
第24章 Part 3(2)

These gentlemen,being something disturbed with the clutter of bringing the poor gentleman into the house,as above,were first angry and very high with the master of the house for suffering such a fellow,as they called him,to be brought out of the grave into their house;but being answered that the man was a neighbour,and that he was sound,but overwhelmed with the calamity of his family,and the like,they turned their anger into ridiculing the man and his sorrow for his wife and children,taunted him with want of courage to leap into the great pit and go to heaven,as they jeeringly expressed it,along with them,adding some very profane and even blasphemous expressions.

They were at this vile work when I came back to the house,and,as far as I could see,though the man sat still,mute and disconsolate,and their affronts could not divert his sorrow,yet he was both grieved and offended at their discourse.Upon this I gently reproved them,being well enough acquainted with their characters,and not unknown in person to two of them.

They immediately fell upon me with ill language and oaths,asked me what I did out of my grave at such a time when so many honester men were carried into the churchyard,and why I was not at home saying my prayers against the dead-cart came for me,and the like.

I was indeed astonished at the impudence of the men,though not at all discomposed at their treatment of me.However,I kept my temper.

I told them that though I defied them or any man in the world to tax me with any dishonesty,yet I acknowledged that in this terrible judgement of God many better than I were swept away and carried to their grave.But to answer their question directly,the case was,that Iwas mercifully preserved by that great God whose name they had blasphemed and taken in vain by cursing and swearing in a dreadful manner,and that I believed I was preserved in particular,among other ends of His goodness,that I might reprove them for their audacious boldness in behaving in such a manner and in such an awful time as this was,especially for their jeering and mocking at an honest gentleman and a neighbour (for some of them knew him),who,they saw,was overwhelmed with sorrow for the breaches which it had pleased God to make upon his family.

I cannot call exactly to mind the hellish,abominable raillery which was the return they made to that talk of mine:being provoked,it seems,that I was not at all afraid to be free with them;nor,if I could remember,would I fill my account with any of the words,the horrid oaths,curses,and vile expressions,such as,at that time of the day,even the worst and ordinariest people in the street would not use;for,except such hardened creatures as these,the most wicked wretches that could be found had at that time some terror upon their minds of the hand of that Power which could thus in a moment destroy them.

But that which was the worst in all their devilish language was,that they were not afraid to blaspheme God and talk atheistically,making a jest of my calling the plague the hand of God;mocking,and even laughing,at the word judgement,as if the providence of God had no concern in the inflicting such a desolating stroke;and that the people calling upon God as they saw the carts carrying away the dead bodies was all enthusiastic,absurd,and impertinent.

I made them some reply,such as I thought proper,but which I found was so far from putting a check to their horrid way of speaking that it made them rail the more,so that I confess it filled me with horror and a kind of rage,and I came away,as I told them,lest the hand of that judgement which had visited the whole city should glorify His vengeance upon them,and all that were near them.

They received all reproof with the utmost contempt,and made the greatest mockery that was possible for them to do at me,giving me all the opprobrious,insolent scoffs that they could think of for preaching to them,as they called it,which indeed grieved me,rather than angered me;and I went away,blessing God,however,in my mind that I had not spared them,though they had insulted me so much.

They continued this wretched course three or four days after this,continually mocking and jeering at all that showed themselves religious or serious,or that were any way touched with the sense of the terrible judgement of God upon us;and I was informed they flouted in the same manner at the good people who,notwithstanding the contagion,met at the church,fasted,and prayed to God to remove His hand from them.

I say,they continued this dreadful course three or four days -I think it was no more -when one of them,particularly he who asked the poor gentleman what he did out of his grave,was struck from Heaven with the plague,and died in a most deplorable manner;and,in a word,they were every one of them carried into the great pit which Ihave mentioned above,before it was quite filled up,which was not above a fortnight or thereabout.

These men were guilty of many extravagances,such as one would think human nature should have trembled at the thoughts of at such a time of general terror as was then upon us,and particularly scoffing and mocking at everything which they happened to see that was religious among the people,especially at their thronging zealously to the place of public worship to implore mercy from Heaven in such a time of distress;and this tavern where they held their dub being within view of the church-door,they had the more particular occasion for their atheistical profane mirth.

But this began to abate a little with them before the accident which Ihave related happened,for the infection increased so violently at this part of the town now,that people began to be afraid to come to the church;at least such numbers did not resort thither as was usual.

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