
第37章 CHAPTER X(2)

Nobody could have helped. They repeated the same words over and over again as though they couldn't stop themselves. Never doubted she would go. The lights were gone. No mistake. The light were gone. Couldn't expect anything else. She had to go. . . . He noticed that they talked as though they had left behind them nothing but an empty ship. They concluded she would not have been long when she once started. It seemed to cause them some sort of satisfaction. They assured each other that she couldn't have been long about it--"Just shot down like a flat-iron." The chief engineer declared that the masthead light at the moment of sinking seemed to drop "like a lighted match you throw down." At this the second laughed hysterically.

"I am g-g-glad, I am gla-a-a-d." His teeth went on "like an electric rattle,"said Jim, "and all at once he began to cry. He wept and blubbered like a child, catching his breath and sobbing, `Oh, dear! oh, dear! oh, dear!'

He would be quiet for a while and start suddenly, `Oh, my poor arm! oh, my poor a-a-a-arm!' I felt I could knock him down. Some of them sat in the stern-sheets. I could just make out their shapes. Voices came to me, mumble, mumble, grunt, grunt, All this seemed very hard to bear. I was cold, too. And I could do nothing. I thought that if I moved I would have to go over the side and . . ."`His hand groped stealthily, came in contact with a liqueurglass, and was withdrawn suddenly as if it had touched a red-hot coal. I pushed the bottle slightly. "Won't you have some more?" I asked. He looked at me angrily.

"Don't you think I can tell you what there is to tell without screwing myself up?" he asked. The squad of globe-trotters had gone to bed. We were alone but for a vague white form erect in the shadow, that, being looked at, cringed forward, hesitated, backed away silently. It was getting late, but I did not hurry my guest.

`In the midst of his forlorn state he heard his companions begin to abuse someone. "What kept you from jumping, you lunatic?" said a scolding voice. The chief engineer left the stern-sheets, and could be heard clambering forward as if with hostile intentions against "the greatest idiot that ever was." The skipper shouted with rasping effort offensive epithets from where he sat at the oars. He lifted his head at that uproar, and heard the name "George," while a hand in the dark struck him on the breast. "What have you got to say for yourself, you fool?" queried somebody, with a sort of virtuous fury. "They were after me," he said. "They were abusing me--abusing me . . . by the name of George."`He paused to stare, tried to smile, turned his eyes away and went on.

"That little second puts his head right under my nose, `Why, it's that blasted mate!' `What!' howls the skipper from the other end of the boat.

`No!' shrieks the chief. And he, too, stopped to look at my face."`The wind had left the boat suddenly. The rain began to fall again, and the soft, uninterrupted, a little mysterious sound with which the sea receives a shower arose on all sides in the night. "They were too taken aback to say anything more at first," he narrated steadily, "and what could I have to say to them?" He faltered for a moment, and made an effort to go on. "They called me horrible names." His voice, sinking to a whisper, now and then would leap up suddenly, hardened by the passion of scorn, as though he had been talking of secret abominations. "Never mind what they called me," he said, grimly. "I could hear hate in their voices. Agood thing too. They could not forgive me for being in that boat. They hated it. It made them mad. . . ." He laughed short. . . . "But it kept me from--Look! I was sitting with my arms crossed, on the gunwale! . .

." He perched himself smartly on the edge of the table and crossed his arms. . . . "Like this--see? One little tilt backwards and I would have been gone--after the others. One little tilt--the least bit--the least bit." He frowned, and tapping his forehead with the tip of his middle finger, "It was there all the time," he said, impressively. "All the time--that notion. And the rain--cold, thick, cold as melted snow--colder--on my thin cotton clothes--I'll never be so cold again in my life, I know. And the sky was black, too--all black. Not a star, not a light anywhere. Nothing outside that confounded boat and those two yapping before me like a couple of mean mongrels at a tree'd thief. Yap! yap! What you doing here? You're a fine sort! Too much of a bloomin' gentleman to put his hand to it. Come out of your trance, did you? To sneak in? Did you? Yap! yap! You ain't fit to live! Yap! yap! Two of them together trying to out-bark each other.

The other would bay from the stern through rain--couldn't see him--couldn't make out--some of his filthy jargon. Yap! yap! Bow-ow-ow-ow-ow! Yap! yap!

It was sweet to hear them; it kept me alive, I tell you. It has saved my life. At it they went, as if trying to drive me overboard with the noise!

. . . I wonder you had pluck enough to jump. You ain't wanted here. If I had known who it was, I would have tipped you over--you skunk. What have you done with the other? Where did you get the pluck to jump--you coward?

What's to prevent us three from firing you overboard? . . . They were out of breath; the shower passed away upon the sea. Then nothing. There was nothing round the boat, not even a sound. Wanted to see me overboard, did they? Upon my soul! I think they would have had their wish if they had only kept quiet. Fire me overboard! Would they? `Try,' I said. `I would for twopence.' `Too good for you,' they screeched together. It was so dark that it was only when one or the other of them moved that I was quite sure of seeing him. By heavens! I only wish they had tried."`I couldn't help exclaiming, "What an extraordinary affair!""`Not bad--eh?" he said, as if in some sort astounded.

  • 苑里志


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    虽有绝世风华,却是废品灵根。忍下屈辱与人为妾,嫁入王府,却在大婚之日受尽侮辱,被王爷夫君毙于掌下。再睁眼时,她南宫莫邪已觉醒了前世记忆,废体封印被解,天地神器出世,人人唾弃的下堂妃如一柄出鞘寒剑,剑锋所指,欺我辱我者,一一奉还!前世情仇,今生恩怨,一起了结吧!满天的仙神又算什么?至尊神兽也只能匍匐在我脚下!颠倒这乾坤,换了这天地,只为我生生世世的爱人不再永镇黄泉之底!(推荐清鸢完结文:热血玄幻《异世仙尊》http://read。xxsy。net/info/379125。html)【精彩片花】极品帅皇子:莫邪,这世间的荣华富贵算得了什么?不及你回眸一笑,你若成魔,我亦与你共舞!傲娇小美男:嗯哼 ̄ ̄小爷就喜欢你这种强势的女人!嗯哼 ̄ ̄女人快点强大起来,爷需要你的保护哦。。。。。。冷酷帝王攻:莫邪,以后,我就是你的人了!要杀要剐,悉听尊便!素手妙神医:美人儿,别皱眉头哇!会长皱纹的,就算是吓不到我,吓坏小朋友也是不好的,对了,要不要做个拉皮?给你打八折!腹黑小神兽:莫邪姐姐,小黑喜欢被你抱在怀里,对了,就是这个姿势,嗯。。。。。。再往上一点,对,再往上。。。。。。软软的,有弹性,小黑帮你做按摩,有助发育哦!。。。。。。(美男无限,热血无限,纯情NP,结局圆满。喂,那谁,别左顾右盼,说的就是你!看了这么久还不点“加入书架”,磨磨唧唧的干啥呢?某鸢有个不良嗜好,看到收藏涨了,就会文思如雪崩!最后再叨叨一句,不会让你失望滴——信清鸢,得永生!)
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