
第32章 LET AT LAST(1)

"There,ma'am!"said Trottle,folding up the manu from which he had been reading,and setting it down with a smart tap of triumph on the table."May I venture to ask what you think of that plain statement,as a guess on my part (and not on Mr.Jarber's)at the riddle of the empty House?"For a minute or two I was unable to say a word.When I recovered a little,my first question referred to the poor forlorn little boy.

"To-day is Monday the twentieth,"I said."Surely you have not let a whole week go by without trying to find out something more?""Except at bed-time,and meals,ma'am,"answered Trottle,"I have not let an hour go by.Please to understand that I have only come to an end of what I have written,and not to an end of what I have done.I wrote down those first particulars,ma'am,because they are of great importance,and also because I was determined to come forward with my written documents,seeing that Mr.Jarber chose to come forward,in the first instance,with his.I am now ready to go on with the second part of my story as shortly and plainly as possible,by word of mouth.The first thing I must clear up,if you please,is the matter of Mr.Forley's family affairs.I have heard you speak of them,ma'am,at various times;and I have understood that Mr.Forley had two children only by his deceased wife,both daughters.The eldest daughter married,to her father's entire satisfaction,one Mr.Bayne,a rich man,holding a high government situation in Canada.She is now living there with her husband,and her only child,a little girl of eight or nine years old.Right so far,I think,ma'am?""Quite right,"I said.

"The second daughter,"Trottle went on,"and Mr.Forley's favourite,set her father's wishes and the opinions of the world at flat defiance,by running away with a man of low origin--a mate of a merchant-vessel,named Kirkland.Mr.Forley not only never forgave that marriage,but vowed that he would visit the scandal of it heavily in the future on husband and wife.Both escaped his vengeance,whatever he meant it to be.The husband was drowned on his first voyage after his marriage,and the wife died in child-bed.

Right again,I believe,ma'am?"

"Again quite right."

"Having got the family matter all right,we will now go back,ma'am,to me and my doings.Last Monday,I asked you for leave of absence for two days;I employed the time in clearing up the matter of Benjamin's face.Last Saturday I was out of the way when you wanted me.I played truant,ma'am,on that occasion,in company with a friend of mine,who is managing clerk in a lawyer's office;and we both spent the morning at Doctors'Commons,over the last will and testament of Mr.Forley's father.Leaving the will-business for a moment,please to follow me first,if you have no objection,into the ugly subject of Benjamin's face.About six or seven years ago (thanks to your kindness)I had a week's holiday with some friends of mine who live in the town of Pendlebury.One of those friends (the only one now left in the place)kept a chemist's shop,and in that shop I was made acquainted with one of the two doctors in the town,named Barsham.This Barsham was a first-rate surgeon,and might have got to the top of his profession,if he had not been a first-rate blackguard.As it was,he both drank and gambled;nobody would have anything to do with him in Pendlebury;and,at the time when I was made known to him in the chemist's shop,the other doctor,Mr.Dix,who was not to be compared with him for surgical skill,but who was a respectable man,had got all the practice;and Barsham and his old mother were living together in such a condition of utter poverty,that it was a marvel to everybody how they kept out of the parish workhouse.""Benjamin and Benjamin's mother!"

"Exactly,ma'am.Last Thursday morning (thanks to your kindness,again)I went to Pendlebury to my friend the chemist,to ask a few questions about Barsham and his mother.I was told that they had both left the town about five years since.When I inquired into the circumstances,some strange particulars came out in the course of the chemist's answer.You know I have no doubt,ma'am,that poor Mrs.Kirkland was confined while her husband was at sea,in lodgings at a village called Flatfield,and that she died and was buried there.But what you may not know is,that Flatfield is only three miles from Pendlebury;that the doctor who attended on Mrs.Kirkland was Barsham;that the nurse who took care of her was Barsham's mother;and that the person who called them both in,was Mr.Forley.

Whether his daughter wrote to him,or whether he heard of it in some other way,I don't know;but he was with her (though he had sworn never to see her again when she married)a month or more before her confinement,and was backwards and forwards a good deal between Flatfield and Pendlebury.How he managed matters with the Barshams cannot at present be discovered;but it is a fact that he contrived to keep the drunken doctor sober,to everybody's amazement.It is a fact that Barsham went to the poor woman with all his wits about him.It is a fact that he and his mother came back from Flatfield after Mrs.Kirkland's death,packed up what few things they had,and left the town mysteriously by night.And,lastly,it is also a fact that the other doctor,Mr.Dix,was not called in to help,till a week after the birth AND BURIAL of the child,when the mother was sinking from exhaustion--exhaustion (to give the vagabond,Barsham,his due)not produced,in Mr.Dix's opinion,by improper medical treatment,but by the bodily weakness of the poor woman herself--""Burial of the child?"I interrupted,trembling all over."Trottle!

you spoke that word 'burial'in a very strange way--you are fixing your eyes on me now with a very strange look--"Trottle leaned over close to me,and pointed through the window to the empty house.

"The child's death is registered,at Pendlebury,"he said,"on Barsham's certificate,under the head of Male Infant,Still-Born.

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