

The historic interest of her family - that masterful line of d'Urbervilles - whom he had despised as a spent force, touched his sentiments now.Why had he not known the difference between the political value and the imaginative value of these things? In the latter aspect her d'Urberville descent was a fact of great dimensions; worthless to economics, it was a most useful ingredient to the dreamer, to the moralizer on declines and falls.It was a fact that would soon be forgotten - that bit of distinction in poor Tess's blood and name, and oblivion would fall upon her hereditary link with the marble monuments and leaded skeletons at Kingsbere.So does Time ruthlessly destroy his own romances.In recalling her face again and again, he thought now that he could see therein a flash of the dignity which must have graced her grand-dames; and the vision sent that aura through his veins which he had formerly felt, and which left behind it a sense of sickness.

Despite her not inviolate past, what still abode in such a woman as Tess out valued the freshness of her fellows.Was not the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim better than the vintage of Abi-ezer?

So spoke love renascent, preparing the way for Tess's devoted outpouring, which was then just being forwarded to him by his father; though owing to his distance inland it was to be a long time in reaching him.

Meanwhile the writer's expectation that Angel would come in response to the entreaty was alternately great and small.What lessened it was that the facts of her life which had led to the parting had not changed - could never change; and that, if her presence had not attenuated them, her absence could not.Nevertheless she addressed her mind to the tender question of what she could do to please him best if he should arrive.Sighs were expended on the wish that she had taken more notice of the tunes he played on his harp, that she had inquired more curiously of him which were his favourite ballads among those the country-girls sang.She indirectly inquired of Amby Seedling, who had followed Izz from Talbothays, and by chance Amby remembered that, amongst the snatches of melody in which they had indulged at the dairyman's, to induce the cows to let down their milk, Clare had seemed to like `Cupid's Gardens', `I have parks, I have hounds', and `The break o' the day'; and had seemed not to care for `The Tailor's Breeches', and `Such a beauty I did grow', excellent ditties as they were.

To perfect the ballads was now her whimsical desire.She practised them privately at odd moments, especially' The break o' the day':

Arise, arise, arise!

And pick your love a posy, All o' the sweetest flowers That in the garden grow.

The turtle doves and sma' birds In every bough a-building, So early in the May-time At the break o' the day! It would have melted the heart of a stone to hear her singing these ditties, whenever she worked apart from the rest of the girls in this cold dry time;the tears running down her cheeks all the while at the thought that perhaps he would not, after all, come to hear her, and the simple silly words of the songs resounding in painful mockery of the aching heart of the singer.

Tess was so wrapt up in this fanciful dream that she seemed not to know how the season was advancing; that the days had lengthened, that Lady-Day was at hand, and would soon be followed by Old Lady-Day, the end of her term here.

But before the quarter-day had quite come something happened which made Tess think of far different matters.She was at her lodging as usual one evening, sitting in the downstairs room with the rest of the family, when somebody knocked at the door and inquired for Tess.Through the doorway she saw against the declining light a figure with the height of a woman and the breadth of a child, a tall, thin, girlish creature whom she did not recognize in the twilight till the girl said `Tess!'

`What - is it 'Liza-Lu?' asked Tess, in startled accents.Her sister, whom a little over a year ago she had left at home as a child, had sprung up by a sudden shoot to a form of this presentation, of which as yet Lu seemed herself scarce able to understand the meaning.Her thin legs, visible below her once long frock, now short by her growing, and her uncomfortable hands and arms, revealed her youth and inexperience.

`Yes, I have been traipsing about all day, Tess,' said Lu, with unemotional gravity, `a-trying to find 'ee; and I'm very tired.'

`What is the matter at home?'

`Mother is took very bad, and the doctor says she's dying, and as father is not very well neither, and says 'tis wrong for a man of such a high family as his to slave and drave at common labouring work, we don't know what to do.'

Tess stood in reverie a long time before she thought of asking 'Liza-Lu to come in and sit down.When she had done so, and 'Liza-Lu was having some tea, she came to a decision.It was imperative that she should go home.Her agreement did not end till Old Lady-Day, the sixth of April, but as the interval thereto was not a long one she resolved to run the risk of starting at once.

To go that night would be a gain of twelve hours; but her sister was too tired to undertake such a distance till the morrow.Tess ran down to where Marian and Izz lived, informed them of what had happened, and begged them to make the best of her case to the farmer.Returning, she got Lu a supper, and after that, having tucked the younger into her own bed, packed up as many of her belongings as would go into a withy basket, and started, directing Lu to follow her next morning.

  • 竹谱


  • 观自在菩萨如意心陀罗尼咒经


  • 官箴集要


  • 中山诗话


  • 十方千五百佛名经


  • 无敌全职兵王


  • 极品贱男升神记:转世天才


  • 中影


  • 铁血红河


  • 女人就是要嘴甜


  • 养个你,杀了我


  • 四如郎君:萌宠妻!


  • 那天,九个孩子不见了


  • 中国历代通俗演义:唐史演义(上)


    本书讲述从“第一回溯龙兴开编谈将种 选蛾眉侍宴赚唐公”到“第五十回 勤政楼童子陈箴 范阳镇逆胡构乱”的历史。唐朝开国,社会繁华富庶,皇帝被尊为天可汗及至因安史之乱由盛转衰初期之事件,重点交代了三大历史教训之一——女祸(即宫闱淫乱)在唐朝的历史演变中所起的作用。书中对李氏父子削平群雄、玄武门之变、武则天称帝及安史之乱等重大事件,均有较详尽的叙述……
  • 阎连科文论

