
第15章 CHAPTER IV(2)

"That's it--that's what pleases me so.He is very good to me,Phineas,and he gave me a special holiday,that I might go out with you.Isn't that grand?""Grand,indeed.What fun we'll have!I almost think I could take a walk myself."For the lad's company invariably gave me new life,and strength,and hope.The very sight of him was as good as the coming of spring.

"Where shall we go?"said he,when we were fairly off,and he was guiding my carriage down Norton Bury streets.

"I think to the Mythe."The Mythe was a little hill on the outskirts of the town,breezy and fresh,where Squire Brithwood had built himself a fine house ten years ago.

"Ay,that will do;and as we go,you will see the floods out--a wonderful sight,isn't it?The river is rising still,I hear;at the tan-yard they are busy making a dam against it.How high are the floods here,generally,Phineas?""I'm sure I can't remember.But don't look so serious.Let us enjoy ourselves."And I did enjoy,intensely,that pleasant stroll.The mere sunshine was delicious;delicious,too,to pause on the bridge at the other end of the town,and feel the breeze brought in by the rising waters,and hear the loud sound of them,as they poured in a cataract over the flood-gates hard by.

"Your lazy,muddy Avon looks splendid now.What masses of white foam it makes,and what wreaths of spray;and see!ever so much of the Ham is under water.How it sparkles in the sun.""John,you like looking at anything pretty."

"Ah!don't I!"cried he,with his whole heart.My heart leaped too,to see him so happy.

"You can't think how fine this is from my window;I have watched it for a week.Every morning the water seems to have made itself a fresh channel.Look at that one,by the willow-tree--how savagely it pours!""Oh,we at Norton Bury are used to floods."

"Are they ever very serious?"

"Have been--but not in my time.Now,John,tell me what you have been doing all winter."It was a brief and simple chronicle--of hard work,all day over,and from the Monday to the Saturday--too hard work to do anything of nights,save to drop into the sound,dreamless sleep of youth and labour.

"But how did you teach yourself to read and add up,then?""Generally at odd minutes going along the road.It's astonishing what a lot of odd minutes one can catch during the day,if one really sets about it.And then I had Sunday afternoons besides.I did not think it wrong--""No,"said I;decisively."What books have you got through?""All you sent--Pilgrim's Progress,Robinson Crusoe,and the Arabian Nights.That's fine,isn't it?"and his eyes sparkled.

"Any more?"

"Also the one you gave me at Christmas.I have read it a good deal."I liked the tone of quiet reverence in which he spoke.I liked to hear him own,nor be ashamed to own--that he read "a good deal"in that rare book for a boy to read--the Bible.

But on this subject I did not ask him any more questions;indeed,it seemed to me,and seems still,that no more were needed.

"And you can read quite easily now,John?"

"Pretty well,considering."Then,turning suddenly to me:"You read a great deal,don't you?I overheard your father say you were very clever.How much do you know?""Oh--nonsense!"But he pressed me,and I told him.The list was short enough;I almost wished it were shorter when I saw John's face.

"For me--I can only just read,and I shall be fifteen directly!"The accent of shame,despondency,even despair,went to my very heart.

"Don't mind,"I said,laying my feeble,useless hand upon that which guided me on so steady and so strong;"how could you have had time,working as hard as you do?""But I ought to learn;I must learn."

"You shall.It's little I can teach;but,if you like,I'll teach you all I know.""O Phineas!"One flash of those bright,moist eyes,and he walked hastily across the road.Thence he came back,in a minute or two,armed with the tallest,straightest of briar-rose shoots.

"You like a rose-switch,don't you?I do.Nay,stop till I've cut off the thorns."And he walked on beside me,working at it with his knife,in silence.

I was silent,too,but I stole a glance at his mouth,as seen in profile.I could almost always guess at his thoughts by that mouth,so flexible,sensitive,and,at times,so infinitely sweet.It wore that expression now.I was satisfied,for I knew the lad was happy.

