
第26章 Chapter 12

Of the raising of the Price of Moneys by our Neighbours,and the defect of our not raising of our Moneys accordingly.

Both these Causes are assigned of the Rarity of Money,and are indeed the same,and do both stand and fall together,and both are assigned for causes of Exportation of our Gold and Silver,and for Impediments of the importation of these Materials unto us:For if it be true that our Neighbours by the raising of the price of the Moneys of Gold and Silver,do the more abound in Gold and Silver,it is true likewise,that if we do not raise ours in the same Proportion,we shall much less abound in the same Materials:And if it be true,that they by raising theirs do draw a greater quantity of Gold and Silver into their States,it is likewise true,that they do not only thereby withdraw from us that quantity of Gold and Silver,which would otherwise be imported unto us,but they do facilitate the exportation from us,of that whereof we are already possessed:But,on the contrary,if these Positions be not true,then all the Consequences inferred upon them are not true likewise;Now because almost all the deliberations in matters of Money do resort to the one or the other side of this main Question,Whether the raising of the price of Moneys doth really and stably increase the abundance of Money in any State,or if it do increase the quantity,whether that increase be not more prejudicial than beneficial to the Commonwealth?I intend to handle this Question,and all the incidents pertaining to it,as exactly as I can.And First I purpose to set down the benefits that do grow to the State by the raising of the Moneys,and the Prejudices that do grow by the not raising of Moneys:And then I intend to set down the Benefits that do grow by the not raising of Money,and the Prejudices that do grow by the raising of Money:The I purpose to examine,and to answer,or allow the Reasons made on both sides.

And lastly,I intend to set down what Remedies have been propounded for the avoiding of all Inconveniences which may grow to the State either by the raising or not raising of Moneys,or both of them,and to examine the same:And here I must again require an extraordinary Patience and Attention in the Reader,because that upon the hinges of this Question,the whole Mystery of the Government and ordering of Moneys in the Commonwealth is moved,and the question it self is very intricate and perplexed,and the Reasons alledged on both sides are full of Subtilty.

  • 锦衣传奇


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  • 很老很老的老偏方:职场疲劳一扫光


    本书是医学博士朱晓平收集编写的最古老、最齐全、最安全巧治职场疲劳的经典老偏方。偏方来源: 传统经典医药典籍,经过民间千年验证和作者多年医疗实践。本书的撰写原则: 既见效,又安全,既管用,又省钱。
  • 温暖的弦(张翰、张钧甯主演)


    国民票选五十大经典言情,与《何以笙萧默》并称“破镜重圆”两大神作,千万读者流泪推荐,一代男神占南弦爱情史。 即便前方是充满荆棘的迷宫,但只要你在,我就会前行。因为你的心,是我去到世界尽头还想再回来的地方。追爱十年,愿所有等待终不被辜负。年少时稚嫩却深刻的爱情,没有因残忍的分手消亡,却让两个人在各自天涯的十年里,将那个禁忌的名字,养成了一道伤。谁比谁更熬不住相思?是终于归来的温暖,还是用了十年时间布阵设局,诱她归来的占南弦?男女之间的爱情,直似一场战争。不见硝烟弥漫,只需一记眼神、一抹微笑、一个亲吻、一句告白,便杀得她丢盔弃甲,举手投降。然而他却立刻宣布结婚,与别的女人。 这是一个温暖的故事,收藏一段失而复得的感情。愿你相信,即使披荆斩棘,即使岁月漫漫,那个你守候的人,终将为你而来。
  • 颜少超给力


  • 风阡静陌之绝泪殇


  • 丧尸不修仙


  • 天价萌妻:总裁请立正


  • 风向绝恋


  • 爱情白皮书

