

"When I was in Westmoreland last August, I spent an evening at Fox How, where Mrs. Arnold and her daughters still reside. It was twilight as I drove to the place, and almost dark ere I reached it; still I could perceive that the situation was lovely. The house looked like a nest half buried in flowers and creepers: and, dusk as it was, I could FEEL that the valley and the hills round were beautiful as imagination could dream."If I say again what I have said already before, it is only to impress and re-impress upon my readers the dreary monotony of her life at this time. The dark, bleak season of the year brought back the long evenings, which tried her severely: all the more so, because her weak eyesight rendered her incapable of following any occupation but knitting by candle-light. For her father's sake, as well as for her own, she found it necessary to make some exertion to ward off settled depression of spirits. She accordingly accepted an invitation to spend a week or ten days with Miss Martineau at Ambleside. She also proposed to come to Manchester and see me, on her way to Westmoreland. But, unfortunately, I was from home, and unable to receive her. The friends with whom I was staying in the South of England ( hearing me express my regret that I could not accept her friendly proposal, and aware of the sad state of health and spirits which made some change necessary for her) wrote to desire that she would come and spend a week or two with me at their house. She acknowledged this invitation in a letter to me, dated--"Dec. 13th, 1850.

"My dear Mrs. Gaskell,--Miss ----'s kindness and yours is such that I am placed in the dilemma of not knowing how adequately to express my sense of it. THIS I know, however, very well-that if ICOULD go and be with you for a week or two in such a quiet south-country house, and with such kind people as you describe, Ishould like it much. I find the proposal marvellously to my taste; it is the pleasantest, gentlest, sweetest, temptation possible; but, delectable as it is, its solicitations are by no means to be yielded to without the sanction of reason, and therefore I desire for the present to be silent, and to stand back till I have been to Miss Martineau's, and returned home, and considered well whether it is a scheme as right as agreeable.

"Meantime, the mere thought does me good."

On the 10th of December, the second edition of "Wuthering Heights" was published. She sent a copy of it to Mr. Dobell, with the following letter:--To MR. DOBELL.

"Haworth, near Keighley, Yorkshire, "Dec. 8th, 1850.

"I offer this little book to my critic in the 'Palladium,' and he must believe it accompanied by a tribute of the sincerest gratitude; not so much for anything he has said of myself, as for the noble justice he has rendered to one dear to me as myself--perhaps dearer; and perhaps one kind word spoken for her awakens a deeper, tenderer, sentiment of thankfulness than eulogies heaped on my own head. As you will see when you have read the biographical notice, my sister cannot thank you herself; she is gone out of your sphere and mine, and human blame and praise are nothing to her now. But to me, for her sake, they are something still; it revived me for many a day to find that, dead as she was, the work of her genius had at last met with worthy appreciation.

"Tell me, when you have read the introduction, whether any doubts still linger in your mind respecting the authorship of 'Wuthering Heights,' 'Wildfell Hall,' etc. Your mistrust did me some injustice; it proved a general conception of character such as Ishould be sorry to call mine; but these false ideas will naturally arise when we only judge an author from his works. In fairness, I must also disclaim the flattering side of the portrait. I am no 'young Penthesilea mediis in millibus,' but a plain country parson's daughter.

"Once more I thank you, and that with a full heart.


  • 妇科玉尺


  • 诸真内丹集要


  • 泰族训


  • 注同教问答


  • 续灯存稿


  • 时空纵横


  • 秘密


  • 六嫁大明星


  • 冷王盛宠:农门弃妃太倾城


  • 司马天下


  • 太上三洞神咒


  • 首席谋婚:扑倒名门老公


  • 重生之庶女轻舞


  • 唐朝好媳妇


    别人重生不是皇后贵妇,就是富家千金,凭啥俺就成了一个童养媳,而且还是农村户口?!最糟糕的是,还是一个官匪难分的年代,这让小女子咋活? 好在吾道不孤,家中有四壁,床上有病母,身旁小丈夫,下面还有一群鼻涕娃……咦?老公是指望不上了,老公公哪里去了? 算了,物比人贵,人比物重,只要有人,一切都有可能,那个……面包会有的,老公也会长大的,就这么着吧! 另外推荐青柳的完本书:《凤临异世》《新一品修真》《飘泊在异界的日子里》《创神传奇》另外推荐青柳新书:《末世涅凰》《驭香》
  • 理想国

