《<名作欣赏>精华读本:中国现当代小说名作欣赏》从两万余篇文章中精选而出,名家行文,观点鲜明,功底深厚,语言生动,不拘一格,有很强的阅读陛和欣赏性,值得珍藏。《<名作欣赏>精华读本:中国现当代小说名作欣赏》获得过无数荣誉,是全国唯一以鉴赏古今中外文学名著为内容的大型期刊,曾蝉联首届、第二届、第三届政府最高奖——国家期刊奖,连续两届被评为全国百种重点社科期刊。Another Eden
Susanne thought she'd landed her dream job when she got the chance to work with renowned novelist Nick Merridew. But it got even better when she met his handsome brother, Richard. After a whirlwind romance, Susanne and Richard were engaged-and couldn't be happier.Then a car accident robbed Susanne of her sight just weeks before her wedding, and it wasn't Richard who was at her bedside. It was Nick-dark, handsome, and arrogant, a man whose presence had always filled Susanne with dangerous desire. Now Susanne had a heart-wrenching decision to make. And no matter what choice she made, she stood to lose-and gain-far more than the accident could ever take away.