资深警员卢克在乘火车前往伦敦的途中,偶遇了来自乡村的平克顿小姐。这位老小姐声称自己正准备前往苏格兰场,去揭发几起命案的真相。令人诧异的是,她随后便惨遭车祸离世。卢克决定冒充作家前往乡村一探究竟。他在随后的调查中发现,每起案件似乎都介于“意外”与谋杀之间,而另一位老小姐韦恩弗利特似乎掌握着某些关键信息,却对卢克欲言又止……就在此时,“意外”再次发生了,陷入困局的卢克能否拨开迷雾,让村庄恢复到以往的平静之中?10th Muse: Maze of the Minotaur
New young adult novel series based on the best-selling comic book, 10th Muse. In Greek mythology there were 9 Muses, the daughters of Zeus, but history forgot one - The 10th Muse - MUSE OF JUSTICE Emma Sonnet's Birthright! Emma Sonnet is a typical, popular high school teen with an unbelievable secret - she's a superhero. When students are mysteriously missing the 10th Muse must solve the puzzle of the minotaur in time to save them.