自从遇到苏慕凉——这个披着高冷外衣的腹黑又逗比的大总裁,顾小苗的人生就没有正常过。“爱妻号”总裁每分每秒都在“关爱”这个可爱小秘书,奇招乱出,毫无底线,偶尔也搬起石头砸一砸自己的脚。不过,大总裁,你怎么关爱到人家床上来了!某男生扁扁嘴:老婆,为了你,为夫愿意为你霸占整个金融界和娱乐圈!顾小苗:别跟我卖萌,我不吃这套!总裁:你别穿上衣服就不认账!来,咱们再研究一下昨晚姿势的改进,多生几个宝宝……全文甜宠,走积极励志正能量路线。不虐,一萌到底!The Sexual Life of Catherine M.
A national best-seller that was featured on such lists as The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post, the San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe, and Publishers Weekly, The Sexual Life of Catherine M. was the controversial sleeper hit of the year. Since her youth, Catherine Millet, the eminent editor of Art Press, has led an extraordinarily active and free sexual life -- from al fresco encounters in Italy to a gang bang on the edge of the Bois du Boulogne to a high-class orgy at a chichi Parisian restaurant. A graphic account of sex stripped of sentiment, of a life of physical gratification and a relentlessly honest look at the consequences -- both liberating and otherwise -- have created this candid, powerful, and deeply intelligent depiction of unfettered sexuality.倾世绝恋:迷离师徒情
身上怎么腰酸背痛的?这是哪啊,这鸟不拉屎的地方有人吗?想她一介……咦~她是谁来着?叠影于寒冰,沁梦入琉璃,不如就叫冰璃吧……陌夜城,高傲如他,邪魅无双,魔族之主却对她青睐有加,他护她,宠她,爱她……姬如歌,华夏二十一世纪杀手,魂穿异世,修的上乘武学,却换不了她一世无忧,茫茫人海,她却为了她在异世颠沛……欢迎加入夜揽星读者群,群号:640372718Harold Pinter Plays 2
The second volume of Harold Pinter's collected work includes The wkkk.net CaretakerIt was with this play that Harold Pinter had his first major success. The obsessive caretaker, Davies, is a classic comic creation, and his uneasy relationship with the enigmatic Aston and Mick a landmark in twentieth-century drama.'The play remains a masterpiece.' Daily Telegraph The Collection This one-act play for television explores the sexual manoeuvres between two couples in the clothing trade. 'Taps the adrenal flow of contemporary guilt and anxiety.' Time The Lover Richard and Sarah conduct themselves with apparent respectability in the mornings, whilst living out a sequence of erotic rituals in the afternoons. 'Beautifully written... the sexiest play I remember seeing on the television.' Sunday Times The volume also includes Night School and The Dwarfs, plus five revue sketches written during the same period.