And to this I reply:--"Friends, wait for God. When He gives the signal, and releases you from this service, then depart to Him. But for the present, endure to dwell in the place wherein He hath assigned you your post. Short indeed is the time of your habitation therein, and easy to those that are minded. What tyrant, what robber, what tribunals have any terrors for those who thus esteem the body and all that belong to it as of no account? Stay; depart not rashly hence!"
On the Significance of Science and Art
简单地说,动物界的进化经历了一个从原始鞭毛虫到多细胞动物,从原始多细胞动物到出现脊椎动物。随着海洋面积的逐渐缩小,部分海洋脊椎动物开始向陆地进军,演化到两栖类,从中分化出哺乳类和鸟类,哺乳类中的一支进一步发展为高等智慧生物 。