How long the good old lady would have observed this promise isuncertain, for she dearly loved to talk of the marvellous, and thereis a triumph in being the first to tell a frightful story; it is,however, still quoted in the neighborhood, as a memorable instanceof female secrecy, that she kept it to herself for a whole week;when she was suddenly absolved from all further restraint, byintelligence brought to the breakfast table one morning that the younglady was not to be found. Her room was empty- the bed had not beenslept in- the window was open, and the bird had flown!
The astonishment and concern with which the intelligence wasreceived, can only be imagined by those who have witnessed theagitation which the mishaps of a great man cause among his friends.
Even the poor relations paused for a moment from the indefatigablelabors of the trencher; when the aunt, who had at first been struckspeechless, wrung her hands, and shrieked out, "The goblin! thegoblin! she's carried away by the goblin."In a few words she related the fearful scene of the garden, andconcluded that the spectre must have carried off his bride. Two of thedomestics corroborated the opinion, for they had heard theclattering of a horse's hoofs down the mountain about midnight, andhad no doubt that it was the spectre on his black charger, bearing heraway to the tomb. All present were struck with the direfulprobability; for events of the kind are extremely common in Germany,as many well authenticated histories bear witness.
What a lamentable situation was that of the poor baron! What aheart-rending dilemma for a fond father, and a member of the greatfamily of Katzenellenbogen! His only daughter had either been raptaway to the grave, or he was to have some wood-demon for a son-in-law,and, perchance, a troop of goblin grandchildren. As usual, he wascompletely bewildered, and all the castle in an uproar. The men wereordered to take horse, and scour every road and path and glen of theOdenwald. The baron himself had just drawn on his jack-boots, girdedon his sword, and was about to mount his steed to sally forth on thedoubtful quest, when he was brought to a pause by a new apparition.
A lady was seen approaching the castle, mounted on a palfrey, attendedby a cavalier on horseback. She galloped up to the gate, sprang fromher horse, and falling at the baron's feet, embraced his knees. It washis lost daughter, and her companion- the Spectre Bridegroom! Thebaron was astounded. He looked at his daughter, then at the spectre,and almost doubted the evidence of his senses. The latter, too, waswonderfully improved in his appearance since his visit to the world ofspirits. His dress was splendid, and set off a noble figure of manlysymmetry. He was no longer pale and melancholy. His fine countenancewas flushed with the glow of youth, and joy rioted in his large darkeye.
The mystery was soon cleared up. The cavalier (for, in truth, as youmust have known all the while, he was no goblin) announced himselfas Sir Herman Von Starkenfaust. He related his adventure with theyoung count. He told how he had hastened to the castle to deliverthe unwelcome tidings, but that the eloquence of the baron hadinterrupted him in every attempt to tell his tale. How the sight ofthe bride had completely captivated him, and that to pass a fewhours near her, he had tacitly suffered the mistake to continue. Howhe had been sorely perplexed in what way to make a decent retreat,until the baron's goblin stories had suggested his eccentric exit.
How, fearing the feudal hostility of the family, he had repeated hisvisits by stealth- had haunted the garden beneath the young lady'swindow- had wooed- had won- had borne away in triumph- and, in a word,had wedded the fair.
Under any other circumstances the baron would have beeninflexible, for he was tenacious of paternal authority, and devoutlyobstinate in all family feuds; but he loved his daughter; he hadlamented her as lost; he rejoiced to find her still alive; and, thoughher husband was of a hostile house, yet, thank Heaven, he was not agoblin. There was something, it must be acknowledged, that did notexactly accord with his notions of strict veracity, in the joke theknight had passed upon him of his being a dead man; but several oldfriends present, who had served in the wars, assured him that everystratagem was excusable in love, and that the cavalier was entitled toespecial privilege, having lately served as a trooper.
Matters, therefore, were happily arranged. The baron pardoned theyoung couple on the spot. The revels at the castle were resumed. Thepoor relations overwhelmed this new member of the family with lovingkindness; he was so gallant, so generous- and so rich. The aunts, itis true, were somewhat scandalized that their system of strictseclusion, and passive obedience should be so badly exemplified, butattributed it all to their negligence in not having the windowsgrated. One of them was particularly mortified at having hermarvellous story marred, and that the only spectre she had ever seenshould turn out a counterfeit; but the niece seemed perfectly happy athaving found him substantial flesh and blood- and so the story ends.