

They are not by the dozen, as every one knows, and especially in the duties of marriage, for that is a bargain full of so many nice circumstances that 'tis hard a woman's will should long endure such a restraint; men, though their condition be something better under that tie, have yet enough to do. The true touch and test of a happy marriage have respect to the time of the companionship, if it has been constantly gentle, loyal, and agreeable. In our age, women commonly reserve the publication of their good offices, and their vehement affection towards their husbands, until they have lost them, or at least, till then defer the testimonies of their good will; a too slow testimony and unseasonable. By it they rather manifest that they never loved them till dead: their life is nothing but trouble; their death full of love and courtesy. As fathers conceal their affection from their children, women, likewise, conceal theirs from their husbands, to maintain a modest respect. This mystery is not for my palate; 'tis to much purpose that they scratch themselves and tear their hair. I whisper in a waiting-woman's or secretary's ear: " How were they, how did they live together?"

I always have that good saying m my head:

"Jactantius moerent, quae minus dolent."

["They make the most ado who are least concerned." (Or:)

"They mourn the more ostentatiously, the less they grieve."--Tacitus, Annal., ii. 77, writing of Germanicus.]

Their whimpering is offensive to the living and vain to the dead. We should willingly give them leave to laugh after we are dead, provided they will smile upon us whilst we are alive. Is it not enough to make a man revive in pure spite, that she, who spat in my face whilst I was in being, shall come to kiss my feet when I am no more? If there be any honour in lamenting a husband, it only appertains to those who smiled upon them whilst they had them; let those who wept during their lives laugh at their deaths, as well outwardly as within. Therefore, never regard those blubbered eyes and that pitiful voice; consider her deportment, her complexion, the plumpness of her cheeks under all those formal veils; 'tis there she talks plain French. There are few who do not mend upon't, and health is a quality that cannot lie. That starched and ceremonious countenance looks not so much back as forward, and is rather intended to get a new husband than to lament the old. When I was a boy, a very beautiful and virtuous lady, who is yet living, the widow of a prince, wore somewhat more ornament in her dress than our laws of widowhood allow, and being reproached with it, she made answer that it was because she was resolved to have no more love affairs, and would never marry again.

I have here, not at all dissenting from our customs, made choice of three women, who have also expressed the utmost of their goodness and affection about their husbands' deaths; yet are they examples of another kind than are now m use, and so austere that they will hardly be drawn into imitation.

The younger Pliny' had near a house of his in Italy a neighbour who was exceedingly tormented with certain ulcers in his private parts. His wife seeing him so long to languish, entreated that he would give her leave to see and at leisure to consider of the condition of his disease, and that she would freely tell him what she thought. This permission being obtained, and she having curiously examined the business, found it impossible he could ever be cured, and that all he had to hope for or expect was a great while to linger out a painful and miserable life, and therefore, as the most sure and sovereign remedy, resolutely advised him to kill himself. But finding him a little tender and backward in so rude an attempt: "Do not think, my friend," said she, "that the torments I see thee endure are not as sensible to me as to thyself, and that to deliver myself from them, I will not myself make use of the same remedy I have prescribed to thee. I will accompany thee in the cure as I have done in the disease; fear nothing, but believe that we shall have pleasure in this passage that is to free us from so many miseries, and we will go happily together." Which having said, and roused up her husband's courage, she resolved that they should throw themselves headlong into the sea out of a window that overlooked it, and that she might maintain to the last the loyal and vehement affection wherewith she had embraced him during his life, she would also have him die in her arms; but lest they should fail, and should quit their hold in the fall through fear, she tied herself fast to him by the waist, and so gave up her own life to procure her husband's repose. This was a woman of mean condition; and, amongst that class of people, 'tis no very new thing to see some examples of rare virtue:

"Extrema per illos Justitia excedens terris vestigia fecit."

["Justice, when she left the earth, took her last steps among them." --Virgil, Georg., ii. 473.]

The other two were noble and rich, where examples of virtue are rarely lodged.

  • 吴郡图经续记


  • 仁王经疏


  • 拙轩词话


  • Cap'n Warren's Wards

    Cap'n Warren's Wards

  • Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine

    Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine

  • 高岭之花


  • 我就是大虾


  • 坏茶


  • 著名财富家成才故事(世界名人成才故事)


  • 圣墓寻踪


  • 哈佛心理素质课:哈佛学子献给孩子最好的礼物(权威版)


  • 千年圣地:孔府孔庙孔林(文化之美)


  • 冷皇霸爱:极品召唤妻


  • 若你安好


  • 地理探谜


    本套书全面而系统地介绍了当今世界各种各样的难解之谜和科学技术, 集知识性、趣味性、新奇性、疑问性与科普性于一体, 深入浅出, 生动可读, 通俗易懂,目的是使广大读者在兴味盎然地领略世界难解之谜和科学技术的同时, 能够加深思考, 启迪智慧, 开阔视野,增加知识, 能够正确了解和认识这个世界, 激发求知的欲望和探索的精神, 激起热爱科学和追求科学的热情,不断掌握开启人类世界的金钥匙, 不断推动人类社会向前发展, 使我们真正成为人类社会的主人。