
第129章 A TAVERN BRAWL.(2)

The new-comer was somewhat of Maignan's figure.He wore a back and breast over a green doublet,and had an orange feather in his cap and an orange-lined cloak on his shoulder.On entering he stood a moment in the doorway,letting his bold black eyes rove round the room,the while he talked in a loud braggart fashion to his companions.There was a lack of breeding in the man's air,and something offensive in his look;which I noticed produced wherever it rested a momentary silence and constraint.When he moved farther into the room I saw that he wore a very long sword,the point of which trailed a foot behind him.

He chose out for his first attentions the party of four whom Ihave mentioned;going up to them and accosting them with a ruffling air,directed especially to the gentleman in the mask.

The latter lifted his head haughtily on finding himself addressed by a stranger,but did not offer to answer.Someone else did,however,for a sudden bellow like that of an enraged bull proceeded from behind the settle.The words were lost in noise,the unseen speaker's anger seeming so overpowering that he could not articulate;but the tone and voice,which were in some way familiar to me,proved enough for the bully,who,covering his retreat with a profound bow,backed out rapidly,muttering what was doubtless an apology.Cocking his hat more fiercely to make up for this repulse,he next proceeded to patrol the room,scowling from side to side as he went,with the evident intention of picking a quarrel with someone less formidable.

By ill-chance his eye lit,as he turned,on our masks.He said something to his companions;and encouraged,no doubt,by the position of our seats at the board,which led him to think us people of small consequence,he came to a stop opposite us.

'What!more dukes here?'he cried scoffingly.'Hallo,you sir!'he continued to me,'will you not unmask and drink a glass with me?'

I thanked him civilly,but declined.

His insolent eyes were busy,while I spoke,with madame's fair hair and handsome figure,which her mask failed to hide.

'Perhaps the ladies will have better taste,sir,'he said rudely.

'Will they not honour us with a sight of their pretty faces?'

Knowing the importance of keeping my temper I put constraint on myself,and answered,still with civility,that they were greatly fatigued and were about to retire.

'Zounds!'he cried,'that is not to be borne.If we are to lose them so soon,the more reason we should enjoy their BEAUX YEUXwhile we can.A short life and a merry one,sir.This is not a nunnery,nor,I dare swear,are your fair friends nuns.'

Though I longed to chastise him for this insult,I feigned deafness,and went on with my meal as if I had not heard him;and the table being between us prevented him going beyond words.

After he had uttered one or two coarse jests of a similar character,which cost us less as we were masked,and our emotions could only be guessed,the crowd about us,seeing I took the thing quietly,began to applaud him;but more as it seemed to me out of fear than love.In this opinion I was presently confirmed on hearing from Simon who whispered the information in my ear as he handed a dish--that the fellow was an Italian captain in the king's pay,famous for his skill with the sword and the many duels in which he had displayed it.

Mademoiselle,though she did not know this,bore with his insolence with a patience which astonished me;while madame appeared unconscious of it.Nevertheless,I was glad when he retired and left us in peace.I seized the moment of his absence to escort the ladies through the room and upstairs to their apartment,the door of which I saw locked and secured.That done I breathed more freely;and feeling thankful that I had been able to keep my temper,took the episode to be at an end.

But in this I was mistaken,as I found when I returned to the room in which we had supped,my intention being to go through it to the stables.I had not taken two paces across the floor before I found my road blocked by the Italian,and read alike in his eyes and in the faces of the company--of whom many hastened to climb the tables to see what passed--that the meeting was premeditated.The man's face was flushed with wine;proud of his many victories,he eyed me with a boastful contempt my patience had perhaps given him the right to feel.

'Ha!well met,sir,'he said,sweeping the floor with his cap in an exaggeration of respect,'now,perhaps,your high-mightiness will condescend to unmask?The table is no longer between us,nor are your fair friends here to protect their CHER AMI!'

'If I still refuse,sir,'I said civilly,wavering between anger and prudence,and hoping still to avoid a quarrel which might endanger us all,'be good enough to attribute it to private motives,and to no desire to disoblige you.'

'No,I do not think you wish to disoblige me,'he answered,laughing scornfully--and a dozen voices echoed the gibe.'But for your private motives,the devil take them!Is that plain enough,sir?'

'It is plain enough to show me that you are an ill-bred man!'Ianswered,choler getting the better of me.'Let me pass,sir.'

'Unmask!'he retorted,moving so as still to detain me,'or shall I call in the grooms to perform the office for you?'

Seeing at last that all my attempts to evade the man only fed his vanity,and encouraged him to further excesses,and that the motley crowd,who filled the room and already formed a circle round us,had made up their minds to see sport,I would no longer balk them;I could no longer do it,indeed,with honour.Ilooked round,therefore,for someone whom I might enlist as my second,but I saw no one with whom I had the least acquaintance.

The room was lined from table to ceiling with mocking faces and scornful eyes all turned to me.

My opponent saw the look,and misread it;being much accustomed,I imagine,to a one-sided battle.He laughed contemptuously.

'No,my friend,there is no way out of it,'he said.'Let me see your pretty face,or fight.'

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