
第15章 I(2)

After dinner the boy went to his room, took the coupon and the change out of his pocket, and threw the money on the table. After that he took off his uniform and put on a jacket.

He sat down to work, and began to study Latin grammar out of a dog's-eared book. After a while he rose, closed and bolted the door, shifted the money into a drawer, took out some ciga-rette papers, rolled one up, stuffed it with cotton wool, and began to smoke.

He spent nearly two hours over his grammar and writing books without understanding a word of what he saw before him; then he rose and be-gan to stamp up and down the room, trying to recollect all that his father had said to him. All the abuse showered upon him, and worst of all his father's angry face, were as fresh in his mem-ory as if he saw and heard them all over again.

"Silly boy! You ought to get a good thrash-ing!" And the more he thought of it the angrier be grew. He remembered also how his father said: "I see what a scoundrel you will turn out.

I know you will. You are sure to become a cheat, if you go on like that. . . " He had cer-tainly forgotten how he felt when he was young!

"What crime have I committed, I wonder? I wanted to go to the theatre, and having no money borrowed some from Petia Grouchetsky. Was that so very wicked of me? Another father would have been sorry for me; would have asked how it all happened; whereas he just called me names. He never thinks of anything but himself.

When it is he who has not got something he wants --that is a different matter! Then all the house is upset by his shouts. And I--I am a scoundrel, a cheat, he says. No, I don't love him, although he is my father. It may be wrong, but I hate him."

There was a knock at the door. The servant brought a letter--a message from his friend.

They want an answer," said the servant.

The letter ran as follows: " I ask you now for the third time to pay me back the six roubles you have borrowed; you are trying to avoid me.

That is not the way an honest man ought to be-have. Will you please send the amount by my messenger? I am myself in a frightful fix. Can you not get the money somewhere?--Yours, ac-cording to whether you send the money or not, with scorn, or love, Grouchetsky."

"There we have it! Such a pig! Could he not wait a while? I will have another try."

Mitia went to his mother. This was his last hope. His mother was very kind, and hardly ever refused him anything. She would probably have helped him this time also out of his trouble, but she was in great anxiety: her younger child, Petia, a boy of two, had fallen ill. She got angry with Mitia for rushing so noisily into the nursery, and refused him almost without listening to what he had to say. Mitia muttered something to him-self and turned to go. The mother felt sorry for him. "Wait, Mitia,"" she said; "I have not got the money you want now, but I will get it for you to-morrow."

But Mitia was still raging against his father.

"What is the use of having it to-morrow, when I want it to-day? I am going to see a friend.

That is all I have got to say."

He went out, banging the door. . . .

"Nothing else is left to me. He will tell me how to pawn my watch," he thought, touching his watch in his pocket.

Mitia went to his room, took the coupon and the watch from the drawer, put on his coat, and went to Mahin.

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    《化身博士》是一篇独特的作品,同时也是斯蒂文森的得意之作。在这篇作品中,作者充分发挥想象力,让一个白天是绅士的人,晚上变成一个恶魔,释放身上的邪恶。这部作品被称为心理小说的先驱,书中“Jekyll and Hyde”一词甚至成为心理学中“双重人格”的代称,影响力可见一斑。本书选取的另一篇小说《自杀俱乐部》描述了一个复仇的故事,也充满奇特的想象,十分精彩。斯蒂文森的作品虽然写于一百多年前,但是仍然符合当前读者的阅读口味。故事通俗却不流于俗套,行文严肃却不失幽默,在通俗类小说作品中,是非常少见的。
  • 允许指点,但谢绝指指点点

