

And now they contented themselves with a kind inquiry when they saw Mary in her goings-out or in her comings-in. With her oppressing knowledge, she imagined their reserved conduct stranger than it was in reality. She missed Job and Margaret too; who, in all former times of sorrow or anxiety since their acquaintance first began, had been ready with their sympathy. But most of all she missed the delicious luxury she had lately enjoyed in having Jem's tender love at hand every hour of the day, to ward off every wind of heaven, and every disturbing thought.She knew he was often hovering about the house; though the knowledge seemed to come more by intuition, than by any positive sight or sound for the first day or two. On the third, she met him at Job Legh's. They received her with every effort of cordiality; but still there was a cobweb-veil of separation between them, to which Mary was morbidly acute; while in Jem's voice, and eyes, and manner, there was every evidence of most passionate, most admiring, and most trusting love. The trust was shown by his respectful silence on that one point of reserve on which she had interdicted conversation. He left Job Legh's house when she did. They lingered on the step, he holding her hand between both of his, as loath to let her go; he questioned her as to when he should see her again. "Mother does so want to see you, whispered he. "Can you come to see her to-morrow; or when?" "I cannot tell," replied she softly. "Not yet. Wait awhile; perhaps only a little while. Dear Jem, I must go to him,--dearest Jem." The next day, the fourth from Mary's return home, as she was sitting near the window, sadly dreaming over some work, she caught a glimpse of the last person she wished to see--of Sally Leadbitter! She was evidently coming to their house; another moment, and she tapped at the door. John Barton gave an anxious, uneasy side-glance. Mary knew that if she delayed answering the knock, Sally would not scruple to enter; so as hastily as if the visit had been desired, she opened the door, and stood there with the latch in her hand, barring up all entrance, and as much as possible obstructing all curious glances into the interior. "Well, Mary Barton! You're home at last! I heard you'd getten home; so I thought I'd just step over and hear the news." She was bent on coming in, and saw Mary's preventive design. So she stood on tip-toe, looking over Mary's shoulders into the room where she suspected alover to be lurking; but instead, she saw only the figure of the stern gloomy father she had always been in the habit of avoiding; and she dropped down again, content to carry on the conversation where Mary chose, and as Mary chose, in whispers. "So the old governor is back again, eh? And what does he say to all your fine doings at Liverpool, and before?--you and I know where. You can t hide it now, Mary, for it's all in print."Mary gave a low moan,--and then implored Sally to change the subject; for unpleasant as it always was, it was doubly unpleasant in the manner in which she was treating it. If they had been alone Mary would have borne it patiently,--or so she thought, but now she felt almost certain, her father was listening; there was a subdued breathing, a slight bracing-up of the listless attitude. But there was no arresting Sally's curiosity to hear all she could respecting the adventures Mary had experienced. She, in common with the rest of Miss Simmonds' young ladies, was almost jealous of the fame that Mary had obtained; to herself, such miserable notoriety. " Nay! there's no use shunning talking it over. Why! it was in the Guardian,--and the Courier,--and some one told Jane Hodgson it was even copied into a London paper. You've set up heroine on your own account, Mary Barton.

How did you like standing witness? Ar'n't them lawyers impudent things? staring at one so. I'll be bound you wished you'd taken my offer, and borrowed my black watered scarf! Now didn't you, Mary? Speak truth!" "To tell truth, I never thought about it, then, Sally. How could I?" asked she, reproachfully. "Oh--I forgot. You were all for that stupid James Wilson. Well! if I've ever the luck to go witness on a trial, see if I don't pick up a better beau than the prisoner. I'll aim at a lawyer's clerk, but I'll not take less than a turnkey." Cast down as Mary was, she could hardly keep from smiling at the idea, so wildly incongruous with the scene she had really undergone, of looking out for admirers during a trial for murder. "I'd no thought to be looking out for beaux, I can assure you, Sally. But don't let us talk any more about it; I can't bear to think on it. How is Miss Simmonds? and everybody?" "Oh, very well; and by the way she gave me a bit of a message for you.

