolemn pledge. The dying man pressed it in acknowledgment, but soonlapsed into delirium- raved about his bride- his engagements- hisplighted word; ordered his horse, that he might ride to the castleof Landshort; and expired in the fancied act of vaulting into thesaddle.
Starkenfaust bestowed a sigh and a soldier's tear on the untimelyfate of his comrade; and then pondered on the awkward mission he hadundertaken. His heart was heavy, and his head perplexed; for he was topresent himself an unbidden guest among hostile people, and to damptheir festivity with tidings fatal to their hopes. Still there werecertain whisperings of curiosity in his bosom to see this far-famedbeauty of Katzenellenbogen, so cautiously shut up from the world;for he was a passionate admirer of the sex, and there was a dash ofeccentricity and enterprise in his character that made him fond of allsingular adventure.
Previous to his departure he made all due arrangements with the holyfraternity of the convent for the funeral solemnities of his friend,who was to be buried in the cathedral of Wurtzburg, near some of hisillustrious relatives; and the mourning retinue of the count tookcharge of his remains.
It is now high time that we should return to the ancient family ofKatzenellenbogen, who were impatient for their guest, and still morefor their dinner; and to the worthy little baron, whom we leftairing himself on the watchtower.
Night closed in, but still no guest arrived. The baron descendedfrom the tower in despair. The banquet, which had been delayed fromhour to hour, could no longer be postponed. The meats were alreadyoverdone; the cook in an agony; and the whole household had the lookof a garrison that had been reduced by famine. The baron was obligedreluctantly to give orders for the feast without the presence of theguest. All were seated at table, and just on the point ofcommencing, when the sound of a horn from without the gate gave noticeof the approach of a stranger. Another long blast filled the oldcourts of the castle with its echoes, and was answered by the warderfrom the walls. The baron hastened to receive his future son-in-law.
The drawbridge had been let down, and the stranger was before thegate. He was a tall, gallant cavalier, mounted on a black steed. Hiscountenance was pale, but he had a beaming, romantic eye, and an airof stately melancholy. The baron was a little mortified that he shouldhave come in this simple, solitary style. His dignity for a moment wasruffled, and he felt disposed to consider it a want of properrespect for the important occasion, and the important family withwhich he was to be connected. He pacified himself, however, with theconclusion, that it must have been youthful impatience which hadinduced him thus to spur on sooner than his attendants.
"I am sorry," said the stranger, "to break in upon you thusunseasonably-"Here the baron interrupted him with a world of compliments andgreetings; for, to tell the truth, he prided himself upon his courtesyand eloquence. The stranger attempted, once or twice, to stem thetorrent of words, but in vain, so he bowed his head and suffered it toflow on. By the time the baron had come to a pause, they had reachedthe inner court of the castle; and the stranger was again about tospeak, when he was once more interrupted by the appearance of thefemale part of the family, leading forth the shrinking and blushingbride. He gazed on her for a moment as one entranced; it seemed asif his whole soul beamed forth in the gaze, and rested upon thatlovely form. One of the maiden aunts whispered something in her ear;she made an effort to speak; her moist blue eye was timidly raised;gave a shy glance of inquiry on the stranger; and was cast again tothe ground. The words died away; but there was a sweet smile playingabout her lips, and a soft dimpling of the cheek that showed herglance had not been unsatisfactory. It was impossible for a girl ofthe fond age of eighteen, highly predisposed for love and matrimony,not to be pleased with so gallant a cavalier.
The late hour at which the guest had arrived left no time forparley. The baron was peremptory, and deferred all particularconversation until the morning, and led the way to the untastedbanquet.