

"'Tis, 'tis!" said the young lady, in a pretty little frenzy of sorrow. "I have done wrong, and I don't like to tell it! Nobody will forgive me, nobody! and you above all will not! . . . I have allowed myself to--to--fl--"

"What,--not flirt!" he said, controlling his emotion as it were by a sudden pressure inward from his surface. "And you said only the day before yesterday that you hadn't flirted in your life!"

"Yes, I did; and that was a wicked story! I have let another love me, and--"

"Good G--! Well, I'll forgive you,--yes, if you couldn't help it,--yes, I will!" said the now dismal Dick. "Did you encourage him?"

"O,--I don't know,--yes--no. O, I think so!"

"Who was it?" A pause. "Tell me!"

"Mr. Shiner."

After a silence that was only disturbed by the fall of an apple, a long-checked sigh from Dick, and a sob from Fancy, he said with real austerity - "Tell it all;--every word!"

"He looked at me, and I looked at him, and he said, "Will you let me show you how to catch bullfinches down here by the stream?" And I--wanted to know very much--I did so long to have a bullfinch! I couldn't help that and I said, "Yes!" and then he said, "Come here."

And I went with him down to the lovely river, and then he said to me, "Look and see how I do it, and then you'll know: I put this birdlime round this twig, and then I go here," he said, "and hide away under a hush; and presently clever Mister Bird comes and perches upon the twig, and flaps his wings, and you've got him before you can say Jack"--something; O, O, O, I forget what!"

"Jack Sprat," mournfully suggested Dick through the cloud of his misery.

"No, not Jack Sprat," she sobbed.

"Then 'twas Jack Robinson!" he said, with the emphasis of a man who had resolved to discover every iota of the truth, or die.

"Yes, that was it! And then I put my hand upon the rail of the bridge to get across, and--That's all."

"Well, that isn't much, either," said Dick critically, and more cheerfully. "Not that I see what business Shiner has to take upon himself to teach you anything. But it seems--it do seem there must have been more than that to set you up in such a dreadful taking?"

He looked into Fancy's eyes. Misery of miseries!--guilt was written there still.

"Now, Fancy, you've not told me all!" said Dick, rather sternly for a quiet young man.

"O, don't speak so cruelly! I am afraid to tell now! If you hadn't been harsh, I was going on to tell all; now I can't!"

"Come, dear Fancy, tell: come. I'll forgive; I must,--by heaven and earth, I must, whether I will or no; I love you so!"

"Well, when I put my hand on the bridge, he touched it--"

"A scamp!" said Dick, grinding an imaginary human frame to powder.

"And then he looked at me, and at last he said, 'Are you in love with Dick Dewy?' And I said, 'Perhaps I am!' and then he said, 'I wish you weren't then, for I want to marry you, with all my soul.'"

"There's a villain now! Want to marry you!" And Dick quivered with the bitterness of satirical laughter. Then suddenly remembering that he might be reckoning without his host: "Unless, to he sure, you are willing to have him,--perhaps you are," he said, with the wretched indifference of a castaway.

"No, indeed I am not!" she said, her sobs just beginning to take a favourable turn towards cure.

"Well, then," said Dick, coming a little to his senses, "you've been stretching it very much in giving such a dreadful beginning to such a mere nothing. And I know what you've done it for,--just because of that gipsy-party!" He turned away from her and took five paces decisively, as if he were tired of an ungrateful country, including herself "You did it to make me jealous, and I won't stand it!" He flung the words to her over his shoulder and then stalked on, apparently very anxious to walk to the remotest of the Colonies that very minute.

"O, O, O, Dick--Dick!" she cried, trotting after him like a pet lamb, and really seriously alarmed at last, "you'll kill me! My impulses are bad--miserably wicked,--and I can't help it; forgive me, Dick! And I love you always; and those times when you look silly and don't seem quite good enough for me,--just the same, I do, Dick! And there is something more serious, though not concerning that walk with him."

"Well, what is it?" said Dick, altering his mind about walking to the Colonies in fact, passing to the other extreme, and standing so rooted to the road that he was apparently not even going home.

"Why this," she said, drying the beginning of a new flood of tears she had been going to shed, "this is the serious part. Father has told Mr. Shiner that he would like him for a son-in-law, if he could get me;--that he has his right hearty consent to come courting me!"

  • 明词综




  • 华严经合论纂要


  • 宦乡要则


  • 阿毗昙毗婆沙论


  • 天灵灵地灵灵守财要守命


  • 蔷薇一色


    关于爱情、友情。你 是我的 在劫难逃; 我一直以为爱情一定是轰轰烈烈任何人也不能阻挡的两厢情愿。 又名《1243的信息》
  • 格桑花开


  • 唱晚亭


  • 玩家1号(纯文字版)


  • 丞相大如天:夫人狠嚣张


  • 混元五极


  • 红颜罪:怒倾天下


  • 呲骨豺狼(第二次世界大战史丛书)


  • 黄石公语录:素书

