婚后,她满心疑惑。明明厌恶女人的顾总,为何总是搂她入怀,还眯眸浅笑的将她逼在墙角。*初见,她无意撞破了他的秘密,后逃之夭夭。再遇,两人在学校狭路相逢。再之后,他像天神那样,救她于一片的谩骂之中。为了替他遮羞,她成为了他内定的新娘。没有求婚,没有戒指,就连领证都是临时起意。她曾很认真的问过他,为什么会娶她?他笑着说,我看上你了。*课间,她悄悄的看了前男友一眼。结果当晚,身材伟岸的男人逼得她步步后退,并追问:“我跟他谁好看?”小女人羞答答的说,“你好看!”男人这才满意的眯了眯眼。Reel Life Starring Us
Rockwood Hills Junior High is known for the close-knit cliques that rule the school. When arty new girl Dina gets the opportunity to do a video project with queen bee Chelsea, she thinks this is her ticket to a great new social life. But Chelsea has bigger problems than Dina can imagine: her father has lost his job, and her family is teetering on the brink. Without knowing it, Dina might just get caught in Chelsea's free fall. Filled with honest truths about status and self-confidence, as well as the bubbly, infectious voice Lisa Greenwald mastered in her breakout, My Life in Pink & Green, this book is sure to charm tween readers everywhere.