
第24章 Chapter 9(4)

"To be sure.We contribute to charities,and all that,but it isn't like taking part in the work."It would probably be extremely difficult to discover any charities that were materially assisted by Miss Raymond,but it suited her to convey the impression that she gave liberally.

"I agree with you,Miss Raymond,"said Allan Thorpe,speaking for the first time."It is not enough to give money.""I plead guilty,Mr.Thorpe,"said Clementina,ready to charge herself with any sin that was fashionable;"but really,if you only knew how hard society girls find it to give their time --there are so many claims upon us --parties,receptions,the opera.Oh,I know what you will say.We should sacrifice our inclinations,and steal time to do good.I dare say you think so,Miss Frost.""It seems to me that it would become a pleasure as well as a duty to do something for others.""Excuse me,Miss Frost,but you cannot tell till you are placed as I am.

"Possibly not."

All this was very amusing to Mabel.She strongly suspected that Miss Raymond's claims to high social position would not bear examination.It was a novel sensation to be treated as one who had no knowledge of the great world from which she had voluntarily exiled herself,and she had no desire to disturb Miss Raymond in her delusion.Mr.Thorpe also enjoyed the scene.Though he believed her to be in reduced circumstances,he had seen her playing a brilliant part in New York society,and he was equally confident that Miss Raymond was a social humbug.

"Shall we promenade,Mr.Chester?"asked Clementina.

"If you desire it,"said her escort,with a show of devotion intended to create uneasiness in Mabel.

"May I come to your school some day,Miss Frost?"asked Miss Raymond.

"I should like to visit a country school.""I shall be glad to see you,"said Mabel politely.

"Thank you so much.I will come if I can induce Mr.Randolph Chester to accompany me."Mr.

Chester has already favored me with a visit,"said Mabel,smiling.

Clementina glanced suspiciously at her escort.Was it possible that he felt an interest in the school teacher?

"You will let him come again?she asked,smiling sweetly.

"Most certainly."

"What do you think of her?asked Mr.Chester with peculiar interest,after the two couples had separated.

"I rather like her appearance,"drawled Clementina slightingly,"but you know there is always something plebeian about people of her class,however they may dress.""I can't quite agree with you,Miss Raymond,"said the bachelor,who did not like to hear the future Mrs.Randolph Chester spoken of in such contemptuous terms."Miss Mabel Frost is from the city of New York,and is a highly accomplished girl.I suspect she has seen better days,though at present reduced to school teaching."Clementina was quick witted,and saw how the land lay.Having resolved to capture the gentleman at her side,she determined to check his evident admiration for Mabel.

"Mr.Chester,"she said,"I don't wonder you are deceived.The girl has a superficial polish,which a gentleman is not likely to see through.

I have been a great deal in society,and can at once distinguish the counterfeit from the genuine.This school teacher has probably received more than ordinary advantages;but blood will tell.Rely upon it,she is a plebeian."Mr.

Chester did not think any the better of his companion for this speech.He was too deeply interested in Mabel,and as strong as ever in the determination to make her Mrs.Chester.

"I fancy that this Mr.Thorpe is very devoted to her,"continued Clementina.

"I didn't notice it,"replied Mr.Chester shortly.

"But the devotion was very marked,and I am quite disposed to think it was mutual.Did you ever think,Mr.Chester,how interesting it is to study love making between people of their class?And really,when you come to think of it,"she rattled on,much to the disgust of her escort,"it would be a capital match.He is a poor artist,you know,and they would have to live in a very modest style,but she is used to that.I do not suppose she would object to doing her own work,and of course she would be obliged to do so at first.I hope they will invite us to the wedding.""I don't believe there will be any wedding,"said Mr.Chester uncomfortably.

"He is only paying her a little ordinary attention.She wouldn't accept him,I am confident.""Why wouldn't she?She can't expect a husband in your position,for instance,Mr.Chester.She probably has low relations,and it wouldn't be suitable or pleasant."Mr.

Chester thought of the baker on Sixth Avenue;but the time had passed when even that could deter him.In spite of all that Miss Raymond could suggest his mind was made up.

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