

"There is Daddy Chaboisseau,on the Quai Saint-Michel,you know.He tided Fendant over his last monthly settlement.If you won't listen to my offer,you might go and see what he says to you;but you would only come back to me,and then I shall offer you two thousand francs instead of three."Etienne and Lucien betook themselves to the Quai Saint-Michel,and found Chaboisseau in a little house with a passage entry.Chaboisseau,a bill-discounter,whose dealings were principally with the book trade,lived in a second-floor lodging furnished in the most eccentric manner.A brevet-rank banker and millionaire to boot,he had a taste for the classical style.The cornice was in the classical style;the bedstead,in the purest classical taste,dated from the time of the Empire,when such things were in fashion;the purple hangings fell over the wall like the classic draperies in the background of one of David's pictures.Chairs and tables,lamps and sconces,and every least detail had evidently been sought with patient care in furniture warehouses.There was the elegance of antiquity about the classic revival as well as its fragile and somewhat arid grace.The man himself,like his manner of life,was in grotesque contrast with the airy mythological look of his rooms;and it may be remarked that the most eccentric characters are found among men who give their whole energies to money-making.

Men of this stamp are,in a certain sense,intellectual libertines.

Everything is within their reach,consequently their fancy is jaded,and they will make immense efforts to shake off their indifference.

The student of human nature can always discover some hobby,some accessible weakness and sensitive spot in their heart.Chaboisseau might have entrenched himself in antiquity as in an impregnable camp.

"The man will be an antique to match,no doubt,"said Etienne,smiling.

Chaboisseau,a little old person with powdered hair,wore a greenish coat and snuff-brown waistcoat;he was tricked out besides in black small-clothes,ribbed stockings,and shoes that creaked as he came forward to take the bills.After a short scrutiny,he returned them to Lucien with a serious countenance.

"MM Fendant and Cavalier are delightful young fellows;they have plenty of intelligence;but,I have no money,"he said blandly.

"My friend here would be willing to meet you in the matter of discount----"Etienne began.

"I would not take the bills on any consideration,"returned the little broker.The words slid down upon Lousteau's suggestion like the blade of the guillotine on a man's neck.

The two friends withdrew;but as Chaboisseau went prudently out with them across the ante-chamber,Lucien noticed a pile of second-hand books.Chaboisseau had been in the trade,and this was a recent purchase.Shining conspicuous among them,he noticed a copy of a work by the architect Ducereau,which gives exceedingly accurate plans of various royal palaces and chateaux in France.

"Could you let me have that book?"he asked.

"Yes,"said Chaboisseau,transformed into a bookseller.

"How much?"

"Fifty francs."

"It is dear,but I want it.And I can only pay you with one of the bills which you refuse to take.""You have a bill there for five hundred francs at six months;I will take that one of you,"said Chaboisseau.

Apparently at the last statement of accounts,there had been a balance of five hundred francs in favor of Fendant and Cavalier.

They went back to the classical department.Chaboisseau made out a little memorandum,interest so much and commission so much,total deduction thirty francs,then he subtracted fifty francs for Ducerceau's book;finally,from a cash-box full of coin,he took four hundred and twenty francs.

"Look here,though,M.Chaboisseau,the bills are either all of them good,or all bad alike;why don't you take the rest?""This is not discounting;I am paying myself for a sale,"said the old man.

Etienne and Lucien were still laughing at Chaboisseau,without understanding him,when they reached Dauriat's shop,and Etienne asked Gabusson to give them the name of a bill-broker.Gabusson thus appealed to gave them a letter of introduction to a broker in the Boulevard Poissonniere,telling them at the same time that this was the "oddest and queerest party"(to use his own expression)that he,Gabusson,had come across.The friends took a cab by the hour,and went to the address.

"If Samanon won't take your bills,"Gabusson had said,"nobody else will look at them."A second-hand bookseller on the ground floor,a second-hand clothes-dealer on the first story,and a seller of indecent prints on the second,Samanon carried on a fourth business--he was a money-lender into the bargain.No character in Hoffmann's romances,no sinister-brooding miser of Scott's,can compare with this freak of human and Parisian nature (always admitting that Samanon was human).In spite of himself,Lucien shuddered at the sight of the dried-up little old creature,whose bones seemed to be cutting a leather skin,spotted with all sorts of little green and yellow patches,like a portrait by Titian or Veronese when you look at it closely.One of Samanon's eyes was fixed and glassy,the other lively and bright;he seemed to keep that dead eye for the bill-discounting part of his profession,and the other for the trade in the pornographic curiosities upstairs.A few stray white hairs escaping from under a small,sleek,rusty black wig,stood erect above a sallow forehead with a suggestion of menace about it;a hollow trench in either cheek defined the outline of the jaws;while a set of projecting teeth,still white,seemed to stretch the skin of the lips with the effect of an equine yawn.The contrast between the ill-assorted eyes and grinning mouth gave Samanon a passably ferocious air;and the very bristles on the man's chin looked stiff and sharp as pins.

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