Of the error in propounding the search of the materials or dead beginnings or principles of things, and not the nature of motions, inclinations, and applications. That the whole scope of the former search is impertinent and vain; both because there are no such beginnings, and if there were they could not be known. That the latter manner of search (which is all) they pass over compendiously and slightly as a by-matter. That the several conceits in that kind, as that the lively and moving beginnings of things should be shift or appetite of matter to privation; the spirit of the world working in matter according to platform; the proceeding or fructifying of distinct kinds according to their proprieties; the intercourse of the elements by mediation of their common qualities; the appetite of like portions to unite themselves; amity and discord, or sympathy and antipathy; motion to the centre, with motion of stripe or press; the casual agitation, aggregation, and essays of the solid portions in the void space; motion of shuttings and openings; are all mere nugations; and that the calculating and ordination of the true degrees, moments, limits, and laws of motions and alterations (by means whereof all works and effects are produced), is a matter of a far other nature than to consist in such easy and wild generalities.
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau
“名家经典散文选”,包括 《万事融笔端·叙事卷》 《挥笔如传神·写人卷》 《情动于心中·抒情卷》 《情景两依依·情景卷》 《滴水见阳光·哲理卷》 《闲情说理趣·随笔卷》 《提笔如出鞘·杂文卷》 《宏论博天下·议论卷》共8册。本套散文所选文章除了当代我国的名家精品之外,还选择了一些当代外国名家经典散文,诸如法国作家雨果、大仲马,英国哲学家罗素,印度文豪泰戈尔等。这些中外文学大家的作品,知识丰富,思想深刻,对于我们开阔眼界、提升素养都有极大的帮助。这些散文大多以一种轻松随意的文笔,朴实自然地展现出了名家散文的基本状况,并以这些名家生卒时间为顺序进行编排,充分体现了这些名家散文的个性魅力和风格特色。天价弃妇,总裁请止步