

'I daresay not; but I saw him shake hands with you. And so Lily Dale has come to town.'

'Yes--Miss Dale is here with her uncle.'

'And you are going away tomorrow?'

'Yes--and I am going away tomorrow.'

After that there was a pause in the conversation. Eames was sick of it, and was very anxious to change the conversation. Miss Demolines was sitting in the shadow, away from the light, with her face half hidden by her hands. At last she jumped up, and came round and stood opposite to him. 'I charge you to tell me truly, John Eames,' she said, 'whether Miss Lilian Dale is engaged to you as your future wife?' He looked up in to her face, but made no immediate answer. Then she repeated her demand.

'I ask you whether you are engaged to marry Miss Lilian Dale, and Iexpect a reply.'

'What makes you ask me such a question as that?'

'What makes me ask you? Do you deny my right to feel so much interest in you as to desire to know whether you are about to married? Of course you can decline to tell me if you choose.'

'And if I were to decline?'

'I should know then that it was true, and I should think you were a coward.'

'I don't see any cowardice in the matter. One does not talk about that kind of thing to everybody.'

'Upon my word, Mr Eames, you are complimentary;--indeed you are. To everybody! I am everybody--am I? That is your idea of--friendship! You may be sure that after that I shall ask no further questions.'

'I didn't mean it the way you have taken it, Madalina.'

'In what way did you mean it, sir? Everybody! Mr Eames, you must excuse me if I say that I am not well enough this evening to bear the company of--everybody. I think you had better leave me. I think that you had better go.'

'Are you angry with me?'

'Yes, I am--very angry. Because I have condescended to feel an interest in your welfare, and have asked you a question which I thought that our intimacy justified, you tell me that that is a kind of thing that you will not talk about to--everybody. I beg you to understand that I will not be your everybody. Mr Eames, there is the door.'

Things had now become very serious. Hitherto Johnny had been seated comfortably in the corner of a sofa, and had not found himself bound to move, though Miss Demolines was standing before him. But now it was absolutely necessary that he should do something. He must either go, or else he must make entreaty to be allowed to remain. Would it not be expedient that he should take the lady at her word and escape? She was still pointing to the door, and the way was open to him. If he were to walk out now of course he would never return, and there would be the end of the Bayswater romance. If he remained it might be that the romance would become troublesome. He got up from his seat, and had almost resolved that he would go. Had she not somewhat relaxed the majesty of her anger as he rose, had the fire of her eye not been somewhat quenched and the lines of her mouth softened, I think that he would have gone.

The romance would have been over, and he would have felt it had come to an inglorious end; but it would have been well for him that he should have gone. Though the fire was somewhat quenched and the lines were somewhat softened, she was still pointing at the door.

'Do you mean it?' he said.

'I do mean it--certainly.'

'And this is to be the end of everything?'

'I do not know what you mean by everything. It is a very little everything to you, I should say. I do not quite understand your everything and your everybody.'

'I will go if you wish me to go of course.'

'I do wish it.'

'But before I go, you must permit me to excuse myself. I did not intend to offend you. I merely meant--'

'You merely meant! Give me an honest answer to a downright question.

Are you engaged to Miss Lilian Dale?'

'No;--I am not.'

'Upon your honour?'

'Do you think that I would tell you a falsehood about it? What I meant was that it is a kind of thing that one doesn't like talking about, merely because stories are bandied about. People are so fond of saying that this man is engaged to that woman, and of making up tales; and it seems so foolish to contradict such things.'

'But you know that you used to be very fond of her.'

He had taken up his hat when he had risen from the sofa, and was still standing with it ready in his hand. He was even now half-minded to escape; and the name of Lily Dale in Miss Demoline's mouth was so distasteful to him that he would have done so--he would have gone in sheer disgust, had she not stood in his way, so that he could not escape without moving her, or going round behind the sofa. She did not stir to make way for him, and it may be that she understood that he was her prisoner, in spite of her late command to him to go. It may be, also, that she understood his vexation and the cause of it, and that she saw the expediency of leaving Lily Dale alone for the present. At any rate, she pressed him no more upon the matter. 'Are we to be friends again?' she said.

'I hope so,' said Johnny.

'There is my hand, then.' So Johnny took her hand and pressed it, and held it for a little while--just long enough to seem to give a meaning to the action. 'You will get to understand me some day,' she said, 'and will learn that I do not like to be reckoned among the everybodies by those for whom I really--really--really have a regard. When I am angry, I am angry.'

'You were very angry just now, when you showed me the way to the door.'

'And I meant it too--for the minute. Only think--supposing you had gone! We should never have seen each other again;--never, never! What a change one word may make!'

'One word often does make a change.'

'Does it not? Just a little "yes" or "no". A "no" is said when a "yes"is meant, and then there comes no second chance, and what a change that may be from bright hopes to desolation! Or, worse again, a "yes" is said when a "no" should be said--when the speaker knows that it should be "no". What a difference that "no" makes! When one thinks of it, one wonders that a woman should ever say anything but "no".'

'They never did say anything else to me,' said Johnny.

'I don't believe it. I daresay the truth is, you never asked anybody.'

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  • 石霜尔瞻尊禅师语录


  • Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz

    Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz

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  • 狂妃嫁到:腹黑王爷,走着瞧


  • 穿越时空之枫叶情


  • 双重陷阱


  • 蓬莱武道


  • 韦庄逆天行


  • 兄妹契约:校草你别拽


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  • 天使路过


  • 因为爱(中国好小说)

