

Dixwell. Forgiveness! Oh, forgiveness, and a grave! Mary . God knows thy heart, my father! and I shudder To think what thou perchance hast acted. Dixwell . Oh! Mary . No common load of woe is thine, my father. ELLIOT'S Kerhonah . Mary still hovered between life and death when Jem arrived at the house where she lay; and the doctors were as yet unwilling to compromise their wisdom by allowing too much hope to be entertained. But the state of things, if not less anxious, was less distressing than when Jem had quitted her.

She lay now in a stupor, which was partly disease, and partly exhaustion after the previous excitement. And now Jem found the difficulty which every one who has watched by a sick bed knows full well; and which is perhaps more insurmountable to men than it is to women,--the difficulty of being patient, and trying not to expect any visible change for long, long hours of sad monotony. But after awhile the reward came. The laboured breathing became lower and softer, the heavy look of oppressive pain melted away from the face, and a languor that was almost peace took the place of suffering. She slept a natural sleep; and they stole about on tip-toe, and spoke low, and softly, and hardly dared to breathe, however much they longed to sigh out their thankful relief. She opened her eyes. Her mind was in the tender state of a lately-born infant's. She was pleased with the gay but not dazzling colours of the paper; soothed by the subdued light; and quite sufficiently amused by looking at all the objects in the room--the drawing of the ships, the festoons of the curtain, the bright flowers on the painted backs of the chairs--to care for any stronger excitement. She wondered at the ball of glass, containing various-coloured sands from the Isle of Wight, or some other place, which hung suspended from the middle of the little valance over the window. But she did not care to exert herself to ask any questions, although she saw Mrs Sturgis standing at the bedside with some tea, ready to drop it into her mouth by spoonfuls. She did not see the face of honest joy, of earnest thankfulness,--the clasped hands,--the beaming eyes,--the trembling eagerness of gesture, of one who hadlong awaited her wakening, and who now stood behind the curtains watching through some little chink her every faint motion; or if she had caught a glimpse of that loving, peeping face, she was in too exhausted a state to have taken much notice, or have long retained the impression that he she loved so well was hanging about her, and blessing God for every conscious look which stole over her countenance. She fell softly into slumber, without a word having been spoken by any one during that half hour of inexpressible joy. And again the stillness was enforced by sign and whispered word, but with eyes that beamed out their bright thoughts of hope. Jem sat by the side of the bed, holding back the little curtain, and gazing as if he could never gaze his fill at the pale, wasted face, so marbled and so chiselled in its wan outline. She wakened once more; her soft eyes opened, and met his over-bending look.

She smiled gently, as a baby does when it sees its mother tending its little cot; and continued her innocent, infantine gaze into his face, as if the sight gave her much unconscious pleasure. But by and by a different expression came into her sweet eyes; a look of memory and intelligence; her white flesh flushed the brightest rosy red, and with feeble motion she tried to hide her head in the pillow. It required all Jem's self-control to do what he knew and felt to be necessary, to call Mrs Sturgis, who was quietly dozing by the fireside; and that done, he felt almost obliged to leave the room to keep down the happy agitation which would gush out in every feature, every gesture, and every tone. From that time forward, Mary's progress towards health was rapid. There was every reason, but one, in favour of her speedy removal home.

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    你是孩子的好朋友吗? 你的孩子喜欢跟你玩耍吗? 你是否知道,你,比任何玩具都让孩子喜欢? 孩子们真正需要的并不是智力玩具或者电动游戏,他们需要的是你!他 们喜欢和你在一起的快乐时光,他们需要被你了解、被你重视,需要和你建 立一生的亲密关系。用孩子喜欢的方式对孩子进行引导和教育。《孩子就吃你这套》结合现 代孩子的心理特点,针对父母最关心的问题。用生动形象的语言,教会父母 怎样和孩子成为朋友,怎样陪孩子玩耍,如何赞美孩子,如何改正孩子的缺 点等,让孩子从中感受到父母的爱,并乐于接受父母的教育。孩子喜欢吃哪一套,你就用哪一套来教育孩子! 《孩子就吃你这套》的作者是温旻盈。
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