

At the close of the last chapter it was stated that Paul had come to a determination.

This was,--TO RUN AWAY.

That he had good reason for this we have already seen.

He was now improving rapidly, and only waited till he was well enough to put his design into execution.

"Aunt Lucy," said he one day, "I've got something to tell you."

The old lady looked up inquiringly.

"It's something I've been thinking of a long time,--at least most of the time since I've been sick. It isn't pleasant for me to stay here, and I've pretty much made up my mind that I sha'n't."

"Where will you go?" asked the old lady, dropping her work in surprise.

"I don't know of any particular place, but I should be better off most anywhere than here."

"But you are so young, Paul."

"God will take care of me, Aunt Lucy,--mother used to tell me that. Besides, here I have no hope of learning anything or improving my condition. Then again, if I stay here, I can never do what father wished me to do."

"What is that, Paul?"

Paul told the story of his father's indebtedness to Squire Conant, and the cruel letter which the Squire had written.

"I mean to pay that debt," he concluded firmly. "I won't let anybody say that my father kept them out of their money. There is no chance here; somewhere else I may find work and money."

"It is a great undertaking for a boy like you, Paul," said Aunt Lucy, thoughtfully. "To whom is the money due?"

"Squire Conant of Cedarville."

Aunt Lucy seemed surprised and agitated by the mention of this name.

"Paul," said she, "Squire Conant is my brother."

"Your brother!" repeated he in great surprise.

"Then why does he allow you to live here? He is rich enough to take care of you."

"It is a long story," said the old lady, sadly.

"All that you will be interested to know is that I married against the wishes of my family. My husband died and I was left destitute. My brother has never noticed me since."

"It is a great shame," said Paul.

"We won't judge him, Paul. Have you fixed upon any time to go?"

"I shall wait a few days till I get stronger. Can you tell me how far it is to New York?"

"O, a great distance; a hundred miles at least. You can't think of going so far as that?"

"I think it would be the best plan," said Paul. "In a great city like New York there must be a great many things to do which I can't do here. I don't feel strong enough to work on a farm. Besides, I don't like it. O, it must be a fine thing to live in a great city. Then too," pursued Paul, his face lighting up with the hopeful confidence of youth, "I may become rich. If I do, Aunt Lucy, I will build a fine house, and you shall come and live with me."

Aunt Lucy had seen more of life than Paul, and was less sanguine. The thought came to her that her life was already declining while his was but just begun, and in the course of nature, even if his bright dreams should be realized, she could hardly hope to live long enough to see it. But of this she said nothing. She would not for the world have dimmed the brightness of his anticipations by the expression of a single doubt.

"I wish you all success, Paul, and I thank you for wishing me to share in your good fortune. God helps those who help themselves, and he will help you if you only deserve it. I shall miss you very much when you are gone. It will seem more lonely than ever."

"If it were not for you, Aunt Lucy, I should not mind going at all, but I shall be sorry to leave you behind."

"God will care for both of us, my dear boy. I shall hope to hear from you now and then, and if I learn that you are prosperous and happy, I shall be better contented with my own lot. But have you thought of all the labor and weariness that you will have to encounter? It is best to consider well all this, before entering upon such an undertaking."

"I have thought of all that, and if there were any prospect of my being happy here, I might stay for the present. But you know how Mrs. Mudge has treated me, and how she feels towards me now."

"I acknowledge, Paul, that it has proved a hard apprenticeship, and perhaps it might be made yet harder if you should stay longer.

You must let me know when you are going, I shall want to bid you good-by."

"No fear that I shall forget that, Aunt Lucy.

Next to my mother you have been most kind to me, and I love you for it."

Lightly pressing her lips to Paul's forehead Aunt Lucy left the room to conceal the emotion called forth by his approaching departure. Of all the inmates of the establishment she had felt most closely drawn to the orphan boy, whose loneliness and bereavement had appealed to her woman's heart. This feeling had been strengthened by the care she had been called to bestow upon him in his illness, for it is natural to love those whom we have benefited.

  • 情深不知清晨露重


  • 著名教育家周祖训


  • 沈导你别跑


  • 天啦我喜欢上了那个坏蛋


  • 超神学院之世界之巅


    这是一部以《超神学院》为蓝本的小说。宇宙诞生一百三十八亿年左右,茫茫已知宇宙最古老的文明为何大概只有十万年的历史。是真的只有这十万年诞生了智慧生命还是说先前的文明被某种强大而又神秘的力量抹除了。如果是这样那么是因为什么?答案无人知晓,在面对终极恐惧所带来的灭亡威胁生灵们有该如何是好?让我们开始那向往的,不同凡响的世界。 ps剧情是扑朔迷离的只有面铺大了才写得长久,希望大家多多支持,推荐票老凯还是verylike的哦。重要的一点就是更新频率的问题,这个老凯已经无法保证了学业太重一天时间少,连思考的时间都没有希望大家多多谅解但是一有时间老凯绝对更新。谢谢大家几个月来的支持!
  • 重回校园做学霸


  • 带着外挂回三国


  • 重生之木偶皇后


  • 治世龟鉴


  • 网王之情深亦寿


    情深不寿,情深亦寿 。 网王同人短篇合集 。 有柳幸幸仁柳切柳生仁等cp , 可以点cp[在作者君们心情好或者不知道写什么cp时] 。 虐文+甜文皆有 。 文手有三个。 每个有cp的短篇囤稿完成才会发合集向,ooc预警 。 注意,有架空背景,接受无能者可选择跳过 。 有建议可以提,接受批评吐槽,但不接受无脑喷 。 灵感来自很多地方,会有撞梗的地方,但保证都是原创√注:更新随缘,节假日福利看情况。无特殊情况无加更。