

I would rather choose to be certainly informed of the conference he had in his tent with some particular friends of his the night before a battle, than of the harangue he made the next day to his army; and of what he did in his closet and his chamber, than what he did in the public square and in the senate. As to Cicero, I am of the common opinion that, learning excepted, he had no great natural excellence. He was a good citizen, of an affable nature, as all fat, heavy men, such as he was, usually are; but given to ease, and had, in truth, a mighty share of vanity and ambition. Neither do I know how to excuse him for thinking his poetry fit to be published; 'tis no great imperfection to make ill verses, but it is an imperfection not to be able to judge how unworthy his verses were of the glory of his name. For what concerns his eloquence, that is totally out of all comparison, and I believe it will never be equalled. The younger Cicero, who resembled his father in nothing but in name, whilst commanding in Asia, had several strangers one day at his table, and, amongst the rest, Cestius seated at the lower end, as men often intrude to the open tables of the great. Cicero asked one of his people who that man was, who presently told him his name; but he, as one who had his thoughts taken up with something else, and who had forgotten the answer made him, asking three or four times, over and over again; the same question, the fellow, to deliver himself from so many answers and to make him know him by some particular circumstance; "'tis that Cestius," said he, "of whom it was told you, that he makes no great account of your father's eloquence in comparison of his own." At which Cicero, being suddenly nettled, commanded poor Cestius presently to be seized, and caused him to be very well whipped in his own presence; a very discourteous entertainer! Yet even amongst those, who, all things considered, have reputed his, eloquence incomparable, there have been some, who have not stuck to observe some faults in it: as that great Brutus his friend, for example, who said 'twas a broken and feeble eloquence, 'fyactam et elumbem'. The orators also, nearest to the age wherein he lived, reprehended in him the care he had of a certain long cadence in his periods, and particularly took notice of these words, 'esse videatur', which he there so often makes use of. For my part, I more approve of a shorter style, and that comes more roundly off. He does, though, sometimes shuffle his parts more briskly together, but 'tis very seldom. I have myself taken notice of this one passage:

"Ego vero me minus diu senem mallem, quam esse senem, antequam essem."

["I had rather be old a brief time, than be old before old age.--"Cicero, De Senect., c. 10.]

The historians are my right ball, for they are pleasant and easy, and where man, in general, the knowledge of whom I hunt after, appears more vividly and entire than anywhere else:

[The easiest of my amusements, the right ball at tennis being that which coming to the player from the right hand, is much easier played with.--Coste.] the variety and truth of his internal qualities, in gross and piecemeal, the diversity of means by which he is united and knit, and the accidents that threaten him. Now those that write lives, by reason they insist more upon counsels than events, more upon what sallies from within, than upon what happens without, are the most proper for my reading; and, therefore, above all others, Plutarch is the man for me. I am very sorry we have not a dozen Laertii,--[Diogenes Laertius, who wrote the Lives of the Philosophers]-- or that he was not further extended; for I am equally curious to know the lives and fortunes of these great instructors of the world, as to know the diversities of their doctrines and opinions. In this kind of study of histories, a man must tumble over, without distinction, all sorts of authors, old and new, French or foreign, there to know the things of which they variously treat. But Caesar, in my opinion, particularly deserves to be studied, not for the knowledge of the history only, but for himself, so great an excellence and perfection he has above all the rest, though Sallust be one of the number. In earnest, I read this author with more reverence and respect than is usually allowed to human writings; one while considering him in his person, by his actions and miraculous greatness, and another in the purity and inimitable polish of his language, wherein he not only excels all other historians, as Cicero confesses, but, peradventure, even Cicero himself; speaking of his enemies with so much sincerity in his judgment, that, the false colours with which he strives to palliate his evil cause, and the ordure of his pestilent ambition excepted, I think there is no fault to be objected against him, saving this, that he speaks too sparingly of himself, seeing so many great things could not have been performed under his conduct, but that his own personal acts must necessarily have had a greater share in them than he attributes to them.

I love historians, whether of the simple sort, or of the higher order.

  • 系乐府十二首 陇上

    系乐府十二首 陇上

  • A Discourse of Coin and Coinage

    A Discourse of Coin and Coinage

  • 亡题


  • 舍利弗阿毗昙论


  • The Lost Princess of Oz

    The Lost Princess of Oz

  • 请慢一点忘记我


    这是一本关于梦想、希望、与爱的故事集。这其中有遗憾、有错过,也有感动。作者余儒海 用最温暖的笔触诉说:人这一生就像一列单向列车,一路向前走,不会也不能回头,在这过程中,珍惜那些带给你温暖的人,原谅那些带给你伤害的事,忘却那些不堪回忆的场景,感恩这个世间美好的一切。
  • 天文馆漫游:宇宙奇观


  • 师傅退后,徒儿来


  • 喊山


  • 快捷粥品


  • 喊声娘人头落地


  • 说爱九零后


  • 血炼魔天


  • 文学会消亡吗:学术前沿沉思录


    本书正是在关注和研究这些(以及其他相关的)前沿问题的基础上,对美学界、哲学界、文艺界热切关注的问题进行思考和研究的成果。 本书分上、中、下三编。上编为“电子媒介时代的文学”,这是当前文艺学界讨论的热点问题,它要追问的是当下的电子媒介时代文学会不会消亡的问题。中编为“观照文艺学学术史”,主要关注并深刻研究中国20世纪文艺学学术史、美学学术史等前沿问题。下编为“美学的沉思”,这实际上是百年美学学术史的缩写,是在总结以往美学研究的历史经验和教训的基础上,提出价值美学的构想。
  • 博尔吉亚家族

