

The certainty that Bruhl and his captives were not far off,and the likelihood that we might be engaged within the hour,expelled from the minds of even the most timorous among us the vapourish fears which had before haunted them.In the hurried scramble which presently landed us on the bank of the stream,men who had ridden for hours in sulky silence found their voices,and from cursing their horses'blunders soon advanced to swearing and singing after the fashion of their kind.This change,by relieving me of a great fear,left me at leisure to consider our position,and estimate more clearly than I might have done the advantages of hastening,or postponing,an attack.We numbered eleven;the enemy,to the best of my belief,twelve.Of this slight superiority I should have reeked little in the daytime;nor,perhaps,counting Maignan as two,have allowed that it existed.But the result of a night attack is more difficult to forecast;and I had also to take into account the perils to which the two ladies would be exposed,between the darkness and tumult,in the event of the issue remaining for a time in doubt.

These considerations,and particularly the last,weighed so powerfully with me,that before I reached the bottom of the gorge I had decided to postpone the attack until morning.The answers to some questions which I put to the inhabitant of the house by the ford as soon as I reached level ground only confirmed me in this resolution.The road Bruhl had taken ran for a distance by the riverside,and along the bottom of the gorge;and,difficult by day,was reported to be impracticable for horses by night.

The castle he had mentioned lay full two leagues away,and on the farther edge of a tract of rough woodland.Finally,I doubted whether,in the absence of any other reason for delay,I could have marched my men,weary as they were,to the place before daybreak.

When I came to announce this decision,however,and to inquire what accommodation the peasant could afford us,I found myself in trouble.Fanchette,mademoiselle's woman,suddenly confronted me,her face scarlet with rage.Thrusting herself forward into the circle of light cast by the lanthorn,she assailed me with a virulence and fierceness which said more for her devotion to her mistress than her respect for me.Her wild gesticulations,her threats,and the appeals which she made now to me,and now to the men who stood in a circle round us,their faces in shadow,discomfited as much as they surprised me.

'What!'she cried violently,'you call yourself a gentleman,and lie here and let my mistress be murdered,or worse,within a league of you!Two leagues?A groat for your two leagues!Iwould walk them barefoot,if that would shame you.And you,you call yourselves men,and suffer it!It is God's truth you are a set of cravens and sluggards.Give me as many women,and Iwould--'

'Peace,woman!'Maignan said in his deep voice.'You had your way and came with us,and you will obey orders as well as another!Be off,and see to the victuals before worse happen to you!'

'Ay,see to the victuals!'she retorted.'See to the victuals,forsooth!That is all you think of--to lie warm and eat your fill!A set of dastardly,drinking,droning guzzlers you are!

You are!'she retorted,her voice rising to a shriek.'May the plague take you!'

'Silence!'Maignan growled fiercely,'or have a care to yourself!For a copper-piece I would send you to cool your heels in the water below--for that last word!Begone,do you hear,'he continued,seizing her by the shoulder and thrusting her towards the house,'or worse may happen to you.We are rough customers,as you will find if you do not lock up your tongue!'

I heard her go wailing into the darkness;and Heaven knows it was not without compunction I forced myself to remain inactive in the face of a devotion which seemed so much greater than mine.The men fell away one by one to look to their horses and choose sleeping-quarters for the night;and presently M.d'Agen and Iwere left alone standing beside the lanthorn,which the man had hung on a bush before his door.The brawling of the water as it poured between the banks,a score of paces from us,and the black darkness which hid everything beyond the little ring of light in which we stood--so that for all we could see we were in a pit--had the air of isolating us from all the world.

I looked at the young man,who had not once lisped that day;and I plainly read in his attitude his disapproval of my caution.

Though he declined to meet my eye,he stood with his arms folded and his head thrown back,making no attempt to disguise the scorn and ill-temper which his face expressed.Hurt by the woman's taunts,and possibly shaken in my opinion,I grew restive under his silence,and unwisely gave way to my feelings.

'You do not appear to approve of my decision,M.d'Agen?'Isaid.

'It is yours to command,sir,'he answered proudly.

There are truisms which have more power to annoy than the veriest reproaches.I should have borne in mind the suspense and anxiety he was suffering,and which had so changed him that I scarcely knew him for the gay young spark on whose toe I had trodden.Ishould have remembered that he was young and I old,and that it behoved me to be patient.But on my side also there was anxiety,and responsibility as well;and,above all,a rankling soreness,to which I refrain from giving the name of jealousy,though it came as near to that feeling as the difference in our ages and personal advantages (whereof the balance was all on his side)would permit.This,no doubt,it was which impelled me to continue the argument.

'You would go on?'I said persistently.

'It is idle to say what I would do,'he answered with a flash of anger.

'I asked for your opinion,sir,'I rejoined stiffly.

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