

"You see, she wanted to get five thousand out of me as her dowry.""Yes, and told me lies about her damned brother who was a Pekin merchant, when after all he never existed.""Oh, I don't defend that," said Random coolly. "Mrs. Jasher has behaved badly on the whole. Still, Professor, I think there is good in her, as I said before. She evidently had bad parents and a bad husband; but, so far as I can gather, she is not an immoral woman. The poor wretch only came here to try and drag herself out of the mire. If she had married you I feel sure that she would have made you a most excellent wife."The Professor was in such a rage that he suddenly became calm.

"Of course you talk absolute rubbish," he said caustically. "Had I my way this woman would be whipped at a cart's tail for the shameful way in which she has deceived us all. However, I shall see her to-day and make her confess who murdered Bolton.""Don Pedro will be greatly obliged if you do. He wants those emeralds.""So do I, and if I get them I shall keep them," snapped Braddock;"and if you haven't anything more to say you can leave me. I'm busy."As there was nothing more to be done with the choleric little man, Sir Frank took the hint and departed. He went forthwith to the Warrior Inn to see Don Pedro and also Donna Inez. But it so happened that the girl had gone to the Pyramids on a visit to Miss Kendal, and Random was sorry that he had missed her.

However, it was just as well, as he could now talk freely to De Gayangos. To him he related the whole story of Mrs. Jasher, and discovered that the Peruvian also, as Braddock had done, insisted that Mrs. Jasher knew the truth.

"She would not have written that letter if she did not know it,"said Don Pedro.

"Then you think that she should be arrested?""No. We can deal with this matter ourselves. At present she is quite safe, as she certainly will not leave her cottage, seeing that she thinks it is being watched. Let us permit Braddock to interview her, and see what he can learn. Then we can discuss the matter and come to a decision."Random nodded absently.

"I wonder if Mrs. Jasher was the woman who talked to Bolton through the window?" he remarked.

"It is not impossible. Although that does not explain why Bolton borrowed a female disguise from this mother.""Mrs. Jasher might have worn it."

"That would argue some understanding between Bolton and Mrs.

Jasher, and a knowledge of the manuscript before Bolton left for Malta. We know that he could only have seen the manuscript for the first time at Malta. It was evidently stowed away in the swathings of the mummy by my father, who forgot all about it when he gave me the original.""Hervey forgot also. I wonder if that is true?""I am certain it is," said Don Pedro emphatically, "for, if Hervey, or Vasa, or whatever you like to call him, had found that manuscript and had got it translated, he certainly would have opened the mummy and have secured the emeralds. No, Sir Frank, Ibelieve that his theory is partly true. Bolton intended to run away with the emeralds, and send the empty mummy to Professor Braddock; for, if you remember, he arranged that the landlord of the Sailor's Rest should forward the case next morning, even if he happened to be away. Bolton intended to be away - with the emeralds.""Then you do not believe that Hervey placed the manuscript in my room?""He declared most emphatically that he did not," said Don Pedro, "when at Pierside yesterday I went to the Sailor's Rest and saw him. He told Braddock only the other day that he had lost his chance of a sailing vessel, and, as yet, had not got another one.

But when he returned to Pierside he found a letter waiting him -so he told me - giving him command of a four thousand ton tramp steamer called The Firefly. He is to sail at once - to-morrow, Ibelieve."

"Then what is he going to do about this murder business?""He can do nothing at present, as, if he remains in Pierside, he will lose his new command. To-morrow he drops down stream, but meantime he intends to write out the whole story of the theft of the mummy. I have promised to give him fifty pounds for doing so, as I want to get back the mummy, free of charge, from Braddock.""I think Braddock will stick to the mummy in any event," said Random grimly.

"Not when Hervey writes out his evidence. He will not have it completed by the time he sails, as he is very busy. But he has promised to send off a boat to the jetty near the Fort to-morrow evening, when he is dropping down stream. I shall be there with fifty pounds in gold.""Supposing he fails to stop or send the boat?""Then he will not get his fifty pounds," retorted Don Pedro.

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