

May 10, 'latitude 7 degrees 0 minutes 3 seconds N., longitude 111 degrees 32 minutes W.' So they have made about three hundred miles of northing in the six days since they left the region of the lost ship. 'Drifting in calms all day.' And baking hot, of course; I have been down there, and I remember that detail. 'Even as the captain says, all romance has long since vanished, and I think the most of us are beginning to look the fact of our awful situation full in the face.' 'We are making but little headway on our course.' Bad news from the rearmost boat: the men are improvident; 'they have eaten up all of the canned meats brought from the ship, and are now growing discontented.' Not so with the chief mate's people--they are evidently under the eye of a man.

Under date of May 11: 'Standing still! or worse; we lost more last night than we made yesterday.' In fact, they have lost three miles of the three hundred of northing they had so laboriously made. 'The cock that was rescued and pitched into the boat while the ship was on fire still lives, and crows with the breaking of dawn, cheering us a good deal.'

What has he been living on for a week? Did the starving men feed him from their dire poverty? 'The second mate's boat out of water again, showing that they over-drink their allowance. The captain spoke pretty sharply to them.' It is true: I have the remark in my old note-book; Igot it of the third mate in the hospital at Honolulu. But there is not room for it here, and it is too combustible, anyway. Besides, the third mate admired it, and what he admired he was likely to enhance.

They were still watching hopefully for ships. The captain was a thoughtful man, and probably did not disclose on them that that was substantially a waste of time. 'In this latitude the horizon is filled with little upright clouds that look very much like ships.' Mr. Ferguson saved three bottles of brandy from his private stores when he left the ship, and the liquor came good in these days. 'The captain serves out two tablespoonfuls of brandy and water--half and half--to our crew.' He means the watch that is on duty; they stood regular watches--four hours on and four off. The chief mate was an excellent officer--a self-possessed, resolute, fine, all-round man. The diarist makes the following note--there is character in it: 'I offered one bottle of brandy to the chief mate, but he declined, saying he could keep the after-boat quiet, and we had not enough for all.'


May 4, 5, 6, doldrums. May 7, 8, 9, doldrums. May 10, 11, 12, doldrums. Tells it all. Never saw, never felt, never heard, never experienced such heat, such darkness, such lightning and thunder, and wind and rain, in my life before.

That boy's diary is of the economical sort that a person might properly be expected to keep in such circumstances--and be forgiven for the economy, too. His brother, perishing of consumption, hunger, thirst, blazing heat, drowning rains, loss of sleep, lack of exercise, was persistently faithful and circumstantial with his diary from the first day to the last--an instance of noteworthy fidelity and resolution. In spite of the tossing and plunging boat he wrote it close and fine, in a hand as easy to read as print. They can't seem to get north of 7 degrees N.; they are still there the next day:

[Diary entry] May 12. A good rain last night, and we caught a good deal, though not enough to fill up our tank, pails, &c. Our object is to get out of these doldrums, but it seems as if we cannot do it.

To-day we have had it very variable, and hope we are on the northern edge, thought we are not much above 7 degrees. This morning we all thought we had made out a sail; but it was one of those deceiving clouds. Rained a good deal to-day, making all hands wet and uncomfortable; we filled up pretty nearly all our water-pots, however. I hope we may have a fine night, for the captain certainly wants rest, and while there is any danger of squalls, or danger of any kind, he is always on hand. I never would have believed that open boats such as ours, with their loads, could live in some of the seas we have had.

During the night, 12th-13th, 'the cry of A SHIP! brought us to our feet.'

It seemed to be the glimmer of a vessel's signal-lantern rising out of the curve of the sea. There was a season of breathless hope while they stood watching, with their hands shading their eyes, and their hearts in their throats; then the promise failed: the light was a rising star. It is a long time ago--thirty-two years--and it doesn't matter now, yet one is sorry for their disappointment. 'Thought often of those at home to-day, and of the disappointment they will feel next Sunday at not hearing from us by telegraph from San Francisco.' It will be many weeks yet before the telegram is received, and it will come as a thunderclap of joy then, and with the seeming of a miracle, for it will raise from the grave men mourned as dead. 'To-day our rations were reduced to a quarter of a biscuit a meal, with about half a pint of water.' This is on May 13, with more than a month of voyaging in front of them yet! However, as they do not know that, 'we are all feeling pretty cheerful.'

In the afternoon of the 14th there was a thunderstorm, 'which toward night seemed to close in around us on every side, making it very dark and squally.' 'Our situation is becoming more and more desperate,' for they were making very little northing 'and every day diminishes our small stock of provisions.' They realise that the boats must soon separate, and each fight for its own life. Towing the quarter-boats is a hindering business.

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    欲望 (#5 龙人日志)

    在《欲望》(龙人日志#5)里,凯特琳潘恩醒来,发现她再次前穿越到从前。这一次,她来到了18世纪的巴黎,一个很富裕的时代,当时有国王和皇后——但也有大革命。和她的真爱,迦勒,在一起,他们俩终于过上了从未有过的安静而浪漫的时光。他们一起在如诗般的巴黎市生活,参观了最浪漫的地点,他们的爱情已经越来越深刻。凯特琳决定放弃寻找她的父亲,这样,她就可以享受这个时间和地点,与迦勒一起生活。迦勒把她带到他的中世纪城堡,城堡靠近海洋,凯特琳此刻比曾经梦想过的更幸福。但他们的神仙眷侣般的时间是注定不能永远持续下去的,发生了一些事件,迫使他们两个人分开。凯特琳再次发现自己和艾登与家族联合起来,与波利和新的朋友,她再次集中注意力于她的训练,她的使命。她被介绍到凡尔赛宫的奢华世界,看到了超出了她曾经梦想的服装和富裕。永不落幕的节日,派对和音乐会,凡尔赛宫有自己的世界。她愉快地与她的兄弟山姆团聚了,他也穿越回去,也会梦到他们的父亲了。但这一切却没有得起来这么好。凯尔也跟着穿越了过来——这一次,他的邪恶搭档,谢尔盖——他比以往任何时候,都更加坚定了要杀死凯特琳的决心。而山姆和波利爱得如火如荼,他们中毒一般的爱情也许会威胁摧毁周围的一切。凯特琳成为一个真正的和坚强的战士,她以往任何时候都更接近于找到她的父亲,以及神秘的盾牌。高潮切动感十足的结局,把凯特琳带到了巴黎中世纪最重要的位置,寻找线索。但是,如果想要幸存下来,会要求她做梦也没想到的技能。而于迦勒的团聚则要求她做出最难的抉择——以及牺牲——她的生命。“《欲望》是一个很好的平衡。它所有其它书籍的完美后续。文字扣人心弦,我真的很在意发生了什么事。历史人物的引进是相当有趣的,这本书留下了很多值得思考的东西。”--The Romance Reviews《欲望》是龙人日志第五期(前面有《转变》,《爱》,《背叛》和《命中注定》),但它也可当做一本独立的小说。大约70000字。
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