



It was night.Stillness reigned in the grand old feudal castle of Klugenstein.The year 1222was drawing to a close.Far away up in the tallest of the castle's towers a single light glimmered.A secret council was being held there.The stern old lord of Klugenstein sat in a chair of state meditating.Presently he,said,with a tender accent:

"My daughter!"

A young man of noble presence,clad from head to heel in knightly mail,answered:


"My daughter,the time is come for the revealing of the mystery that hath puzzled all your young life.Know,then,that it had its birth in the matters which I shall now unfold.My brother Ulrich is the great Duke of Brandenburgh.Our father,on his deathbed,decreed that if no son were born to Ulrich,the succession should pass to my house,provided a son were born to me.And further,in case no son,were born to either,but only daughters,then the succession should pass to Ulrich's daughter,if she proved stainless;if she did not,my daughter should succeed,if she retained a blameless name.And so I,and my old wife here,prayed fervently for the good boon of a son,but the prayer was vain.You were born to us.I was in despair.I saw the mighty prize slipping from my grasp,the splendid dream vanishing away.And I had been so hopeful!

Five years had Ulrich lived in wedlock,and yet his wife had borne no heir of either sex.

"'But hold,'I said,'all is not lost.'A saving scheme had shot athwart my brain.You were born at midnight.Only the leech,the nurse,and six waiting-women knew your sex.I hanged them every one before an hour had sped.Next morning all the barony went mad with rejoicing over the proclamation that a son was born to Klugenstein,an heir to mighty Brandenburgh!And well the secret has been kept.Your mother's own sister nursed your infancy,and from that time forward we feared nothing.

"When you were ten years old,a daughter was born to Ulrich.We grieved,but hoped for good results from measles,or physicians,or other natural enemies of infancy,but were always disappointed.She lived,she throve--Heaven's malison upon her!But it is nothing.We are safe.For,Ha-ha!have we not a son?And is not our son the future Duke?Our well-beloved Conrad,is it not so?--for,woman of eight-and-twenty years--as you are,my child,none other name than that hath ever fallen to you!

"Now it hath come to pass that age hath laid its hand upon my brother,and he waxes feeble.The cares of state do tax him sore.Therefore he wills that you shall come to him and be already Duke--in act,though not yet in name.Your servitors are ready--you journey forth to-night.

"Now listen well.Remember every word I say.There is a law as old as Germany that if any woman sit for a single instant in the great ducal chair before she hath been absolutely crowned in presence of the people,SHE SHALL DIE!So heed my ,words.Pretend humility.Pronounce your judgments from the Premier's chair,which stands at the foot of the throne.Do this until you are crowned and safe.It is not likely that your sex will ever be discovered;but still it is the part of wisdom to make all things as safe as may be in this treacherous earthly life."

"Oh;my father,is it for this my life hath been a lie!Was it that I might cheat my unoffending cousin of her rights?Spare me,father,spare your child!"

"What,huzzy!Is this my reward for the august fortune my brain has wrought for thee?By the bones of my father,this puling sentiment of thine but ill accords with my humor.

Betake thee to the Duke,instantly!And beware how thou meddlest with my purpose!"

Let this suffice,of the conversation.It is enough for us to know that the prayers,the entreaties and the tears of the gentle-natured girl availed nothing.They nor anything could move the stout old lord of Klugenstein.And so,at last,with a heavy heart,the daughter saw the castle gates close behind her,and found herself riding away in the darkness surrounded by a knightly array of armed,vassals and a brave following of servants.

The old baron sat silent for many minutes after his daughter's departure,and then he turned to his sad wife and said:

"Dame,our matters seem speeding fairly.It is full three months since I sent the shrewd and handsome Count Detzin on his devilish mission to my brother's daughter Constance.If he fail,we are not wholly safe;but if he do succeed,no power can bar our girl from being Duchess e'en though ill-fortune should decree she never should be Duke!"

"My heart is full of bodings,yet all may still be well."

"Tush,woman!Leave the owls to croak.To bed with ye,and dream of Brandenburgh and grandeur!"



Six days after the occurrences related in the above chapter,the brilliant capital of the Duchy of Brandenburgh was resplendent with military pageantry,and noisy with the rejoicings of loyal multitudes;

for Conrad,the young heir to the crown,was come.The old Duke's,heart was full of happiness,for Conrad's handsome person and graceful bearing had won his love at once.The great halls of tie palace were thronged with nobles,who welcomed Conrad bravely;and so bright and happy did all things seem,that he felt his fears and sorrows passing away and giving place to a comforting contentment.

But in a remote apartment of the palace a scene of a different nature was,transpiring.By a window stood the Duke's only child,the Lady Constance.Her eyes were red and swollen,and full of tears.She was alone.Presently she fell to weeping anew,and said aloud:

"The villain Detzin is gone--has fled the dukedom!I could not believe it at first,but alas!it is too true.And I loved him so.I dared to love him though I knew the Duke my father would never let me wed him.

I loved him--but now I hate him!With all,my soul I hate him!Oh,what is to become of me!I am lost,lost,lost!.I shall go mad!

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