We reached the Mythe."David,"I said (I had got into a habit of calling him "David;"and now he had read a certain history in that Book I supposed he had guessed why,for he liked the name),"I don't think I can go any further up the hill.""Oh!but you shall!I'll push behind;and when we come to the stile I'll carry you.It's lovely on the top of the Mythe--look at the sunset.You cannot have seen a sunset for ever so long."No--that was true.I let John do as he would with me--he who brought into my pale life the only brightness it had ever known.

Ere long we stood on the top of the steep mound.I know not if it be a natural hill,or one of those old Roman or British remains,plentiful enough hereabouts,but it was always called the Mythe.

Close below it,at the foot of a precipitous slope,ran the Severn,there broad and deep enough,gradually growing broader and deeper as it flowed on,through a wide plain of level country,towards the line of hills that bounded the horizon.Severn looked beautiful here;neither grand nor striking,but certainly beautiful;a calm,gracious,generous river,bearing strength in its tide and plenty in its bosom,rolling on through the land slowly and surely,like a good man's life,and fertilising wherever it flows.

"Do you like Severn still,John?"

"I love it."

I wondered if his thoughts had been anything like mine.

"What is that?"he cried,suddenly,pointing to a new sight,which even I had not often seen on our river.It was a mass of water,three or four feet high,which came surging along the midstream,upright as a wall.

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    “《背叛》扣人心弦的结尾会让读者欲罢不能,《背叛》因其紧凑的节奏,可以获得一个绝对的好评。”,是一个非常富有想象力的故事。”--The Dallas Examiner在《背叛》一书中(龙人日志系列#3),凯特琳潘恩从深度昏迷中醒来,发现自己已经被转变了。成了一个真正的,完整的龙人,她惊叹于自己的新能力,包括她的飞行能力和她超人的力量。她发现,她的真爱,迦勒,仍然在她身边,耐心地等待着她恢复。她拥有一切她所梦想的东西。直到这一切,突然间,可怕的事情出现了。凯特琳惊恐地发现,迦勒和他的前妻,塞拉,在一起。在迦勒还没有解释机会的时候,凯特琳就让他离开。凯特琳心灰意冷,十分迷茫,想蜷缩起来,等死,她唯一的安慰就是,她的狼幼崽——玫瑰。她的新环境也让凯特琳倍感安慰。她来到哈得逊河一个隐藏的岛屿上——Pollepel——发现了一群由十几岁的龙人组成的精英家庭,这里有男有女,总共24个人,包括她在内。她得知,这是被抛弃之人来的地方,就像她一样。在这里她遇到了她最好的朋友,波利,然后在精英龙人战中开始了她的训练,她意识到,她可能终于有了一个可以叫做家的地方。但是,一场龙人大战迫在眉睫,而她的弟弟山姆依然在外,被萨曼莎绑架。邪恶的凯尔,现在也挥舞着的神魔之剑,依旧立志掀起战争,他会不惜一切代价消灭纽约。凯特琳,尽管她有了新家,尽管在这里找到了新欢,但她知道,她不会永远留在这个岛上,当她的命运召唤她的时候,就得离开。毕竟,她仍然是那一个天选之子,所有的眼睛仍然期待着她,找到她的父亲和其他能拯救他们的武器。在感情方面,她在新朋友和迦勒之间挣扎,她必须决定,自己真心到底在谁身上,她是否愿意去冒这个险,不顾一切找到迦勒,让他重新回到她的生命中……“《背叛》是这个系列的第三部。是摩根赖斯这个系列的佼佼者。充满了动作、爱情、冒险和悬念。如果你还没有读过她的前两部小说,那就赶快去读把,然后就可以着手《背叛》了!”--DragonmenBookSite“《背叛》有着浪漫的爱情,扣人心弦的情节,有很多动作打斗,节奏紧凑。摩根赖斯让故事更上了一个台阶。故事里有好多精彩的惊喜,不读完你肯定都舍不得放手。--The Romance Reviews
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