

'I came to you, wise man, for an answer to my questions. If you can give me none, tell me so, and I will return home.'

'Here comes some one running,' said the hermit, 'let us see who it is.'

The King turned round, and saw a bearded man come running out of the wood. The man held his hands pressed against his stomach, and blood was flowing from under them. When he reached the King, he fell fainting on the ground moaning feebly. The King and the hermit unfastened the man's clothing. There was a large wound in his stomach. The King washed it as best he could, and bandaged it with his handkerchief and with a towel the hermit had.

But the blood would not stop flowing, and the King again and again removed the bandage soaked with warm blood, and washed and rebandaged the wound. When at last the blood ceased flowing, the man revived and asked for something to drink. The King brought fresh water and gave it to him. Meanwhile the sun had set, and it had become cool. So the King, with the hermit's help, carried the wounded man into the hut and laid him on the bed.

Lying on the bed the man closed his eyes and was quiet; but the King was so tired with his walk and with the work he had done, that he crouched down on the threshold, and also fell asleep -- so soundly that he slept all through the short summer night. When he awoke in the morning, it was long before he could remember where he was, or who was the strange bearded man lying on the bed and gazing intently at him with shining eyes.

'Forgive me!' said the bearded man in a weak voice, when he saw that the King was awake and was looking at him.

'I do not know you, and have nothing to forgive you for,' said the King.

'You do not know me, but I know you. I am that enemy of yours who swore to revenge himself on you, because you executed his brother and seized his property. I knew you had gone alone to see the hermit, and I resolved to kill you on your way back. But the day passed and you did not return. So I came out from my ambush to find you, and I came upon your bodyguard, and they recognized me, and wounded me. I escaped from them, but should have bled to death had you not dressed my wound. I wished to kill you, and you have saved my life. Now, if I live, and if you wish it, I will serve you as your most faithful slave, and will bid my sons do the same. Forgive me!'

The King was very glad to have made peace with his enemy so easily, and to have gained him for a friend, and he not only forgave him, but said he would send his servants and his own physician to attend him, and promised to restore his property.

Having taken leave of the wounded man, the King went out into the porch and looked around for the hermit. Before going away he wished once more to beg an answer to the questions he had put. The hermit was outside, on his knees, sowing seeds in the beds that had been dug the day before.

The King approached him, and said:

'For the last time, I pray you to answer my questions, wise man.'

'You have already been answered!' said the hermit still crouching on his thin legs, and looking up at the King, who stood before him.

'How answered? What do you mean?' asked the King.

'Do you not see,' replied the hermit. 'If you had not pitied my weakness yesterday, and had not dug these beds for me, but had gone your way, that man would have attacked you, and you would have repented of not having stayed with me. So the most important time was when you were digging the beds; and I was the most important man; and to do me good was your most important business. Afterwards, when that man ran to us, the most important time was when you were attending to him, for if you had not bound up his wounds he would have died without having made peace with you. So he was the most important man, and what you did for him was your most important business. Remember then: there is only one time that is important -- Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power.

The most necessary man is he with whom you are, for no man knows whether he will ever have dealings with any one else: and the most important affair is, to do him good, because for that purpose alone was man sent into this life!'




  • Five Tales

    Five Tales

  • 十二因缘论


  • 搜神后记


  • 须摩提经


  • 总裁前妻


  • 逍遥王爷现代妃


  • 极盗魔主


  • 仙宠小吃货:帝君,求抱抱


  • 红发安妮系列1:绿山墙的安妮


    描写卡斯伯特兄妹向孤儿院申领一个男孩,但却错误地送来了 一个红头发的女孩。这个女孩以其活泼乐观的精神,不但感染了年迈孤独 卡斯伯特兄妹,也照亮了整个绿山墙的生活。她奇妙的幻想生活、与戴安 娜纯真的友谊、与吉尔伯特的斗争、丰富多彩的学校生活,无不展示着一 个小女孩快乐的童年生活。
  • 徐志摩诗文书信集(套装共3册)


    《徐志摩诗全集》共分为五个部分:其中“志摩的诗”收录了诗人早期发表的56篇诗作;“翡冷翠的一夜”收录35篇;“猛虎集”收录33篇;“云游”11篇;“集外集”部分,是编者从报刊、徐志摩日记等处辑录的徐志摩未收入诗集的作品,共62篇。《徐志摩书信集》通过集锦徐志摩与四位民国传奇女性的书信,窥探故事之外诗人真实的内心情感——对原配张幼仪的朋友之情;与旧爱林徽因相忘于江湖;对陆小曼的体贴入微,柔情蜜意;与知己凌叔华的君子之交。《徐志摩美文集》共收录了26篇美文,分为三部分:“浪迹萍踪”收录了在外游历时的见闻感想11篇;“天末凉风” 记叙了与旧识、知己、师长、亲人之间的情谊8篇;“烟火人间”集锦了对于生活、生命的感悟7篇。
  • 补天


  • 你若白莲叶妖留我一世歌谣


  • 叶少独宠前女友


  • 千年之恋:妖颜倾世

