

What hath happened unto me, my friends? Ye see me troubled, driven forth, unwillingly obedient, ready to go--alas, to go away from YOU!

Yea, once more must Zarathustra retire to his solitude: but unjoyously this time doth the bear go back to his cave!

What hath happened unto me? Who ordereth this?--Ah, mine angry mistress wisheth it so; she spake unto me. Have I ever named her name to you?

Yesterday towards evening there spake unto me MY STILLEST HOUR: that is the name of my terrible mistress.

And thus did it happen--for everything must I tell you, that your heart may not harden against the suddenly departing one!

Do ye know the terror of him who falleth asleep?--To the very toes he is terrified, because the ground giveth way under him, and the dream beginneth.

This do I speak unto you in parable. Yesterday at the stillest hour did the ground give way under me: the dream began.

The hour-hand moved on, the timepiece of my life drew breath--never did Ihear such stillness around me, so that my heart was terrified.

Then was there spoken unto me without voice: "THOU KNOWEST IT, ZARATHUSTRA?"--And I cried in terror at this whispering, and the blood left my face: but I was silent.

Then was there once more spoken unto me without voice: "Thou knowest it, Zarathustra, but thou dost not speak it!"--And at last I answered, like one defiant: "Yea, I know it, but I will not speak it!"Then was there again spoken unto me without voice: "Thou WILT not, Zarathustra? Is this true? Conceal thyself not behind thy defiance!"--And I wept and trembled like a child, and said: "Ah, I would indeed, but how can I do it! Exempt me only from this! It is beyond my power!"Then was there again spoken unto me without voice: "What matter about thyself, Zarathustra! Speak thy word, and succumb!"And I answered: "Ah, is it MY word? Who am _I_? I await the worthier one; I am not worthy even to succumb by it."Then was there again spoken unto me without voice: "What matter about thyself? Thou art not yet humble enough for me. Humility hath the hardest skin."--And I answered: "What hath not the skin of my humility endured! At the foot of my height do I dwell: how high are my summits, no one hath yet told me. But well do I know my valleys."Then was there again spoken unto me without voice: "O Zarathustra, he who hath to remove mountains removeth also valleys and plains."--And I answered: "As yet hath my word not removed mountains, and what Ihave spoken hath not reached man. I went, indeed, unto men, but not yet have I attained unto them."Then was there again spoken unto me without voice: "What knowest thou THEREOF! The dew falleth on the grass when the night is most silent."--And I answered: "They mocked me when I found and walked in mine own path;and certainly did my feet then tremble.

And thus did they speak unto me: Thou forgottest the path before, now dost thou also forget how to walk!"Then was there again spoken unto me without voice: "What matter about their mockery! Thou art one who hast unlearned to obey: now shalt thou command!

Knowest thou not who is most needed by all? He who commandeth great things.

To execute great things is difficult: but the more difficult task is to command great things.

This is thy most unpardonable obstinacy: thou hast the power, and thou wilt not rule."--And I answered: "I lack the lion's voice for all commanding."Then was there again spoken unto me as a whispering: "It is the stillest words which bring the storm. Thoughts that come with doves' footsteps guide the world.

O Zarathustra, thou shalt go as a shadow of that which is to come: thus wilt thou command, and in commanding go foremost."--And I answered: "I am ashamed."

Then was there again spoken unto me without voice: "Thou must yet become a child, and be without shame.

The pride of youth is still upon thee; late hast thou become young: but he who would become a child must surmount even his youth."--And I considered a long while, and trembled. At last, however, did I say what I had said at first. "I will not."Then did a laughing take place all around me. Alas, how that laughing lacerated my bowels and cut into my heart!

And there was spoken unto me for the last time: "O Zarathustra, thy fruits are ripe, but thou art not ripe for thy fruits!

So must thou go again into solitude: for thou shalt yet become mellow."--And again was there a laughing, and it fled: then did it become still around me, as with a double stillness. I lay, however, on the ground, and the sweat flowed from my limbs.

--Now have ye heard all, and why I have to return into my solitude.

Nothing have I kept hidden from you, my friends.

But even this have ye heard from me, WHO is still the most reserved of men --and will be so!

Ah, my friends! I should have something more to say unto you! I should have something more to give unto you! Why do I not give it? Am I then a niggard?--When, however, Zarathustra had spoken these words, the violence of his pain, and a sense of the nearness of his departure from his friends came over him, so that he wept aloud; and no one knew how to console him. In the night, however, he went away alone and left his friends.


"Ye look aloft when ye long for exaltation, and I look downward because Iam exalted.

"Who among you can at the same time laugh and be exalted?

"He who climbeth on the highest mountains, laugheth at all tragic plays and tragic realities."--ZARATHUSTRA, I., "Reading and Writing."XLV. THE WANDERER.

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    中国千古第一奇相大传,全票获得第六届茅盾文学奖、首届姚雪垠长篇历史小说奖、中宣部五个一工程奖,被誉为中国新时期长篇小说的里程碑!已被改编成电视剧《万历首辅张居正》,由唐国强、梅婷、冯远征、智一桐、巫刚等一众老戏骨主演。张居正是一位个性不凡的改革家,是彪炳史册的传奇人物。他登上首辅之位后,理政十年:整顿吏治,刷新颓风;整治教育,延揽济世之才;革新税赋,梳理财政。拯朱明王朝将倾之厦,使万历时期成为大明王朝*为富庶的时代。 在风云际会之中,张居正思想深邃,刚毅深沉,多谋善断,声势显赫,无与伦比。然而,他一朝大权在握,却又独断专行,偏信阿谀奉承,引得附势者趋之若骛。权势欲促使他步入人生高峰,也引发身后祸起萧墙。隆葬归天之际,即是遭人非议之时,结果家产尽抄,爵封皆夺,祸连八旬老母,罪及子孙。作为一名政治家,张居正是中国历史上卓有成效的人;可是作为一个人,他却是一个失败者。“生前显耀,死后悲凉”是对他一生*好的概括。他生前死后毁誉之悬殊,除个人原因之外,也可见政治险恶、世态炎凉。而且,张居正的命运也客观揭示了悲剧产生的历史背景与人物的性格缺陷,为今天的读者反思提供了形象的文学读本。
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