豆瓣最热门的情感美文集,艾明雅、毛路、陈亚豪、小岩井……十余位豆瓣红人用他们或温情、或犀利的文字带你穿透爱情的迷茫,得到自我救赎。本书是一部关于爱情的随笔集。全书围绕五个主题:初恋、单恋、虐恋、暗恋、苦恋,由24个故事组成。 有时候,爱不过是一场华丽的想象;有时候,那些突然之前发生的事,却能让你铭记一生;有时候,付出所有也换不来美好的结局;有时候,轰轰烈烈过后却没有在一起……有人说最好的爱情是一个人的事,一个人的义无反顾,一个人的冷暖自知,一个人的天荒地老……但是,亲爱的,请相信一定有人敬慕你的勇敢!Weight
With wit and verve, the prize-winning author of Sexing the Cherry and Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit brings the mythical figure of Atlas into the space age and sets him free at last. In her retelling of the story of a god tricked into holding the world on his shoulders and his brief reprieve, she sets difficult questions about the nature of choice and coercion, how we choose our own destiny and at the same time can liberate ourselves from our seeming fate. Finally in paperback, Weight is a daring, seductive addition to Canongate's ambitious series of myths by the world's most acclaimed authors.