
第8章 Chapter 3(2)

"She's as pretty as a picture,"he had told them."I bet she won't be an old maid."The boys,in particular,had their curiosity excited to see her and judge for themselves.Now that they saw her they fully coincided with Ben's opinion.They were still regarding their new teacher when Squire Hadley broke the silence.

"Scholars,"he said,clearing his throat,and assuming the attitude of an orator,"I have great pleasure in introducing to you your new teacher,Miss Frost.I have examined Miss Frost,"he proceeded,in a tone of importance,"and I find that she is thoroughly competent to lead you in the flowery paths of learning."(This was a figure on which the Squire rather prided himself.)"She comes to us highly recommended,and I have no doubt you will all like her.As chairman of the committee,"(here the Squire's breast expanded with official pride),"I have tried to obtain for you teachers of the highest talent,without regard to expense."(Had the Squire forgotten that Mabel was to receive only seven dollars a week?)"Itrust --the town trusts --that you will appreciate what we are doin'for you.

We want you to attend to your studies,and work hard to secure the blessin's of a good education,which is the birthright of every citizen.I will now leave you in charge of your teacher,and I hope you will study to please her."The Squire sat down,and drawing an ample red handkerchief from his pocket wiped his brow with some complacency.He felt that his speech was a success.He had not stumbled,as he sometimes did.He felt that he had done credit to his position.

"Now I must go down to Miss Bassett's school,"he added,rising to go."I must say a few words to her scholars.Miss Frost,I wish you success in your --ahem!--very responsible task.""Thank you,sir."

The ample form of the Squire vanished through the closing door,and Mabel was left face to face with her new responsibilities.For a moment she was nervous.She knew little of the routine of a country school,and felt like a civilian who without a particle of military training finds himself suddenly in command of a regiment.

"I wonder what I ought to do first,"she thought,in some perplexity.She would have consulted Squire Hadley on this point had she not hesitated to reveal her utter lack of experience.

While glancing about the room in an undecided way she detected Ben Hadley slyly preparing to insert a pin into the anatomy of the boy next him.This gave her an idea.

"Ben Hadley,please come to the desk,"she said quietly.

Ben started guiltily.He decided that the school teacher had seen him,and was about to call him to account.His face wore a half defiant look as he marched up to the desk,the observed of all observers.All the scholars were on the qui vive to learn the policy of the new administration.This summons seemed rather a bold move,for Ben was generally regarded as the head of the opposition.Not from malice,but from roguery,he gave successive teachers more trouble than any other scholar.Had the new school mistress found this out,and was she about to arraign the rebel as her first act of power?Such was Ben's suspicion,as,with his head erect,he marched up to the teacher's desk.

To his surprise Miss Frost met him with a friendly smile.

"Ben,"said she pleasantly,"you are one of the oldest scholars,and the only one whom I know.Are you willing to help me organize the school?"Ben was,astonished.That such a proposal should be made to him,the arch rebel,was most unexpected.

"Guess she don't know me,"he thought.But yet he felt flattered;evidently he was a person of some consequence in the eyes of the new teacher.

"I'll help you all I can,Miss Frost,"he said heartily.

"Thank you,Ben,I felt sure you would,"said Mabel,with quiet confidence."I suppose the first thing will be to take the names of the scholars.""Yes,Miss Frost;and then you sort 'em into classes.""To be sure.How many classes are there generally?""Well,there are three classes in reading,and two in arithmetic,and two in geography.""That is just the information I want.Now,Ben,I will ask you to go about with me,and tell me the names of the scholars."But before entering upon this formality,Mabel,for the first time in her life,made a speech.

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