
第82章 The Deliberate Wooer Speaks First.(2)

"Mr.Van Berg,I would value such a FRIEND as you could be to me more than I can tell you.""I shall be to you all that you will permit,"he said,gently yet firmly."As you now appear I could as soon think of urging my clamorous human love on a sad-eyed saint that had suffered some cruel form of martyrdom for her faith,and then,as the legends teach,had been sent from heaven among us mortals upon some errand of mercy.""Your words are truer than you think,"she replied,the pallor deepening in her face."I have suffered a strange,cruel form of martyrdom.But I am not a saint,only a weak woman.I would value such a friend as you could be exceedingly.Indeed--indeed,"she continued hesitatingly,"there are peculiar reasons why I wish we might meet as friends occasionally.If you knew--if you knew all--you would not ask to be more.Can you trust one who is clouded by sadness and mystery?"He took her hand in both of his and answered,"Jennie Burton,there could no greater misfortune befall me than to lose my faith in you.I associate you with all that is most sacred to me.Every instinct of my heart assures me that although the mystery that enshrouds your life may be as cold as death,it is,as far as you are concerned,as white as snow.""Yes,and as far as another is concerned also,"she said solemnly."Your trust is generous,and I am very,very grateful.

Perhaps--possibly I may--some time--tell you,for you risked your life for me;and--and--there is another reason.But I have never spoken of it yet.Good-night.""Stay,"he said,"I cannot begin being a true friend to you by being a false friend to another.I am ashamed that I have been so preoccupied with myself that I have not spoken of it before.Mr.

Stanton resented Sibley's insulting language more promptly than Idid.I have been basely accepting a gratitude that rightly belongs to him,and I assure you he is in far more danger from Sibley than I am."Her brow contracted in a sudden frown,and there was something like irritation in her tones as she said:

"Danger again!and to another,for my sake!Must I be tortured with fear and anxiety,because a low fellow,true to his nature,will be scurrilous?Mr.Van Berg,"she continued,with a sudden flash of her eyes,"are you and Mr.Stanton quarrelling with Mr.

Sibley on your own account,or on mine?From henceforth I refuse to have the remotest relation to such a quarrel.No remarks of a man like Sibley can insult me,and hereafter any friend of mine who lowers himself to resent them,or has aught to do with the fellow,will both wound and humiliate me.""After such words,Miss Burton,"Van Berg answered with a smile,"rest assured I shall avoid him as I would a pestilence.But remember,I have been as guilty as Stanton,yes,more so;for Stanton received the first provocation,and he is naturally more impetuous than I am.But I have been thanked,as well as warned and justly rebuked.I think,"he added,as if the words cost him an effort,"that if you will kindly ask Stanton to have nothing more to do with Sibley,he will accede to your wishes;and whatever he promises,he will perform.""Is your friend,then,so honorable a man?"she asked.

"He is,indeed,"replied Van Berg,earnestly,while a generous flush suffused his face,"a true,noble-hearted fellow.He shows his worst side at once,but you would discover new and good traits hin him every day."She turned away with a low laugh."Since you are so loyal to your old friend,"she said,"I think you will prove true to your new one.I shall put Mr.Stanton to the test,and discover whether he will give up his quarrel with Mr.Sibley for the sake of such poor thanks as I can give.Once more,good-night."She was hastening away,when he seized her hand and said:

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