

But a friend's advice is only thus powerful, when it puts into language the secret oracle of our souls. It was the whisperings of her womanly nature that caused her to shrink from any unmaidenly action, not Margaret's counsel. All this time, this ten days or so, of Will's visit to Manchester, there was something going on which interested Mary even now, and which, in former times, would have exceedingly amused and excited her. She saw as clearly as if told in words, that the merry, random, boisterous sailor had fallen deeply in love with the quiet, prim, somewhat plain Margaret: she doubted if Margaret was aware of it, and yet, as she watched more closely, she began to think some instinct made the blind girl feel whose eyes were so often fixed upon her pale face; that some inner feeling made the delicate and becoming rose-flush steal over her countenance. She did not speak so decidedly as before; there was a hesitation ill her manner, that seemed to make her very attractive; as if something softer, more loveable than excellent sense, were coming in as a motive for speech; her eyes had always been soft, and were in no ways disfigured by her blindness, and now seemed to have a new charm, as they quivered under their white downcast lids.

She must be conscious, thought Mary--heart answering to heart. Will's love had no blushings, no downcast eyes, no weighing of words; it was as open and undisguised as his nature; yet he seemed afraid of the answer its acknowledgment might meet with. It was Margaret's angelic voice that had entranced him, and which made him think of her as a being of some other sphere, that he feared to woo. So he tried to propitiate Job in all manner of ways. He went over to Liverpool to rummage in his great sea-chest for the flying-fish (no very odorous resent, by the way). He hesitated over a child's caul for some time, which was, in his eyes, a far greater treasure than any Exocetus. What use could it be of to a landsman? Then Margaret's voice rang in his ears: and he determined to sacrifice it, his most precious possession, to one whom she loved as she did her grandfather. It was rather a relief to him, when having put it and the flying-fish together in a brown paper parcel, and sat upon them for security all the way in the railroad, he found that Job was so indifferent to the precious caul, that he might easily claim it again. He hung about Margaret, till he had received many warnings and reproaches from his conscience in behalf of his dear aunt Alice's claims upon his time. He went away, and then he bethought him of some other little word with Job. And he turned back, and stood talking once more in Margaret's presence, door in hand, only waiting for some little speech of encouragement to come in and sit down again. But as the invitation was not given, he was forced to leave at last, and go and do his duty. Four days had Jem Wilson watched for Mr. Harry Carson without success; his hours of going and returning to his home were so irregular, owing to the meetings and consultations among the masters, which were rendered necessary by the turn-out. On the fifth, without any purpose on Jem's part, they met. It was the workman's dinner hour, the interval between twelve and one; when the streets of Manchester are comparatively quiet, for a few shopping ladies, and lounging gentlemen, count for nothing in that busy, bustling, living place. Jem had been on an errand for his master, instead of returning to his dinner; and in passing along a lane, a road (called, in compliment to the intentions of some future builder, a street), he encountered Harry Carson, the only person, as far as he saw, beside himself, treading the unfrequented path. Along one side ran a high broad fence, blackened over by coal-tar, and spiked and stuck with pointed nails at the top, to prevent any one from climbing over into the garden beyond. By this fence was the footpath. The carriage-road was such as no carriage, no, not even a cart, could possibly have passed along, without Hercules to assist in lifting it out of the deep clay ruts. On the other side of the way was a dead brick wall; and a field after that, where there was a sawpit, and joiner's shed. Jem's heart beat violently, when he saw the gay, handsome young man approaching, with a light buoyant step. This, then, was he whom Mary loved. It was, perhaps, no wonder; for he seemed to the poor smith so elegant, so well appointed, that he felt the superiority in externals, strangely and painfully, for an instant. Then something uprose within him, and told him, that "a man's a man for a' that, for a' that, and twice as much as a' that." And be no longer felt troubled by the outward appearance of his rival. Harry Carson came on, lightly bounding over the dirty places with almost a lad's buoyancy. To his surprise the dark, sturdy-looking artisan stopped him, by saying respectfully, "May I speak a word wi' you, sir?" "Certain, my good man," looking his astonishment; then finding that the promised speech did not come very quickly, he added, "But make haste, for I'm in a hurry." Jem had cast about for some less abrupt way of broaching the subject uppermost in his mind than he now found himself obliged to use. With a husky voice that trembled as he spoke, he said, "I think, sir, yo're keeping company wi' a young woman called Mary Barton A light broke in upon Henry Carson's mind, and he paused before he gave the answer for which the other waited. Could this man be a lover of Mary's? And (strange stinging thought) could be be beloved by her, and so have caused her obstinate rejection of himself?

  • 明伦汇编皇极典僭号部


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  • 笙歌未决


    你说千古一帝,一世娇宠。 于是,我褪去红妆,战甲裹身。 我替你争,为你谋划,可,我从来都不知道,原来一切都是我一厢情愿。 一腔心血,终究付之东流。长生殿上,毒酒穿喉,灰飞烟灭。 我笑我傻我天真,踏万骨,渡黄泉,齐算前世今生仇。“阿璇,若有来生,你能不要拒绝我吗?”男人浑身都是鲜血,靠在女人怀里,伸手触摸着女人的脸颊。“好。”女人颤抖着手从怀中掏出一块石头,执起男人的手,两人一同向石头注入一滴精血。“阿渊,所以,不要离开我好不好。”石头散发出红光,两人的名字一同显现在上。男人眼中划过留恋,然后手无力垂下。“阿渊,阿渊。”某日,某男把某女堵在墙角。“听说,你跟那个谁定下三生情缘?”某女眼神闪躲,“那不是都没成吗?”“呵,我辛辛苦苦把你救回来,你还要让我看你们你侬我侬的画面。”“我保证,以后,我不会再多看他一眼,也不跟他说话。”某女举手发誓,满眼都是认真。“阿璇。”正在这时,门外传来某个话题中人的声音。 【此书首发起点,作者的文笔很幼稚,逻辑混乱,但是若是有缘看到这本书的人,可以给个收藏,给张票票不?让我知道有人在看书就好了。】
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    所谓和平,不过是战争与战争之间的短暂的中场休息。辉煌的群星照耀阿伦西亚。谁才是这片天空真正的主帝? 大陆历596年,“卡德莱特平原之会战”以卡奥斯帝国的全面胜利而告终,索菲亚王国自国主诺兰德六世以下,全军覆没,仅杰克·佛利特将军一人生还。覆巢之下,焉有完卵。自死神指间侥幸逃生的王太子阿斯尔和利奥特大公爵之子莱因斯成为索菲亚复国的最后希望……而当人类互相残杀时,兽人正在海峡的别一边窥视着……