

"There she is," Jimmy counselled. "Make a run for it, an' we'll hold 'em back. Now you go! Hit her up!"

The hostile gang was temporarily disconcerted by the manoeuvre, then it dashed from the train in pursuit. The staid and sober Oakland folk who sat upon the car scarcely noted the young fellow and the girl who ran for it and found a seat in front on the outside. They did not connect the couple with Jimmy, who sprang on the steps, crying to the motorman:-

"Slam on the juice, old man, and beat it outa here!"

The next moment Jimmy whirled about, and the passengers saw him land his fist on the face of a running man who was trying to board the car. But fists were landing on faces the whole length of the car. Thus, Jimmy and his gang, strung out on the long, lower steps, met the attacking gang. The car started with a great clanging of its gong, and, as Jimmy's gang drove off the last assailants, they, too, jumped off to finish the job. The car dashed on, leaving the flurry of combat far behind, and its dumfounded passengers never dreamed that the quiet young man and the pretty working-girl sitting in the corner on the outside seat had been the cause of the row.

Martin had enjoyed the fight, with a recrudescence of the old fighting thrills. But they quickly died away, and he was oppressed by a great sadness. He felt very old - centuries older than those careless, care-free young companions of his others days. He had travelled far, too far to go back. Their mode of life, which had once been his, was now distasteful to him. He was disappointed in it all. He had developed into an alien. As the steam beer had tasted raw, so their companionship seemed raw to him. He was too far removed. Too many thousands of opened books yawned between them and him. He had exiled himself. He had travelled in the vast realm of intellect until he could no longer return home. On the other hand, he was human, and his gregarious need for companionship remained unsatisfied. He had found no new home. As the gang could not understand him, as his own family could not understand him, as the bourgeoisie could not understand him, so this girl beside him, whom he honored high, could not understand him nor the honor he paid her. His sadness was not untouched with bitterness as he thought it over.

"Make it up with him," he advised Lizzie, at parting, as they stood in front of the workingman's shack in which she lived, near Sixth and Market. He referred to the young fellow whose place he had usurped that day.

"I can't - now," she said.

"Oh, go on," he said jovially. "All you have to do is whistle and he'll come running."

"I didn't mean that," she said simply.

And he knew what she had meant.

She leaned toward him as he was about to say good night. But she leaned not imperatively, not seductively, but wistfully and humbly.

He was touched to the heart. His large tolerance rose up in him.

He put his arms around her, and kissed her, and knew that upon his own lips rested as true a kiss as man ever received.

"My God!" she sobbed. "I could die for you. I could die for you."

She tore herself from him suddenly and ran up the steps. He felt a quick moisture in his eyes.

"Martin Eden," he communed. "You're not a brute, and you're a damn poor Nietzscheman. You'd marry her if you could and fill her quivering heart full with happiness. But you can't, you can't.

And it's a damn shame."

"'A poor old tramp explains his poor old ulcers,'" he muttered, remembering his Henly. "'Life is, I think, a blunder and a shame.'

It is - a blunder and a shame."

  • 春牧场(珍藏版)


  • 佛语禅心:随遇而安,自在洒脱


  • 妖修攻略


  • 洛阳桥传奇


    《洛阳桥传奇》讲述了一千年前,洛阳江上恶霸乡绅垄断 船运,阻止建桥;蛇妖龟怪兴风作浪,危害百姓……天庭仙界“文曲星下凡”的蔡襄身负家仇民怨,从小就学武修文,希望能为洛阳江边的老百姓除掉 二害。为此,蔡襄日夜勤学苦练。后来,他进京赴考当上了高官。为了筑桥 除害,他回到泉州当官,坚持与魔界妖怪、恶霸乡绅作战,最终消灭了二害,并为泉州老百姓建造了洛阳桥,成为我国现存最早的跨海梁式大石桥。《洛阳桥传奇》涉及人物形象众多,采用3D纸偶形象,非常逼真,再现 泉州人民不畏艰险,用智慧和汗水建造我国现存最早的跨海梁式大石桥的历程。
  • 你看不见的刻骨铭心


  • 天降娇妻:冷情总裁一宠成瘾


  • 快穿之拯救反派老公


  • 潇贼传


  • 阿尔法星人


  • 清城庄妃传

