

That was a long night for Cora Madison, and the morning found her yellow. She made a poor breakfast, and returned from the table to her own room, but after a time descended restlessly and wandered from one room to another, staring out of the windows.

Laura had gone out; Mrs. Madison was with her husband, whom she seldom left; Hedrick had departed ostensibly for school; and the house was as still as a farm in winter--an intolerable condition of things for an effervescent young woman whose diet was excitement. Cora, drumming with her fingers upon a window in the owl-haunted cell, made noises with her throat, her breath and her lips not unsuggestive of a sputtering fuse. She was heavily charged.

"Now what in thunder do YOU want?" she inquired of an elderly man who turned in from the sidewalk and with serious steps approached the house.

Pryor, having rung, found himself confronted with the lady he had come to seek. Ensued the moment of strangers meeting: invisible antennae extended and touched;--at the contact, Cora's drew in, and she looked upon him without graciousness.

"I just called," he said placatively, smiling as if some humour lurked in his intention, "to ask how your father is. I heard downtown he wasn't getting along quite so well."

"He's better this morning, thanks," said Cora, preparing to close the door.

"I thought I'd just stop and ask about him. I heard he'd had another bad spell--kind of a second stroke."

"That was night before last. The doctor thinks he's improved very much since then."

The door was closing; he coughed hastily, and detained it by speaking again. "I've called several times to inquire about him, but I believe it's the first time I've had the pleasure of speaking to you, Miss Madison. I'm Mr. Pryor." She appeared to find no comment necessary, and he continued: "Your father did a little business for me, several years ago, and when I was here on my vacation, this summer, I was mighty sorry to hear of his sickness. I've had a nice bit of luck lately and got a second furlough, so I came out to spend a couple of weeks and Thanksgiving with my married daughter."

Cora supposed that it must be very pleasant.

"Yes," he returned. "But I was mighty sorry to hear your father wasn't much better than when I left. The truth is, I wanted to have a talk with him, and I've been reproaching myself a good deal that I didn't go ahead with it last summer, when he was well, only I thought then it mightn't be necessary--might be disturbing things without much reason."

"I'm afraid you can't have a talk with him now," she said.

"The doctor says----"

"I know, I know," said Pryor, "of course. I wonder"--he hesitated, smiling faintly--"I wonder if I could have it with you instead."


"Oh, it isn't business," he laughed, observing her expression. "That is, not exactly." His manner became very serious. "It's about a friend of mine--at least, a man I know pretty well. Miss Madison, I saw you driving out through the park with him, yesterday noon, in an automobile. Valentine Corliss."

Cora stared at him. Honesty, friendliness, and grave concern were disclosed to her scrutiny. There was no mistaking him: he was a good man. Her mouth opened, and her eyelids flickered as from a too sudden invasion of light--the look of one perceiving the close approach of a vital crisis. But there was no surprise in her face.

"Come in," she said.

. . . . When Corliss arrived, at about eleven o'clock that morning, Sarah brought him to the library, where he found Cora waiting for him. He had the air of a man determined to be cheerful under adverse conditions: he came in briskly, and Cora closed the door behind him.

"Keep away from me," she said, pushing him back sharply, the next instant. "I've had enough of that for a while I believe."

He sank into a chair, affecting desolation. "Caresses blighted in the bud! Cora, one would think us really married."

She walked across the floor to a window, turned there, with her back to the light, and stood facing him, her arms folded.

"Good heavens!" he exclaimed, noting this attitude. "Is it the trial scene from a faded melodrama?" She looked steadily at him without replying. "What's it all about to-day?" he asked lightly. "I'll try to give you the proper cues if you'll indicate the general nature of the scene, Cora mine."

She continued to look at him in silence.

"It's very effective," he observed. "Brings out the figure, too. Do forgive me if you're serious, dear lady, but never in my life was I able to take the folded-arms business seriously. It was used on the stage of all countries so much that I believe most new-school actors have dropped it. They think it lacks genuineness."

Cora waited a moment longer, then spoke. "How much chance have I to get Richard Lindley's money back from you?"

He was astounded. "Oh, I say!"

"I had a caller, this morning," she said, slowly. "He talked about you--quite a lot! He's told me several things about you."

"Mr. Vilas?" he asked, with a sting in his quick smile.

"No," she answered coolly. "Much older."

At that he jumped up, stepped quickly close to her, and swept her with an intense and brilliant scrutiny.

"Pryor, by God!" he cried.

"He knows you pretty well," she said. "So do now!"

He swung away from her, back to his chair, dropped into it and began to laugh. "Old Pryor! Doddering old Pryor! Doddering old ass of a Pryor! So he did! Blood of an angel! what a stew, what a stew!" He rose again, mirthless. "Well, what did he say?"

She had begun to tremble, not with fear. "He said a good deal."

"Well, what was it? What did he tell you?"

"I think you'll find it plenty!"

"Come on!"

"YOU!" She pointed at him.

"Let's have it."

"He told me"--she burst out furiously--"he said you were a professional sharper!"

"Oh, no. Old Pryor doesn't talk like that."

  • 芝园集


  • The Warden

    The Warden

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  • 楚辞


  • 摩利支菩萨略念诵法


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    变成要死不活的云家七小姐,云璃颜励志于报仇——“那个皇上你怎么回事?干嘛让我入宫?”人家穿越都是越来越强,她是越来越弱——“皇上你放手,都说了是中毒,快放手!御医要被你掐死了!”都说穿越后美男环绕,云璃颜表示赞同——“那只皇上你住手,天上地下你最美!求别闹!帝都四大美男子会哭的!”太监小松子觉得,以后还是抱紧皇妃的大腿比较好:“陛下,皇妃给你的信。”“情书?”“咳是休书。”“哦,劝朕休息的书。”“陛下,皇妃说要退货,说您……不要脸。”“那你告诉她,为了她,我可以不要脸。”(一对一,慢热文)【男主开始冷淡害羞,后来不要脸】 新文《王者荣耀之这世界不对》
  • 重生之最佳男神


    李青锋一睁眼,看着身上高中时期的校服,一切都开始发生了变化。邻居家有个很可爱的妹妹要跟我告白?隔壁的绝色校花在偷偷暗恋我?倾城之貌的女同桌是未来的商业女皇?新来的大长腿美女老师要我当课代表?他写的歌,每一首都成为华语乐坛不朽的经典。他拍的电影,每一部都是电影人无法攀爬的高峰,他手握巨大的财富,成为万千女神心中的最佳男神。 Ps:新书已发布:我成了血族始祖
  • 你让我闻闻


  • 超级鳄龟分身


  • 小强最牛


  • 鬼神传


  • 读者精品(人生点滴)


  • 海幢阿字无禅师语录


  • 异界至尊大小姐


  • 一朝颂

