凌梦心:刚回国,第2天,就被无良的父母给坑了,总裁变成了她的临时家长,助理,”总裁不好了凌小姐被欺负了。”怎么了啊?她有没有欺负回去?凌小姐欺负回去了,都快把他们打半身不遂了欺负她的那几个人都拿去喂鳄鱼,助理心语,完了完了。那几个鳄鱼都好几天没有吃过东西了,只怕他们连渣都不剩了There Must Be Showers
Interior designer Shelley Scott's turbulent marriage ended in divorce--and she's finally back on her feet. But when she lands a wealthy new client and realizes it's her ex-husband, handsome and elegant Nick Montpelier, she curses her bad luck.Soon she realizes Nick has hired her to decorate the beautiful mansion where they both once planned to live--for the new woman in Nick's life. Determined to do the job, earn the money, and never look back, Shelley never dreams she'll fall back into Nick's arms--and back in love.