You may come back to work if you'll behave yourself, she says. I told you she'd be glad to have you back, after all this piece of business, by way of tempting people to come to her shop. They'd come from Salford to have a peep at you, for six months at least." "Don't talk so; I cannot come, I can never face Miss Simmonds again. And even if I could----" she stopped, and blushed. "Aye! I know what you are thinking on. But that will not be this some time, as he's turned off from the foundry, --you'd better think twice afore refusing Miss Simmonds' offer." "Turned off from the foundry? Jem!" cried Mary. "To be sure! didn't you know it? Decent men were not going to work with a----no! I suppose I mustn't say it, seeing you went to such a trouble to get up an alibi; not that I should think much the worse of a spirited young fellow for falling foul of a rival,--they always do at the theatre." But Mary's thoughts were with Jem. How good he had been never to name his dismissal to her. How much he had to endure for her sake! "Tell me all about it," she gasped out. "Why, you see, they've always swords quite handy at them plays," began Sally; but Mary, with an impatient shake of her head, interrupted, "About Jem,--about Jem, I want to know." "Oh! I don't pretend to know more than is in every one's mouth he's turned away from the foundry, because folks don't think you've cleared him outright of the murder; thou h perhaps the jury were loath to hang him. Old Mr Carson is savage against judge and jury, and lawyers and all, as I heard." "I must go to him, I must go to him," repeated Mary, in a hurried manner. "He'll tell you all I've said is true, and not a word of lie," replied Sally. "So I'll not give your answer to Miss Simmonds, but leave you to think twice aboutit. Good afternoon!" Mary shut the door, and turned into the house. Her father sat in the same attitude; the old unchanging attitude. Only his head was more bowed towards the ground. She put on her bonnet to go to Ancoats; for see, and question, and comfort, and worship Jem, she must. As she hung about her father for an instant before leaving him, he spoke--voluntarily spoke for the first time since her return; but his head was drooping so low she could not hear what he said, so she stooped down; and after a moment's pause, he repeated the words, "Tell Jem Wilson to come here at eight o'clock to-night." Could he have overheard her conversation with Sally Leadbitter? They had whispered low, she thought. Pondering on this, and many other things, she reached Ancoats.

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  • The Man Who Knew Too Much

    The Man Who Knew Too Much

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  • 忍者行路


  • 花好月圆


    刘雪英第一次看到吴佩云燃烟,是在她来深圳快一个月的时候。 那时候天已经有些秋凉了,再是南方,也有萧飒的气息,每条路上凭空添了许多枯败的树叶,冷风吹得人寒沥沥的。姑妈仍旧要刘雪英插一盏灭蚊器,还是强调有小咬,冷不丁会扎一下她的老皮老肉,疼痒几天。刘雪英这一个月来一直打地铺,卧在姑妈大床的下侧。吴佩云家很大,几年前换的两层的复式楼,让刘雪英兀一进门有一种惶惑感。楼上一间住着于秀、钱芳姐俩,另一间房奇奇住着,大卧室是佩云、景文两口子,楼下稍小的一间给了住家保姆陈姐,大的客房住的是姑妈。
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  • 娃哈哈攻略


    1.娃哈哈宗旨:娃哈哈 健康你我他 欢乐千万家2.娃哈哈精神:励精图治 艰苦奋斗 勇于开拓 自强不息3.娃哈哈经营哲学:凝聚小家 发展大家 报效国家4.娃哈哈座右铭:先将诚信施于人 才能取信于人5.娃哈哈工作要求:认真 严格 主动 高效6.娃哈哈行为准则:忠诚 创新 负责 亲情7.娃哈哈工作作风:拉得出 打得响 过得硬8.娃哈哈人才观:唯德唯才 有用即才 人皆为才9.娃哈哈团队意识:道相同 心相通 力相聚 情相融10.娃哈哈核心价值观:敬业爱岗 能上能下 崇尚科学 精益求精
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