

Therefore, it is only natural that the medical remedies we employ to restore the organism, when afflicted with disease, should group themselves into similar correspondences, and so, in a general sense, we find them; for we note that the brain, the circulation, the lungs, and the stomach, are the four chief citadels of the body; the heart, of course, representing the center of circulation.And this also explains, further, if that were necessary, why the principal remedies of the homeopathic system are so speedy and direct in their action.The four principal drugs, which stand as representatives of their class, are aconite, belladonna, phosphorus, and pulsatilla.Theserepresent the quadrant, for light is not more nicely adjusted to the eye, nor sound to the ear, than aconite to the circulation, belladonna to the brain, phosphorus to the lungs, and pulsatilla to the stomach; while ramifying in the seven directions indicated by the seven primary planets, we find stimulants, tonics, narcotics, nervines, alteratives, cathartics and diuretics, as the natural material correspondences thereof.

That we assign phosphorus to the lungs may appear startling to the orthodox student, especially when, he calls to mind the fact that phosphorus has long been recognized in medical science as a brain food and medicine.Anticipating such mental questions, we reply that in medicine, from the alchemical view, we are occupying a wholly different standpoint; i.e., the power of controlling the functional action of the body, in this view of the case, and the fact that, the lungs and the brain are in the most perfect affinity, there will remain no mystery upon the subject.

The Alchemy of stones and gems attracts our next attention.Affinites and antipathies to the human constitution, are to be found in these crystallized representatives of the subtle, invisible influences emanating from our planetary system.They are the mediums for the transmission of corresponding attributes and influences of existing powers and potencies, and if carried or worn upon the person, they will bring the person in direct rapport with the invisible forces within the universal system.

Here again Hahnemann's scientific philosophy would prove effectual, that "Similia similibus curantur." Would the fiery influence of a topaz attract much from the realms of a chrysolite? Or, the crystallized, airy forces of a sapphire be a suitable medium for the earthly forces of a jasper? Gems and stones are dead or living realities.They live, slumber and die, and have their potent existence as do the organic forms of matter.They are, usually, imbued with the vivifying spark of Divinity, and shine forth and exert their influence through the magical powers attracted to them from the forces of Nature.A real, living entity abides within them that can be seen by the clairvoyant vision, and to the trained student in Occult lore, this entity can be made to become an obedient servant, giving warning of the approach of danger, impressions of men and things, and warding off discordant influences surrounding us; or that, which we may contact fromthe magnetic and personal environments in our relations in the social world; or that which may be projected to us from the invisible realms of life.

Think you the pryamids would be intact to-day, if the stones from which they were built had been promiscuously selected? They were chosen by Adepts in the knowledge of the Laws of Correspondence and antipathy and affinity.The sphinx also stand as monuments to the heights of wisdom that man can attain.

Metals also can be followed out on the same lines as the gems and stones.

Much as we would like to continue, we are compelled to bring this discourse to a close, even though in doing so we must of necessity omit much of vital interest to the student.We will, therefore, only add that the seven basic metals stand as the crystallized representatives of their respective groups: Gold for the Sun, Silver for the Moon, Tin for Jupiter, Copper for Venus, Quicksilver for Mercury and Lead for Saturn.Each finds it own sphere of action within the temporary abiding place of the human soul on earth--the physical body.So, likewise, the twelve constellations and their corresponding talismanic gems, representing in their glittering array the anatomical Zodiac of the human frame, and typifying the spiritual quality of the atoms, there congregated, in every degree of life.These, and a thousand other mysteries, had we the time, might be unfolded to the student's view with considerable advantage, but we are compelled to refrain.The philosopher's stone is near at hand.Seek it not in remote spheres or distant parts of the earth, for it is ever around you and within, and becomes the golden key of true wisdom, which prepares the soul for its higher life and brighter destiny.It is the still, small voice of the awakened soul, that purges the conscience from suffering, and the spiritual body from earthy dross.It is that, which treasures not the corrupting, delusive wealth of Earth, nor the transient powers of mammon, but garners the fruits which spring from the pure life, and treasures the jewels of heaven.Vainly will you seek for this stone of the wise philosopher amid the turmoils, sufferings, and selfishness of life, unless you accept your mission upon earth as a duty, delegated to the soul, fromHeaven.Eschew the evil thereof, and hold fast that which is good.To do this, means to expand with the inward truth and become one of the "pure in heart," in which blessed state, the magical white stone, conveying A NEW NAME, reveals the living angel within, to the outward man.Then, and then alone, doth he know the Adonai.

Such are the Divine, spiritual principles upon which the higher Alchemy of life is based.They seek only to establish a Divine, conscious at-one-ment between the angel, the man, and the universe, and to this end, we conclude with the words of the immortal Paracelsus:

"To grasp these invisible elements, to attract them by their material correspondences, to control, purify, and transmute them by the ever- moving powers of the living spirit, THIS IS TRUE ALCHEMY."

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