
第21章 Chapter Nine The Quarrelsome Dragons(1)

The Green Monkey sank gently into the earth for a little way and then tumbled swiftly through space, landing on a rocky floor with a thump that astonished him. Then he sat up, found that no bones were broken, and gazed around him.

He seemed to be in a big underground cave, which was dimly lighted by dozens of big round discs that looked like moons. They were not moons, however, as Woot discovered when he had examined the place more carefully. They were eyes. The eyes were in the heads of enormous beasts whose bodies trailed far behind them. Each beast was bigger than an elephant, and three times as long, and there were a dozen or more of the creatures scattered here and there about the cavern. On their bodies were big scales, as round as pie-plates, which were beautifully tinted in shades of green, purple and orange. On the ends of their long tails were clusters of jewels. Around the great, moon-like eyes were circles of diamonds which sparkled in the subdued light that glowed from the eyes.

Woot saw that the creatures had wide mouths and rows of terrible teeth and, from tales he had heard of such beings, he knew he had fallen into a cavern inhabited by the great Dragons that had been driven from the surface of the earth and were only allowed to come out once in a hundred years to search for food. Of course he had never seen Dragons before, yet there was no mistaking them, for they were unlike any other living creatures.

Woot sat upon the floor where he had fallen, staring around, and the owners of the big eyes returned his look, silently and motionless. Finally one of the Dragons which was farthest away from him asked, in a deep, grave voice:

"What was that?"

And the greatest Dragon of all, who was just in front of the Green Monkey, answered in a still deeper voice:

"It is some foolish animal from Outside."

"Is it good to eat?" inquired a smaller Dragon beside the great one. "I'm hungry."

"Hungry!" exclaimed all the Dragons, in a reproachful chorus; and then the great one said chidingly: "Tut- tut, my son! You've no reason to be hungry at this time."

"Why not?" asked the little Dragon. "I haven't eaten anything in eleven years."

"Eleven years is nothing," remarked another Dragon, sleepily opening and closing his eyes; "I haven't feasted for eighty-seven years, and I dare not get hungry for a dozen or so years to come. Children who eat between meals should be broken of the habit."

"All I had, eleven years ago, was a rhinoceros, and that's not a full meal at all," grumbled the young one.

"And, before that, I had waited sixty-two years to be fed; so it's no wonder I'm hungry."

"How old are you now?" asked Woot, forgetting his own dangerous position in his interest in the conversation.

"Why, I'm -- I'm -- How old am I, Father?" asked the little Dragon.

"Goodness gracious! what a child to ask questions. Do you want to keep me thinking all the time? Don't you know that thinking is very bad for Dragons?" returned the big one, impatiently.

"How old am I, Father?" persisted the small Dragon.

"About six hundred and thirty, I believe. Ask your mother."

"No; don't!" said an old Dragon in the background;

"haven't I enough worries, what with being wakened in the middle of a nap, without being obliged to keep track of my children's ages?"

"You've been fast asleep for over sixty years, Mother," said the child Dragon. "How long a nap do you wish?"

"I should have slept forty years longer. And this strange little green beast should be punished for falling into our cavern and disturbing us."

"I didn't know you were here, and I didn't know I was going to fall in," explained Woot.

"Nevertheless, here you are," said the great Dragon, "and you have carelessly wakened our entire tribe; so it stands to reason you must be punished."

"In what way?" inquired the Green Monkey, trembling a little.

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    17号,这是她前世的代称前世被当做实验体的她,杀光了除了父亲所有的人,也包括她自己。再次睁眼,她却已经来到了陌生的世界没落家族,被人伤害致死的云家小姐就是她再一世的身份护她如命的父亲和兄长,成为了她再一次活下去的力量偌大家业糟人窥视,引来了杀身之祸既然她成为了云枫,别人也休想再动云家一分一毫!夺云家财产者,五倍之力还之!谋云家性命者,十倍之力还之!如此还有妄动云家之人,她定会全力还之,不死不休!所以,她选择了毫不犹豫的站起!从此,大陆上少了一个废柴,多了一个绝世天才!战士很难晋级吗?对不起,我拥有秘宝炼体,三天蹿两级哦。魔法师很厉害吗?对不起,我不稀罕。她感知五系的元素,全系的魔法师悄然诞生。召唤师很稀有吗?对不起,我就是千年一遇的召唤师哦,而且还是五系的,魔兽什么的不在话下,还有一只似乎是万年等一只的幻兽的肉球呢 ̄身怀神秘的奇宝,云家的老祖亲自为她指点修炼之路,身旁跟随者一只似乎是上古幻兽的奇怪肉球,身为万年难遇的召唤师,顺便战士魔法师镶嵌师炼器师什么的,她从来都是很低调——低调的嚣张!让我们见证,这一代枭雄,是如何从起点出发,一步步的攀登,直至金字塔的顶端!从此,君临天下,傲气凌人