

Major Grantly made an early start, knowing that he had a long day's work before him. He had written over-night to Mr Toogood, naming the hour at which he would reach 'The Dragon', and was there punctual to the moment.

When the attorney came out and got into the open carriage, while the groom held the steps for him, it was plain to see that the respect in which he was held at 'The Dragon' was greatly increased. It was already known that he was going to Plumstead that night, and it was partly understood that he was engaged with the Grantly and Arabin faction in defending Mr Crawley the clergyman against the Proudie faction. Dan Stringer, who was still at the inn, as he saw his enemy get into the Plumstead carriage, felt himself to be one of the palace party, and felt that if Mrs Proudie had only lived till after the assizes all this heavy trouble would not have befallen him. The waiter with the dirty napkin stood at the door and bowed, thinking perhaps that as the Proudie party was going down in Barchester, it might be as well to be civil to Mr Toogood. The days of the Stringers were probably drawing to a close at the 'The Dragon of Wantly', and there was no knowing who might be the new landlord.

Henry Grantly and the lawyer found very little to say to each other on their long way out to Hogglestock. They were thinking, probably, much of the coming interview, and hardly knew how to express their thoughts to each other. 'I will not take the carriage up to the house,' said the major, as there were entering the parish of Hogglestock; 'particularly as the man must feed the horses.' So they got out of a farmhouse about half a mile from the church, where the offence of the carriage and the livery-servant would be well out of Mr Crawley's sight, and from thence walked towards the parsonage. The church, and the school close to it, lay on their way, and as they passed by the school door they heard voices within. 'I'll bet twopence he's there,' said Toogood. 'They tell me he's always either in one shop or the other. I'll slip in and bring him out.' Mr Toogood had assumed a comfortable air, as though the day's work was to be good pastime, and even made occasional attempts at drollery. He had had his jokes about Dan Stringer, and had attempted to describe the absurdities of Mr Crawley's visit to Bedford Row. All this would have angered the major, had he not seen that it was assumed to cover something below of which Mr Toogood was a little ashamed, but of which, as the major thought, Mr Toogood had no cause to be ashamed.

When, therefore, Toogood proposed to go into the school and bring Mr Crawley out, as though the telling of their story would be the easiest thing in the world, the major did not stop him. Indeed he had no plan of his own ready. His mind was too intent on the tragedy which had occurred, and which was now to be brought to a close, to enable him to form any plan as to the best way of getting up the last scene. So Mr Toogood, with quick and easy steps, entered the school, leaving the major still standing in the road. Mr Crawley was in the school--as also was Jane Crawley. 'So here you are,' said Toogood. 'That's fortunate. Ihope I find you pretty well?'

'If I am not mistaken in the identity, my wife's relative, Mr Toogood?' said Mr Crawley, stepping down from his humble desk.

'Just so, my friend,' said Toogood, with his hand extended, 'just so;and there's another gentleman outside who wants to have a word with you.

Perhaps you won't mind stepping out. These are the young Hogglestockians; are they?'

The young Hogglestockians stared at him, and so did Jane. Jane, who had before heard of him, did not like him at first sight, seeing that her father was clearly displeased by the tone of the visitor's address. Mr Crawley was displeased. There was a familiarity about Mr Toogood which made him sore, as having been exhibited before his pupils. 'If you will be pleased to step out, sir, I will follow you,' he said, waving his hand towards the door. 'Jane, my dear, if you will remain with the children I will return to you presently. Bobby Studge has failed in saying his Belief. You had better set him on again from the beginning.

Now, Mr Toogood.' And again he waved his hand towards the door.

'So that's my young cousin, is it?' said Toogood, stretching over and just managing to touch Jane's fingers--of which act of touching Jane was very chary. Then he went forth, and Mr Crawley followed him. There was the major standing in the road and Toogood was anxious to be the first to communicate the good news. It was the only reward he had proposed to himself for the money he had expended and the time he had lost and the trouble he had taken. 'It's all right, old fellow,' he said, clapping his hand on Mr Crawley's shoulder. 'We've got the right sow by the ear at last. We know all about it.' Mr Crawley could hardly remember the time when he had been called an old fellow last, and now he did not like it; nor, in the confusion of his mind, could he understand the allusion to the right sow. He supposed that Toogood had come to him about his trial, but it did not occur to him that the lawyer might be bringing him news which might make the trial altogether unnecessary. 'If my eyes are not mistaken, there is my friend, Major Grantly,' said Mr Crawley.

'There he is, as large as life,' said Toogood. 'But stop a moment before you go to him, and give me your hand. I must have the first shake of it.' Hereupon Crawley extended his hand. 'That's right. And now let me tell you we know all about the cheque--Soames's cheque. We know where you got it. We know who stole it. We know how it came to the person who gave it to you. It's all very well talking, but when you're in trouble always go to a lawyer.'

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  • 庸闲斋笔记


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  • 放飞心灵的风筝


  • 魔装机神——卡牌联盟


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  • 倾城嫡女惑君心


  • 冷历史


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  • 一切都从收徒九叔开始


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