The Charleston Academy of Domestic Pursuits
Nestled deep in the South is a tiny Academy that teaches classes in the most important subject in the world: the domestic arts. The Academy's unique curriculum includes everything from cocktail-party etiquette to business entertaining, dealing with household guests, and cooking for the holidays. Here, after a little gentle instruction from Deans Pollak and Manigault, interspersed with plenty of humor, students find they are living healthier, having stronger ties to friends and family, and using their houses to branch out in ways they never dreamed possible. Since not everyone can get to their sold-out classes in Charleston, the Deans are now offering this book so happier living can be within everyone's grasp, not just the select few.妩媚帝姬为谁痴:凤囚金宫1
《孝经》通篇谈孝,那么,《孝经》之孝是什么呢?“夫孝,天之经也,地之义也,民之行也。”“夫孝,德之本也,教之所由生也。”孝是自然规律的体现,是人类行为的准则,是国家政治的根本。这是《孝经》的基本观点,也是全篇的基石。《孝经》在两千多年的历史长河中,上至帝王将相,下至黎民百姓,被广为传诵,其影响甚至远及异族他国。它主张珍视生命、尊长敬上、敢言直谏等,具有超时代意义,与当前我们国家倡导的“以人为本”“构建和谐社会”有异曲同工之处。本书以解读古代家喻户晓的儒学经典《孝经》为切入点,配以古代及现当代流传的孝道故事,力求使读者在轻松阅读中去粗存精,领略传统孝文化的积极意义与思想真谛。Playboy of the Western World