I had after this described the reasonable soul,and shown that it could by no means be educed from the power of matter,as the other things of which I had spoken,but that it must be expressly created;and that it is not sufficient that it be lodged in the human body exactly like a pilot in a ship,unless perhaps to move its members,but that it is necessary for it to be joined and united more closely to the body,in order to have sensations and appetites similar to ours,and thus constitute a real man.
I here entered,in conclusion,upon the subject of the soul at considerable length,because it is of the greatest moment:for after the error of those who deny the existence of God,an error which I think Ihave already sufficiently refuted,there is none that is more powerful in leading feeble minds astray from the straight path of virtue than the supposition that the soul of the brutes is of the same nature with our own;and consequently that after this life we have nothing to hope for or fear,more than flies and ants;in place of which,when we know how far they differ we much better comprehend the reasons which establish that the soul is of a nature wholly independent of the body,and that consequently it is not liable to die with the latter and,finally,because no other causes are observed capable of destroying it,we are naturally led thence to judge that it is immortal.