

And the stars went out, and the day was gone, Then the Master found, laid me upon His bosom, unafraid."

A hush followed upon her song. Far down the valley the moon rose red out of the sea, the sweet night air, breathing its fragrance of mignonette and roses, moved the lace of the curtains at the open window as it passed. A late thrush was singing its night song of love to its mate.

"I feel as if I could sleep now," said Iola. "Barney, carry me."

Like a tired child she nestled down in Barney's strong arms.

"Good-night, dear friends, all," she said. "What a happy evening it has been." Then, with a little cry, "Oh, Barney! hold me. I'm slipping," she locked her arms tight about his neck, lifting her face to his. "Goodnight, Barney, my love, my own love," she whispered, her breath coming in gasps. "How good you are to me--how good to have you. Now kiss me--quick--don't wait--again, dear--good-night." Her arms slipped down from his neck. Her head sank upon his breast.

"Iola!" he cried, in a voice strident with fear and alarm, glancing down into her face. He carried her to the open window. "Oh, my God! My God! She is gone! Oh, my love, not yet! not yet!"

But the ear was dull even to that penetrating cry of the broken heart, and the singing voice was forever still from words or songs that mortal ears could hear. In vain they tried to revive her.

The tired lids rested upon the lustrous eyes from which all light had fled. The weary heart was quiet at last. Gently, Barney placed her on the couch, where she lay as if asleep, then, standing upright, he gazed round upon them with eyes full of dumb anguish till they understood, and one by one they turned and left him alone with his dead.

For two days Barney wandered about the valley, his spirit moving in the midst of a solemn and mysterious peace. The light of life for him had not gone out, but had brightened into the greater glory.

Heaven had not snatched her away. She had brought Heaven near.

At first he was minded to carry her back with him to the old home and lay her in the churchyard there. But Lady Ruthven took him to the spot where her dead lay.

"We should be glad that she should sleep beside our dear ones here," she said. "You know we love her dearly."

"It is a great kindness you are doing, Lady Ruthven," Barney replied, his heart responding with glad acceptance to the suggestion. "She loved this valley, and it was here she first found rest."

"Yes, she loves this valley," replied Lady Ruthven, refusing to accept Barney's tense. To her, death made no change. "And here she found peace and perfect love again."

A single line in the daily press brought a few close friends from London to bury her. Old Sir Walter himself was present. He had taken such pride in her voice, and had learned to love his pupil as a daughter, and with him stood Herr Lindau, the German impresario, under whose management she had made her London debut in "Lohengrin."

There in the sunny valley they laid her down, their faces touched with smiles that struggled with their tears. But on his face who loved her best of all there were no tears, only a look of wonder, and of gladness, and of peace.

  • The Story of Doctor Dolittle

    The Story of Doctor Dolittle

  • 十二门论疏


  • 菩萨行方便境界神通变化经


  • The Well of the Saints

    The Well of the Saints

  • 波斯教残经


  • 只能剩一个


  • 天才捕手


  • 山河美人图


  • 快穿之我家宿主又精分了


    池墨拔剑而起:“狗蛋,开启终极大屠杀模式。”系统身无可恋:“……宿主,其实这个位面还可以再抢救一下!!” 池墨刚好拆完cp,顺便又招来了天道的九九八十一雷轰顶。 “……恭喜宿主,获得一份钻石大礼包,开始位面终极大逃亡模式。” 可高冷可鬼畜可腹黑女主VS不明属性男主本文〖1v1〗ps:本文纯属虚构,请勿代入现实
  • 许你风光大嫁


  • 阅读父亲


    本书所要告诉你的真实故事——这是一位朝鲜战场上志愿军中职务最高的烈士,牺牲时他的儿子才出生48天。年轻美丽的母亲对儿子隐瞒了他的身世,一瞒就是十八年。十八年后,父亲的战友们和母亲一起向儿子讲述了父亲的故事,儿子从此知道了父亲的名字,也知道了父亲曾经为自己起过的一个名字。 这是一个装满了父亲遗物的铁皮箱。儿子从母亲手中接过这个跟随父亲南征北战的箱子,看到了父亲留下的文字。从未谋面的儿子只能通过这些来感受父亲的气息,只能通过阅读来亲近父亲,解读父亲。本书分别从儿媳、儿子的叙述进入,引导读者一同走近烈士和他的家人、那些生前身后的人和事…… 一位军队高级指挥员的完整形象在充满深情的解读中被复原。
  • 叛逆天机


  • 霸道总裁:萌妻翻身把歌唱


  • Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard
  • 抱歉!本妃已经滚远了

